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Re: Have some fun with this guys....

Posted: July 16th, 2004, 7:45 am
by RaverChankoMX3
hey engine slayer~
so i promised my parents I wounldn't get it done until my K8 died.
I was in the same situation as you are (school/engine is fine).

It's a game of symmantics really. The agreement was to not *DO* the swap until your K8 died. There is nothing wrong with still buying the ZE, having it on a stand, and building it up for when you're ready to swap it in.

**THEN** When you're ready to swap it in, just put on some tunes, grab your favorite sledgehammer, and go to town! When your parents asked wtf^^?

1.) I couldn't wait anymore.
2.) Trying to catch a butteryfly...
3.) I saw Dennis Leary do it on TV.
4.) Throw a beer bottle and tell them you're gonna burn this mother down.
5.) Those silly pink bunnies...they ALWAYS know how to mess up a good time. (followed by some twitching and eating of eletrical tape in big wads & drinking of motor oil)

Re: Have some fun with this guys....

Posted: July 16th, 2004, 11:52 am
by JasonH
Originally posted by Custommx3:
spend 15 bucks.. buy some slick 50, pour it in...

see if its true how long the engine lasts w/o oil :)
Actually, that might be the worst thing he could do. Here's a story...

Years ago, a guy bought a new 5.0 Mustang. He had it for a few weeks, and the engine kept on making a rattling noise. Had it in for service (under warranty) and they found nothing wrong. Kept on having this noise (which was not normal for that engine) but nothing the techs could figure out would fix it.

Finally, he and his brother (a mechanic with access to a lift) decided to drain the oil and run it until it locked up. Now the dealer will have to replace the engine! They drained the oil, put a brick on the accelerator and ran it in gear for hours. They eventually topped up the tank and let it run overnight, expecting a broken engine in the morning. It was still going strong.

The brother finally aske the owner "Did you do anything to this engine?" "Nope," he replied, "I just put some Slick 50 in it when I changed the oil the first time."

Personally, I think filling the crankcase with kerosene would have done the trick. Likewise, driving it with no oil might work, but you'll never know when or where it will finally blow up.

Re: Have some fun with this guys....

Posted: July 16th, 2004, 3:46 pm
by your2slow
Fillup with Diesel and tell your parents that it was full serve and the guy working there must of filled up with the wrong type of gas my mistake :froggie_red:

Re: Have some fun with this guys....

Posted: July 16th, 2004, 4:58 pm
by hgallegos915
simple...drop a SUPER tiny washer inside the combustion chamber BOOM engine automatically dead....damaged gonna bang like if it had a warped crank or pistons ..BOOOM that killed one of my engines how sad :( just cuzz i let that washer fall by accident.. it does cylinde damage. You cant drive it at all like this.

Re: Have some fun with this guys....

Posted: July 16th, 2004, 7:27 pm
by IanL
Originally posted by JasonH:
Originally posted by Custommx3:
spend 15 bucks.. buy some slick 50, pour it in...

see if its true how long the engine lasts w/o oil :)
Actually, that might be the worst thing he could do. Here's a story...

Years ago, a guy bought a new 5.0 Mustang. He had it for a few weeks, and the engine kept on making a rattling noise. Had it in for service (under warranty) and they found nothing wrong. Kept on having this noise (which was not normal for that engine) but nothing the techs could figure out would fix it.

Finally, he and his brother (a mechanic with access to a lift) decided to drain the oil and run it until it locked up. Now the dealer will have to replace the engine! They drained the oil, put a brick on the accelerator and ran it in gear for hours. They eventually topped up the tank and let it run overnight, expecting a broken engine in the morning. It was still going strong.

The brother finally aske the owner "Did you do anything to this engine?" "Nope," he replied, "I just put some Slick 50 in it when I changed the oil the first time."

Personally, I think filling the crankcase with kerosene would have done the trick. Likewise, driving it with no oil might work, but you'll never know when or where it will finally blow up.
Interesting story - here's another - The Federal Trade Commission got the makers of that product to pay $20million in compensation for unsubstantiated claims - now if they could have substantiated that with a real Mustang, the FTC wouldn't have had a case. The sourceand click Engine oil additives.

Re: Have some fun with this guys....

Posted: July 16th, 2004, 8:04 pm
by lok
just put it in first gear... step on the gas and see how fast the engine will blown...

Re: Have some fun with this guys....

Posted: July 18th, 2004, 1:24 am
by Morphector
Last year I had a mazda 323 with a 1.6I
the ''beast'' :)

Never tought that the slick50 were good products, I was always sceptical about that!

Re: Have some fun with this guys....

Posted: July 18th, 2004, 2:33 am
by mitmaks
you parent-sucking punk you....