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Windows Vista??

Posted: April 11th, 2007, 7:57 pm
by Ricksmx3
Anyone here running vista? If so do you prefer it over xp?

Posted: April 11th, 2007, 8:11 pm
by Tunes67
Vista = Memory Hungry Bloated POS. But its got a couple of cool features if your PC can handle it.


Posted: April 11th, 2007, 8:27 pm
by Ricksmx3
Yeah at the same time i will be putting another 256 memory card in so i hope it will even out.

Posted: April 11th, 2007, 8:31 pm
by Tunes67
I have heard people running 1 gig of ram complaining about Vista.. seems most people running Vista decently are running true 64 bit CPU's (or even dual core) and have 2 gig of ram. When I heard those statistics.. eh.. I like XP just fine ;) Remember.. if it aint broke.. dont fix it ;) At least with computers LOL


Posted: April 11th, 2007, 8:38 pm
by Ricksmx3
well hearing that i think i will just hold off on vista.

Posted: April 11th, 2007, 8:49 pm
by Suresperance
ive got dual core and 2 gig of ram.... just waiting for an excuse to buy it :D

Posted: April 12th, 2007, 12:45 am
by hharb
Alright.. that's what i think about vista, vista is a cool looking OS for non advanced users, it's got tones of features to make your life easier no matter how dumb you might be. It also has improved secrity features blablabla, any advanced user wouldnt really need any of these features. It also comes at a very high cost, Vista will use most of your computer resources to run, leaving a little bit of resources for your applications, again if you're an advanced user and normally do alot of multitasking on your computer you wouldnt want to waste 1GB of memory on vista when you could use it on something else. So yea if you have a cool machine with 2GB of memory that you dont use, go ahead and get vista, but if you really need your system resources to get by, I recommend sticking to XP or whatever else you have.. damn i talk too much lol

Posted: April 12th, 2007, 1:19 am
by Typhoonk
Vista is stupid. I hate how it asked you ever time if you want to run a program or if the program will be able to go out on the internet.
I got it at work on a dual core computer with 200 gig harddrive, and 1gig or ram and it runs like a$$.

Funny thing is - first time I booted it up - it crashed. Loaded the background and everything but then stalled out. Wouldn't do a thing. Happens every so often too. I'm guessing it's a memory thing. Cause it's the second laptop replacement and it still does it. And I haven't even installed anything new yet!!!!

anybody know where I can get a legal copy of XP with a REAL cd key?

Posted: April 12th, 2007, 1:02 pm
by Custommx3
Im running it on a spare 1.8Ghz w/ 1g ram and a Gforce 6600GTX 256Mb. And seems to run pretty well. I think XP (especially if you remove all the crap from XP [THANK YOU NLITE!] screams compared to vista. The Aero interface is cool though.

Posted: April 12th, 2007, 5:09 pm
by Typhoonk
if you want 3d desktop on xp get Yod'm 3D it's a pretty cool cube thingy

Posted: April 12th, 2007, 5:18 pm
by nope-mx3
I tried out Vista on my computer at home.
Had it installed for maybe a month.
Reninstalled xp again, everything seems more snappish, and the 3d interface is just stupid, have no efficiency use at all.

Also, DRM is also pretty nasty with Vista. Oh, and I even had random reboots and hangs due to a antivirus software that was compatible.

So now, I run xp pro and linux, and theres just no functions in vista that I dont have (or need) in XP.


Posted: April 13th, 2007, 9:27 am
by Custommx3
Ubuntu w/ beryl FTW.

Posted: April 13th, 2007, 10:53 am
by monty73741
I'm just bought a PC with vista, its very pretty.....
i have no problem of it running slow with a gig of ram.
IT looks very "mac"ish for an os,
I do hate that its for stupid people.
hooking up a network & installing network printers was easier.

the only complaint i have was i had to run a program in adminstror mode to get certain features to work

Posted: April 23rd, 2007, 3:15 pm
by Custom_V6_Limited_SE
I hate Vista. I was setting up an encrypted wireless network for Dunkin' Donuts. Doing what I originally thought I was there to do wasn't that bad at all. I picked my favorite router... But, ahh the but, they wanted to use a printer on the network and the drivers installed were basic ones that didn't support network printing. So I download (Not too bad at nearly 30Mbps) the full drivers and installed them. Installing them SUCKED due to the computer having 256mb of ram. Anyway, so I finally finish everything and go home and then get a call that everything works great except for the Vista notebook which pops out some error message which I am guessing means Vista is a POS that isn't even backwards compatible with XP drivers. I still can't begin to explain how slow the non-Vista 256mb RAM computer was that had the printer :throwup: . I am used to my 64-bit dual-core computer with 2Gb of DDR2 800 RAM..... Anyway, I see no reason to get Vista.

Posted: May 1st, 2007, 2:01 am
by MazdaManiacMx3
Its said that if you do not have Vista Ready equipment Vista does not run properly on your computer IE graphics card motherboard etc..
Plus it sucks , absolutely a PITA to get used to , It's very annoying with the popups , my bro just got a AMD turion 64 Dual core laptop with 1 gig of ram , and it seems to run it fine , they were just too worried about making it look like Mac OS and not worried about making it not suck ..
For a reference turn all settings to classic and it makes it more like XP .