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Re: Getting Caught After the Fact

Posted: February 10th, 2004, 1:57 pm
by monty73741
what the f are u stupid 10 damm ticket.....for speeding........
u know i have had my share of tickets....
but doing 95 in a 55 is plain stupid.....
& dvh is right
u do the crime, u got to do the time.........
dont ever come & drive on md streets

Re: Getting Caught After the Fact

Posted: February 10th, 2004, 2:56 pm
by 13flat
Just becuase I have 10 speeding tickets does not mean I am in no way a bad driver, and just becuase I have a suspended license does not make me a bad driver either.
actually, it does make you a bad driver. (now if you were to say, get your license suspended for not paying your child support...then i could see that argument holding up.) yeah, everyone speeds but after your 2nd...even 3rd ticket did you not realize that 'hey, maybe i'm not the luckiest guy, i oughta slow it down a bit.' to think 95 in a 55 on a highway at 5pm is just insane. no wonder your license is suspended....

there is a reason for public transportation so use it and STAY OFF THE STREETS

Re: Getting Caught After the Fact

Posted: February 10th, 2004, 3:21 pm
by guyaverage
I usually try to stay out of this high school crap, but as usual I have had too much caffeine and I cant resist.
Just becuase I have 10 speeding tickets does not mean I am in no way a bad driver, and just becuase I have a suspended license does not make me a bad driver either.
No, manure cranium, at the minimum it just makes you an idiot. You obviously havent figured out in over 2 years of driving how to read speed limit signs, or worse how to at least speed without getting caught.
8 out of 10 of those speeding tickets were on back roads where the speed limit was around 45 or so and I would be doing 10 or 15 over. I have bad luck when it comes to speeding tickets thats all.
One ticket is bad luck. Two is bad luck. Hell I would go so far as to say at your age 3 or 4 is bad luck. Ten, suspended license and no insurance? You arent too bright. What were the other two tickets for?
I'm not saying 95 in a 55 is smart or good, and no I wasn't racing, I was just driving and not really paying attention to how fast I was going.
Not paying attention? At 95? What else are you not paying attention to at that speed? If you are "accidently" going 95, your sense of awareness is lower than your IQ. Then to avoid getting caught for that stunt, you commit 3 more criminal acts (speeding, wilfull eluding, and reckless op) to get away. Yup, you're hopelessly stupid.
I don't see how all of you can sit there and say that. But whatever I'm done with the topic thats the last I have to say, so you can think whatever you want. Sorry if I sound angry, but well it's just that people don't understand and no I'm not a ricer, I don't claim to have an awesome car. I'm 18 so yeah I'm young. What else do you want, sorry I guess I said anything
What else to we want? To not be on the road at 5:00 as your pathetic brain is roaring by at 50-60 mph faster than the unsuspecting people you are passing 4 feet away. Getting your license taken away is the least of your problems. Grow up and get off the road.

And if anything I have said makes you even more angry, print a copy of this entire thread and shove it in a desk somewhere, and take it out in 10 years and read it (or have your mother mail it to your jail cell), maybe then you'll finally understand.

Re: Getting Caught After the Fact

Posted: February 10th, 2004, 4:07 pm
by 992mmx3
It's so true what Guyaverage just said. Your mind will most likey change 5-10 years from now about what driving really is.

Society has an outline of what a good driver is. Since public roads AREN'T race tracks of any sort (nor were they ever even designed to be) a good driver is measured by how well he stays within the boundaries of the law. You may be a good driver as far as you can stay in your own lane, but by technical and legal merit, you are horrible.

I have had as many as 4 tickets on my record at one time. I was a complete dolt. After the 4th I completely changed my entire outlook of public driving. I decided to stop mentally painting a picture in my brain that cops were the "yard duty" teacher out there to steal our money and ruin our fun. This I feel is a need for you as well. I haven't had a ticket in nearly 2 years now and am now down to only 2 on my record.

I think it's time for you to just draw a line and say enough is enough before you find yourself in some real trouble. I don't even necessarily mean with the law.

<small>[ February 10, 2004, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: 992mmx3 ]</small>

Re: Getting Caught After the Fact

Posted: February 10th, 2004, 4:19 pm
by Marlon
after i got one speeding ticket that was $45
i slowed down alot, i used to drive like a mad man but it's just stupid, theres no point to it

Re: Getting Caught After the Fact

Posted: February 10th, 2004, 4:44 pm
by monty73741
but if u lost ur liscense for not pay child support......ur an *** ..7 u deserve it
.....i know some people cant b/c theyhave no job...but my friends dad owes him lke 20000 in back child support & almost bankrupted his mother.......

Re: Getting Caught After the Fact

Posted: February 10th, 2004, 9:48 pm
by Sam Baker
i feel ya loose change man.. lol
the first time i got pulled over i was doin 50mph in a 30 (not too bad), and the same thing happened to me! cop was going the opposite direction and happened to catch me, and i saw in my rearview him swing a U. :p i was thinkin maybe pull off onto a side-street and hide out, but nah, i just slowed down hella, and he gave me a warning. but now that i have my mx3 (bright blue, lowered, V6, etc...) cops just love me, so i cant even have fun without lookin over my shoulder! lol.. if you do get away, be more F*ckin careful and obey da law! :freak:
~ sam

Re: Getting Caught After the Fact

Posted: February 11th, 2004, 10:43 am
by Franko
Man when I think about it sometimes I used to be retarded when I drove..
I am 21 now and when I was 17 and just got my licence I actually cant believe how I drove.. Like I must have thought I was the best or something and that speeding was a cool way to show off to friends, But it really isnt. I came sooo close to loosing my licence.. (I only got 2 tickets) but here for your first year of driving you only have 6 points.. I got 2 speeding tickets and 1 for being on a closed road, which was rediculous because there wasent a sign. Anyway I was down to one point and I objected to the closed road ticket.. If I had not have done that then I would have lost my licence. My parents would definately not have let me drive with no licence either.. and come to think of it I dont know how you are getting away with it.

Well a year ago I bought my mx and I havent gotten 1 ticket in it (well tint tickets dont count) I dont drive like a nun but a nice reasonable speed..

Dont get me wrong though.. no one is a saint.. I do catch myself being bad every once in a while and I have to tell myself to slow down.. but whenever I do it it is like 5:00 in the morning and there is no one on the road so if anything happened I would not hurt anyone but myself. I might do it like once every 3 months or something. I never ran from the police though, but I think that the worse people for running from the police are people who own bikes because it is so easy.. I know a couple of guys who own ninjas and ran from the police often.. they would probally hit like 260 or 270 somewhere around there on the highway, passing on the shoulder and all that.. it is just plain crazy.. One guy ran from the cops on back roads and pulled into a bar and drove his bike up into the woods, dropped it, took off his helmet and jacket and ran into the bar and ordered a beer. I would never do something like that but I know people who have.

Sometimes I think about what it would be like if I was parked outside a bank or something and some guy with a gun came out and got in my mx and told me to loose the cops. I would be like "you dont need the gun man" and scream through traffic trying to loose the police. This is only good in a fictional reality because the car would get totally destroyed. I would like to know if I could loose the police in my mx if my life depended on it. I would say it wouldent be too hard since the intrepid patrol car can only do 215 km/h and I think that the mx can go faster than that.. plus he dosent have a prayer around a corner... still I would like to know.. but will never find out. :)