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Posted: October 18th, 2007, 4:06 pm
by shameem
Buying another cluster would be the easiest solution.

If thats not an option you can remove the needles - but make sure they are all in the "resting" position (i.e. 0 or below 0 - the position they come to rest at when you turn off the key) - the gas gage doesnt go to the resting position when you take it out - you will have to either ground the sensor wire or disconnect the sensor and turn on the ignition to make sure it goes to the resting position by itself - dont try to force it manually. Mark the resting position on the gage face - you will have align the needle with this mark when reinstalling. Then the needles can be pulled straight up and out without any twisting on the stem. I hear these tools work very well for pulling needles - ... Id=2062619 ... Id=2103244
but i have not personally tried them.
Some people have huge success with using a fork - just popping it in there and lifting it straight up - it is imperative that you do not twist the stem when removing (or reinstalling for that matter) - if you did that the alignment will be off.

Posted: October 19th, 2007, 9:45 pm
by Red_Power
Thnx for advice shameem :wink:

Mooneggs, i want to try to make the gouge face by my self but not for me. Friend asked :wink: I'll buy one of the custom gauges for my self... :wink: