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Posted: February 11th, 2005, 2:28 am
by Invisible
PATDIESEL wrote: For those, if any, I don't care, who are interested in knowing more then I'll have some details up soon.
I hate to sound mean, but if you don't like to price sorry, that is what it will stay at.
If you "don't care" who is interested, why are you getting so upset about this? This board is all about opinions and idea's and believe it or not, criticism, sometimes positive, sometimes negative. If you feel its the right price, then thats the price, don't get all bent out of shape m8. Lights look good btw, gotta keep it unique 8)

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 2:59 am
by Mnemonic
I dont think the price is unreasonable at all, and if you know pat you must relise he isnt really being mean just straight forward (hard to tell when your typing).

I do understand why people are going a lil crazy about the price, but i then look at it like this, no one is building projectors for the mx3, no one will unless we get really lucky. You have to look at it like this though, its 1 guy building them, they are the 1st of its kind for our car which, like he said he will probably only do about 10 sets.

These are for the true enthusiasts, And ill be getting a set made when i get my tax return for the same price you guys are getting them for.

Great Job again Pat


Posted: February 11th, 2005, 8:53 am
Yeah guys I'm not upset at anyone. Just replying to posts. I want you to know that these are not going to be for everyone and that I truely don't care if anyone buys them. Just that they are available if you want some. I can appreciate that most people think these are expensive. Most of you are young and probably don't make much and so you want a quality product that isn't going to take up alot of the money in your car budget. I can certainly understand that. It has taken me several years to be a ble to afford more of a budget for my car and I remember what it was like to not have much money, but a real drive to make my car bad-a--. I also did alot of thinking last night to try and find a way to make these more accessable and hope that I find a way. This isn't a money making venture for me I just want to help other MXers out with something that most have wanted for a long time. I know I've wanted some since the first projector headlamp I ever saw. I think that I might have a way to make more which will give a larger share of cost and will bring the price down. Like I said earlier I will set the price mathmatically so let me talk with a few of the MOCA members and hopefully the price will drop alittle and then more of you can get a set. I appreciate all the props and hope that you guys don't get offended. I have a hard time not be direct and dry so please don't feel that I'm being pissy.

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 9:00 am
by ccreech
Mr. Spanky...etc.,
Mazda is a slightly larger organization than PAT's Basement. They Have assembly lines to knock stuff out fast after the initial design. AND the key diferance is that they are in business to make money. Pat is not looking to do this. He started this project for HIS car because HE wanted projectors...not to make money. I honestly don't think he will get his money back out of this project anyway (I don't think he does either) because I don't anticipate but maybe one or two people actually going through the "hastle" of having to do some work themselves. I'm sure that lots of people want projectors. If the price was $200 and all you had to do was plug em in everyone would have a set and they would no longer be different or original. Please don't be upset with or critical of PAT and J-dog. If the price is too much for you, then its too much. Please don't dump on their hard work and excitement at a finished set of custom proectors.

ps. Mr. Spanky, just to open your eyes, when is the last time you bought anything cheap from Mazda?

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 1:21 pm
by ratkon
If Mazda was selling these light's they would cost at least $500.00,if not more.They look great,wtg guy's.

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 1:40 pm
by 93SOHC
Okay, heres my 2 cent: The lights are freakin sweet. A builders kit is a great idea to keep the costs down. the only way the price would become affordable to people on a budget is if you were to mass produce them, which would have been done years ago if there was enough demand for them in the aftermarket. Great job guys and if I wasn't saving for the bp right now I'd be the first to order a set....oh wait I think that was like 3 cents :o

p.s. to everyone that thinks they are over priced: If we ever want mass produced projectors for the mx3, we're gonna have to get all 8000 members of this site to request them, in which case all our cars would look the same, which would be like the hondas we all have fun ripping on...

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 2:37 pm
by mrspanky79
hey I was only giving and example and some randome numbers who know it might cost them way more to do R&R. And i think he did a good job just trying to opean his eyes on the prising lets face it your not buying a light unit your just buying a fiberglass insert thats all.
Heres another example for you its like me throwing a bunch of cut pipes in a box with instuction on how to biuld a turbo kit and selling it for $2000 besause thats what it cost me to build it and the time i put into it and there is no other kit out there for the mx3.

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 3:04 pm
by ccreech
Right on 93SOHC! That is what I am screaming I am glad that not too many people will have em so that we don't end up like the honda boys. I was thinking it but didn't want to say it!!!!

I see your point Mr. Spanky, But if nobody buys "the $2000 dollar turbo kit you developed for your ride" (in theory), you still have a bad a-- turbo system right? I guess that I don't think that Pat and J-dog should bend over backwards to do these in their spare time and not be compensated healthily. I would feel like I was taking advantage of them if I didn't pay him big bucks for THEIR design and THEIR work. But that is just how I feel having seen all that they did.

I think I might have thrown in an extra penny's worth too.

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 3:56 pm
by mxmaz
Seems like a lot more work then doing civic headlights, for double the price. If you really want to "give back to the mx3 community" why not cut down on your profits and make it more affordable? After all, you're not in it for profits anyway cause you say you dont care if you sell any at all. Thats just my opinion though.

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 4:39 pm
by Mnemonic
you know what it really boils down to, and i think ive wanted to say this for awhile, there is a large group of people on this forum who still think the mx3 is a honda civic, they think that if you can buy projector headlights for 170 dollars for a civic well then you should be able to buy them for the same price for an mx3. Except this group fells to understand, only a few companies care about our cars that much. Hell look at the 3rd gen Rx7 the basic cost for a set of projectors are $850. and they dont just bolt in (i know my roomate owns an FD and he had to take them to a shop to have it done and it cost him another 250 so really to get a set would be 1100 dollars.

If patrick built the entire projectors would you be willing to pay him 1100 dollars per set so you could bolt them right in and go? I dont think anyone would.

And like he said these arnt gonna be for everyone, go the cheap route if you want and modify the civic headlights, i did for temporary use till pat got the projectors finished. But guess what those Civic projectors that you get for 120-200 arnt 90mm highs and lows, and its alot more work to get lighting to aim right so that part of your beam isnt hitting your bumper.

And Patrick wont be making a profit off of these, i think most everyone is forgetting how long it will take to make a set considering he is doing it in his off time.

lets say it takes him a grand total of oh ill shoot lowwer than what it will actually take lets say 4 hours, now Traffic jamz here in GA charges i think anywhere from 50-65 dollars an hour for labor cost, so ill go the cheap route again and say 4x50 200 dollars(not including the cost of materials)
so if 10 people order a set it will take him 40 hours and he will of made 2k dollars. he's still loosing money cost you have added in the cost of materials to make these, which im not sure of the actual cost of what it took him to make after the mold is made but considering it took me 20 bucks worth of materials to mod my civic projectors to fit.

someone go to any shop that will do custom fiberglass work without having a mold and ask them how much money they will charge you to do it? I gaurantee it will be more than 200 dollars.

My quarter and ten cents

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 4:49 pm
by Gro Harlem
i'd be in if they included clear lenses, but I know that is unrealistic.

I'm guessing those are GTS clear covers modded to fit?

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 4:58 pm
by Mnemonic
No those are stock lenses that have been sanded to be clear mwhahaha

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 6:37 pm
by jschrauwen
Pat - email sent earlier.
Just say the word and the money is on it's way. Driving with 9004's for last 10 years makes me realize that this is the best opportunity that has come along in a long time that no after-market organization had ever attempted to do. Giving us the means within reasonable cost to have a quality lighting sytem that is most probably going to be on par with some very exotic cars out there. Like Mnemonic illustrated, a little sweat equity is very cost effective.

Pat, please include me in the first batch of 10.

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 9:28 pm
by Taras
No one really wants to pay for quality or a custom job done. Same applies to lights. Everyone wants the cool looking great lighting the road lights at a cheapo price. Well, that is why there are a bunch of cheap lights that are made by aftermarket. They look alright, but do not expect them to light the road like lights supposed to. If you want something at least remotely resembling quality optics, prepare to pay. Remember guys, these are centered around the quality lights. Now, I am not sure if the builders kit will include four of the light units, doubt it at that price, so the market will determine what is reasonable for a fiberglass insert. I do not think it's fair for the guy, who took his time to go and do something unique and available to others, to say that it's too much. Think it's too much, don't buy it. Think it's too much, do it yourself then.

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 9:51 pm
by mazdubber
I just want to see the road at night. :( I'll have to see if I can budget this kit in. I'll never try the civic projector mod so this is a great opportunity for me!