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Re: GForce Z3 Fenders

Posted: December 5th, 2002, 9:25 pm
by HRO
Do you know if he's still planing on making the roof top spoiler? Oh, and when the hood will be done, and how much it will cost, the hoods' fiberglass right, not carbon fiber?<P>thanks man.<p>[ December 05, 2002: Message edited by: mx3vs ]

Re: GForce Z3 Fenders

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 1:35 am
by EZ_4_FUN
the hood is Carbon fiber, the Z3 fenders are fiberglass

Re: GForce Z3 Fenders

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 3:58 pm
by mitmaks
we need to get those z3 fenders going man, i want them by start of spring

Re: GForce Z3 Fenders

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 9:54 pm
by EZ_4_FUN
Well, since I am no longer allowed to organize group buys, what I can suggest is somebody take the initiative to organize and collect names and deposits. <P>If you are interested, please contact me off the board at

Re: GForce Z3 Fenders

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 9:58 pm
by HRO
Why are you not allowed to organize group buys?

Re: GForce Z3 Fenders

Posted: December 9th, 2002, 10:17 pm
by mitmaks
i could do that i guess, if like 10 peops interested and we get reasonable price, under $300 with shipping included.