First speeding ticket

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Re: First speeding ticket

Post by curtklze »

I have had lbout 8 tickets for different things, I new a lawer so he would go to court for me and not charge me that much, the law used to be that if a cop didnt show up it was thrown out automaticly, but the gov' was loseing too much mony this way, so they changed it, now they TRY to reschedual it(bastards) I was in court with my lawer when they tryd that with him and he told them that that was unaccepable and the cas should be thrown out if the crown was unable to proced with the case.<p>I have never gone to court by myself for any of my tickets, and my lawer got me off of all but 2, his brother went for 2 of the tickes insted of him and only got them reduced.<p>about 3 of my tickes were thrown out because there was a mistake in how the cop wrote them up, but how would I know that, my lawer spoted the mistakes and got them thrown out.<p>My sugestion is if you are convicted, dont say anything to your insurance broker, just keep renewing your insurance every year, if you change companies or brokers then you HAVE to tell them if you have any tickets, but if you dont change and they dont ask, then keep your mouth shut and keep renewing.<p>A speeding ticket will stay on your record for 3 years in ontario.
Yes, I AM a bastard
Here is my web site, I made this last year but didnt feel like shareing it untill now.

How does this guy know so much?
He's a licenced BMW technician.
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Re: First speeding ticket

Post by Andrew_Pakula »

The last year I sent my lawyer who owns/runs a Pointts office in Toronto, he is good since I knew a friend of his I was able to pay him just under the table instead of putting it through the business.<p>He got me off a careless driving charge and two other permit tickets which had expired by only 1 day!<p>Basically what happened when it got to court was the following:<p>1. cop didn't show up
2. witnesses against me did show up
3. judge said since the witnesses showed up there was enough to proceed without the cop
4. the witnesses screwed up admitting they weren't sure if it was me or my friend driving at the time putting everything in doubt
5. case dismissed, I win! :cool:
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