3d gamerz

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Re: 3d gamerz

Post by Custommx3 »

I wouldnt say an athlon MB that came with SDRAM slots is an Elcheapo. I purchased my ABIT KT7A-RAID before DDR was the standard. And its FAR from a cheap board. Its currently using a 1400 (non 1400XP (later revision of the board supported XPs).
Ive played the Alpha Doom3, mine was a little jittery, but so was my brothers 2Ghz AMD w/ 1G DDR/128M Gf4 Ti4200(same as mine).

Re: 3d gamerz

Post by Guest »

haha thats about the setup i want, Im sure it being a alpha version has alot to do with it being laggy. I guess we'll see when they release.
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Re: 3d gamerz

Post by Custommx3 »

The alpha version didnt have options and it ran @ high res and full quality. Everyones will be jumpy, unfortunatley.
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Re: 3d gamerz

Post by Dephekt »

The game looks amazing. I'm gonna DL the alpha now, whether is choppy or not, I gotta see this.
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Re: 3d gamerz

Post by Silkwyrm »

Man how do you people find the money to work on your cars and have such nice computer systems. My best system is a P3 553 w. 256M and an older Radeon card. :( Well, we'll have a two income family soon maybe that will help.
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Re: 3d gamerz

Post by gueedo »

you don't have to run Doom 3 on high resolution. Here are all the console commands (get the console by pushing ~)
Loading maps <p>
From the console, use the following commands: <p>map e3/intro (Loads intro movie)
map e3/e3_1 (Loads first map)
map e3/e3_2 (Loads second map)
map e3/e3_3 (Loads third map)
map fred/e3bathroom5 (doesn't work for most people)
************************************************************** <p>Controls and settings <p>Type: bindlist <p>This will list all the currently bound keys and their functions. Use the page up and page down keys to scroll through the list. As long as you deleted the doomconfig.cfg before you started up, your settings should be pretty good. <p>To change any of these settings, you can either type in different values from the console, or just manually change the doomconfig.cfg with a text editor. <p>************************************************************** <p>Popular commands <p>Checking FPS: type com_drawfps 1 <p>Bump Mapping on/off (try switching back and forth, you'll see the changes): <p>r_useStandardGL 0 (this turns bump mapping ON)
r_useStandardGL 1 (this turns bump mapping OFF)
Dynamic shadows on/off (BIG performance difference): <p>r_shadows 1
r_shadows 0
Changing resolution: <p>r_mode 1 (400x300)
r_mode 2 (512x384)
r_mode 3 (640x480)
r_mode 4 (800x600)
r_mode 5 (1024x768)
r_mode 6 (1152x864)
r_mode 7 (1280x1024)
NOTE: Changing resolution will not take effect until you either restart the game, or type vid_restart <p>Changing bit depth: <p>r_colorbits 16
r_colorbits 32
Fullscreen on/off: <p>r_fullscreen 1
r_fullscreen 0
Mouse Sensitivity: <p>sensitivity X
Where X is a number between 1 and 10. The default is 5....you can actually go higher than 10, but it gets kind of ridiculous. <p>
Invert Mouse: <p>m_pitch -0.022
The default setting is m_pitch 0.022, all you need to do is add the negative sign.
Third Person view: <p>pm_thirdperson 0
pm_thirdperson 1
************************************************************** <p>Recording demos <p>I haven't seen this posted anywhere yet, so I figured I'd draw up a quick how-to. <p>Type the following: <p>bind F5 recordDemo
bind F6 stoprecording <p>These two binds will give you keys for starting and stopping a demo, respectively. You can substitute in the keys you prefer, it doesn't matter. In this case, when you want to start capturing the action in the game, press F5. When you're done, press F6. <p>The demo files are stored in your Doom_III\base\demos folder. They will be labelled incrementally, e.g. Demo001.demo, demo002.demo, etc. To play back your demo within the game, type playdemo demo001 (or whatever the demo filename happens to be). <p>However, to get your demo into a movie format, there's a few extra steps. <p>************************************************************** <p>Making a demo into an avi <p>After you've got a good demo, type aviDemo (for example, aviDemo demo001).
This will play back your demo while taking a whole bunch of screenshots. When it's done, exit the game and look in your "Doom_III\base\demos\demoname" folder. Depending upon how long your demo was, you could have anywhere from 100mb to 10 gigs of .tga files. <p>Download this program and run it: http://www.css.tayloru.edu/~btoll/f99/350/res/pjBmp2Avi.zip <p>
From the program's main screen, in the Directory field, type in the path to your demo's screenshots folder. (The "Doom_III\base\demos\demoname" I described above). A quicker way is to click the "..." button and just browse to the directory. <p>
Change the file option from BMP to TGA. You should then see a list of all the screenshots appear in the "Files" field. <p>
Under "Output" options, type the path and name of the avi you wish to create (e.g., "C:\movies\doom3rocks.avi") <p>
Leave the default Frame and Key Rates (if any of you movie experts suggest a better setting, let me know). <p>
Click the create button. A new window will pop up, prompting you to select a video codec. I suggest you use Divx 5.0.2. After you click OK, the program will compile your .tga files together. <p>
After the window closes, you're done! Go to the target directory you specified, and watch your first Doom 3 movie =)
1993 laguna blue MX-3

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