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Pulling to the right.

Posted: March 16th, 2011, 3:55 am
by MrMazda92
I've noticed a bit of a recurring problem with my car lately.

She pulls to the right a little bit when driving straight, however the problem is almost non existent when the ground is DRY.

That's right, it pulls to the right on rainy, muggy, nasty days only...

I just did my rear brakes, so I checked all 4 corners for dragging and that was not the issue. I'm hopeful that there is something painfully obvious I missed, that will save me the hassle(and cost) of an alignment.

I might add, the wheels are not bent and the tires are worn evenly.

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: March 16th, 2011, 8:15 am
by Ryan
Get an alignment.

Also, it supposed to pull a bit to the right (in countries that drive on the right side of the road) so if you start to nappy nap you wind up in the ditch not the grille of a semi and die (like a kid did about a mile from me two days ago).

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: March 16th, 2011, 9:23 am
by carizle
MrMazda92 wrote:
That's right, it pulls to the right on rainy, muggy, nasty days only...
So that means essentially it pulls to right every single day during from September to June right? :throwup:

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: March 16th, 2011, 1:28 pm
by youdirtyfox
If after the allignment it does the same
I would hazard a guess at a worn wishbone
bush or ball joint?

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: March 16th, 2011, 1:35 pm
by Ryan
Ask the people who did your alignment.

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: March 17th, 2011, 2:10 am
by MrMazda92
Ryan, It's not what one might consider a normal amount of pull. Also I'd like to reiterate the statement of inclement weather; It has not been a problem on dry days.

Not quite every day, as we've had a few sunny ones thrown into the mix so far ;D This popped up in the last 3-4 weeks anyway, It's just gotten bad enough that I no longer believe it's my imagination. ;(

Ryan, I haven't had an alignment since I purchased the car. Up until now, I had no reason to. :/

I guess I'll suck it up until I fork out for new tires.

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: March 17th, 2011, 1:31 pm
by Ryan
Jack up the front of your car.

On the front of the tire, measure between tow distinct tire treads.

on the rear, do the same, 180ยบ out. If the rear measurement is more by about 1/32-1/4, your toe is good, and should drive straight (not nesc. with the steering wheel straight)

Re: hello game

Posted: March 22nd, 2011, 6:33 pm
by Dragon1212
norrow5210 wrote:The moment you see the Buy WoW Gold, I believe you would think of the Buy World of Warcraft Gold. Yes , it is not hard for you to combine MapleStory Mesos with the Maple Story NX Cash Card. Now many people are interested in the game. Would you like to play it? And how much do you know about Runescape Gold? Just go!

What the Random, And spam, And AD! Can a mod please remove this?

I would post about how insulting I find that post, In a thread asking for help but its probably a bot....

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: March 22nd, 2011, 7:47 pm
by Ryan
Tis a bot. PM a moderator about it, and that member (and potentially their IP) will be banned.

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: March 23rd, 2011, 12:27 am
by carizle
Reported it last night when I saw it. That little ! up in the corner. How would this even make it through when your first few posts have to be reviewed and 'approved'?

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: March 23rd, 2011, 12:48 am
by Dragon1212
carizle wrote:Reported it last night when I saw it. That little ! up in the corner. How would this even make it through when your first few posts have to be reviewed and 'approved'?
I believe its your first few threads not replies...

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: March 23rd, 2011, 10:25 am
by DeadMaker
Check your tyres condition..And especially the year manufacture.

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: March 23rd, 2011, 10:58 am
by Dragon1212
DeadMaker wrote:Check your tyres condition..And especially the year manufacture.
Not to mention the pressures

30 PSI on one side and 20 PSI on the other is a great reason for it to pull, and (might need clarification) colder conditions would cause the pressure to change (rain, slush, crap) And possibly be lower, so it would increase the magnitude of the pull.

Or your tires could be wore funny in which case you'd need to fix the problem that caused them to wear like that (Toe edge Guy^) then get new tires, your old ones can't fix themselves the sidewall gives enough to make that not work.

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: April 20th, 2011, 2:51 am
by MrMazda92
All excellent advice, and most of it I can't believe I neglected to try... Wow, I didn't even consider tire pressure.

I'm actually disappointed in myself right now...

Thanks guys!

Re: Pulling to the right.

Posted: April 20th, 2011, 10:00 am
by kakarot135
Also to check the tires rotate them and see if it still pulls right or starts pulling left