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Who's the biggest Knob on MX-3

Posted: June 22nd, 2008, 9:40 am
by Daninski
I opened this Post to hear about some mistakes and blunders we've all made. So if you think you've screwed up big time and want to take a shot at being the Biggest Knob on then lets here about it.
I couldn't figure out why three MX-3 GS disties had different firing orders on the cap. Didn't know which one to use. Turns out the numbers on the cap do not represent firing order, just where to put the ignition wires. I'm such a Nob.


Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 22nd, 2008, 2:42 pm
by fowljesse
When I first got my car, for a second, I thought it was a 3 cylindar, like a Geo! I looked at the disty, though, before embarrassing myself further.
By the way, you misspelled "Noob". :wink:

Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 22nd, 2008, 2:42 pm
by se7en
nob? or noob? or knob? :P

Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 23rd, 2008, 11:56 am
by Daninski
This is a free country and I refuse to dictate which nob? or noob? or knob? anyone chooses to be!

Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 23rd, 2008, 9:18 pm
by fighttillyoudie0
Bought my Mx3 GS a few months ago and i drove it for like 2 months thinking an injector was bad, or a bad o2 sensor, or even clogged cat. i did a full tuneup changed all the fluids, new o2 sensor, was about to buy and injector, when i decided to check out the wires and There was two that were in the wrong cylinders. hahaha i never checked for that because i assumed the person who had the wires in there when i bought it had them in right, so when i put new ones on i just took one out put a new one it, and so on. so yeah it runs nice now. only thing... my window switch broke today!! :oops:

dang car! :roll:

Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 2:20 am
by fowljesse
It's not the window switch, it's the EGR.

Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 9:13 am
by Daninski
Hey this is the "Knob" post, keep that EGR stuff outta here. But then again, it could of been his EGR,,,,,, :)

Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 2:27 pm
by hgallegos915
well I dont know about "knob" BUT..

my car has been trough hell and back!!

Car has been destroyed by fire(engine bay)

Engine has been under water(hydro lock)

Car has been daaged by wind(some metal poles fell on it damaging the paint)

Nature has attacked it using animals (rabbits that decide to run towards the car in the middle of the night while on the freeway, also dogs)

Its been attacked by like 4 fat chicks that asked for a ride(car was scraping on the strut bump stops.)

Ive been trough 3 turbos that all failed, ive rewired the while car.

Has had the cursed KFZE engine.. CURSED literally.

BUT its still my car !! and its there :D

Been pulled over for racing(they let me go)

Crashed against my supervisor(he didnt fire me or anything happen to his truck)

both front bearings wore out, rear brake calipers have seized on me, front beating seized.

Had sex in the car with numerous women.(replaced the seats due to ooogly stains and tears)

I dunno what else to think.

I think the only thing that has not happen is my car getting stolen or broken into.. LOL

Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 11:40 pm
by Vanished
Ok I had a nob moment.

SO I'm doing my valve seals alright, so get them all done and I returned the valve spring compressor...

I come home, and there is the lower valve seat ring thing sitting on my bench. but which one is it from!? go back to get the damn thing and take out the last one I did (At least i knew it was an exhaust one) turns out it was right...

but still...I've rented this damn thing 3 times now...thats like. 400 dollars. but i guess I get it back when I return it. haha.

Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 25th, 2008, 1:36 pm
by Mazdaspeed96743
I always thought my RS was a V4 but then I got corrected by Ryan on this forum that there is not such a silly thing as a V4 it is called an I4 :P.

Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 28th, 2008, 9:05 pm
by Daninski
Just put a ZE in my 96, engine ran like crap, spent all kinds of time trying to figure out what the problem was. Finally noticed the rh fuel rail cannon plug with nothing plugged into it. Turns out the 96 MX3 O2 sensor monitor is the same plug as the fuel rail plug. Guess which one I didn't plug into. Can't believe I didn't notice the plug was empty.

Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 28th, 2008, 11:27 pm
by Ryan
I pulled my VAF to paint it, then put it back in and tried to start it without being plugged in. I couldn't figure it out for like 10 minutes, and I was pretty ticked, I hate broken cars on date nights. Then it hit me... I'm simply a nob, thats it :)

And I believe we have a thread like this somewhere? the Failed Thread, or something?

Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 29th, 2008, 1:47 am
by d-bledsoe
This weekend i proceeded to replace the broken timing belt on my new to me MX3 v6. During the install of the new belt i some how cross threaded one of the tensioning pullys that sits just behind the front heads cam. Stripped it clean out. Well crap with out that pully on there i dont get any tension to the timing belt. Luckly a few hours later when i was cleaning up and still cussing out my mistake, i came up with the brilliant idea of retapping the threads with the next size larger in standard size instead of metric. As luck would have it a 7/16th's bolt was next up. I retapped the bolt hole, drilled out the pully to allow the new 7/16ths bolt to fit, re-installed the tensioning pully and i was back in business.

Cant get much more nob then that :lol:


Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 29th, 2008, 2:12 am
by nightfire
After spending a good 5-6 days changing my engine for a ZE, I took it for its first test drive and nearly seized it. How? I only added coolant to the overflow reservoir, and not to the engine itself. :oops:

I dunno, I just figured it would suck it up from the tank.

Luckily I caught the needle as it rose to H, but if I wasn't paying attention.... that would have sucked.

Re: Who's the biggest Nob

Posted: June 29th, 2008, 1:17 pm
by Hoodzy
it took me about 20 minutes to figure out how to take off the rear windshield wiper arm off a 93 ahha