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Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 4th, 2012, 12:04 am
by mitmaks
I have old "clam" cell phone by LG with AT&T. We have a family plan and pay $90 for 3 of us. I'd like to get something newer, that way I can have Pandora on there, search web, etc.
What do you guys suggest? I think $90 is bit too much. I have 200 text, unlimited nights/weekends, 550 minutes w/rollover minutes. I hardly ever use over 200 minutes.
I'm thinking about getting me "smart phone" :lol:

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 4th, 2012, 12:24 am
by kakarot135
That is actually a pretty good monthly rate, I sell for a phone company, not just cell phones but home services as well. The Samsung galaxy series is great, as are the HTC one series. Stick with a known brand and you will be fine. Personally, I cannot stand the iPhone. But to each their own. But if you do go with that one do the 4s, not the 5

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 4th, 2012, 1:28 am
by SuperK
get the nexus 4. it's going to be around 300 with no contract and a great piece of hardware.

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 5th, 2012, 10:05 am
by Nd4SpdSe
Anything Android. Apple is ok, but I like the little things that you can do with an Android, that are locked down or need Itunes on an Apple. I used a Windows phone, was not a fan, even worse than an iPhone with needing to install Zune.

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 5th, 2012, 2:02 pm
by fowljesse
I vote Android, also! I love mine, and it beat my girlfriend's iPhone in every contest we could come up with, so she got out of her contract, and got the exact phone I have.

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 5th, 2012, 2:19 pm
by wytbishop
I will never own another apple product as long as I live. That's the only input I can offer.

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 5th, 2012, 2:27 pm
by SuperK
Wait for the nexus 4. Do not get a different device if you go android. I will give you or whoever a comprehensive list as to why If you want to know specifics. But I have owned almost every android phone from the g1 to the galaxy s 2. Yes that phone is old news but I refuse to buy any device on the market until the nexus 4 is available

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 5th, 2012, 2:29 pm
by RobMinhas
I've heard great things about the Samsung S3, I've messed around with an S2 and it was pretty cool. Personally I'm a blackberry guy, although I know they have some severe limitations and with the two Iphones I've had they've been absolutely terrible so I wouldn't reccomend them.

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 5th, 2012, 3:11 pm
by Evo_Spec
i can't really recommend anything cause i'm so biased towards androids but i've had my share of issues with the thing that i can't confidently recommend it but at the same time i hate iphones a lot so i can't recommend those either XD
One of the main issues i've had with both my android phones was that it randomly deleted my photos and i didn't back them up too recently before it happened so i lost a couple months of photos of my daughter so i'll always have that grudge against them.

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 5th, 2012, 7:45 pm
by Mooneggs
I just got an iPhone5. Granted this is the first smartphone I have ever owned and the first new phone I have gotten in 6 years. I have AT&T and LTE is lightning fast compared to 4g. I don't have much to compare to but so far I am incredibly excited and impressed. :freak:

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 5th, 2012, 9:04 pm
by SuperK
Haha I hate to break it to you... LTE is 4G...

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 6th, 2012, 9:18 pm
by Mooneggs
I'm just a simple person (consumer), I don't know about the technical things in the background that make things work. It's all semantics as far as I'm concerned, what I do know are the actual speeds I have experienced :shrug:.

When I do a speedtest on 4g I get about 2.91 mb download speed, on LTE I've been anywhere from 15-60mb download speed.

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 6th, 2012, 9:34 pm
by SuperK
ooh... haha, AT&T, right... 3G is based on a technology called HSPA, which allows connections up to 3-ish mbps. Some allow a connection up to 7-8mbps. HSPA+, the updated version, allows higher connections on the same technology and equipment as 3G... but AT&T wanted to make a marketing gimmick due to T-Mobile's "4G" rollout (which was just a super fast HSPA+ network up to 42mbps and higher) and call their HSPA/HSPA+ network 4G as well... however ATT's HSPA+ network only puts out up to like 11mbps tops in most markets. So whether you're connected to HSPA or HSPA+ you'll be on 3G speeds.

LTE is much more advanced than HSPA or HSPA+.

So now you know the technical and are no longer a simple consumer, whether you care or not! muahahaha!

Re: Looking to get new phone, need input

Posted: November 6th, 2012, 10:24 pm
by Daninski
Nexus 4, November 13 sale date, a very reasonable US$299 for the unlocked version. :D That's what we mean 'Jelly Bean'. Probably be like $600. in Canada. :(

Edit. Oh gee I forgot to mention, Nexus 4 is not able to connect to LTE data networks. :dunno: