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Re: damn stupid people!.... E-break help please....

Posted: January 5th, 2004, 1:36 pm
by mmonid
The (front) cable is $26.86CDN, and about an hour's labour @ $79/hr CDN at Mazda (I just got mine replaced an hour ago)

Re: damn stupid people!.... E-break help please....

Posted: January 5th, 2004, 5:18 pm
by Wagner359
haha.. anyways idiot guy hes lyin to you , the thing snapped cuz he was fuggin around pullin it too much for fun

Re: damn stupid people!.... E-break help please....

Posted: January 5th, 2004, 5:47 pm
by dj inferno
lol man da guy at first line said he didn't know what one was cut, so i gotta check that, then he said that i gotta make sure that i get one thats gonna work cuz alot of them gonna be rusty and stick unless its like new. but he told me to come home and check under my car to see if i can tell what one is cut... so yah i gonna go do dat... DAMN.... it cold outside!

Re: damn stupid people!.... E-break help please....

Posted: January 5th, 2004, 8:30 pm
by dj inferno
ok... well first off...ITS COLD OUTSIDE... second... idk wtf the wire is cut... i looked under the car and didn't see any visable cutting or ne thing, then i looked where the handle connects to it, and it was all good... so idk... lol thats when it got to cold and i came inside lol... ne one got sum good ideas?