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Money money money mooneey, MOOOONNNNEEEEYYYY!

Posted: January 15th, 2006, 12:20 pm
by neverender
Will the 1.8L T4ycl (BPturbo) from the GTR work in my 95 RS, or is the installation even worth it? Also, it says $1875 (corksport), which is about $2200 round here, plus the shipping... then how much would the installation be approx.?

Posted: January 15th, 2006, 1:09 pm
by mxmaz
once everything is said and done, and you are paying somebod else to do your swap, expect to pay 6-7g's.

Posted: January 15th, 2006, 3:05 pm
by hgallegos915
BUT very well worth it..not only will yopu have spent LESS than a ricer spends on mods.. you will have more hp than most ricers out there and its MUCH better than buying a new think about it... hmm getting a new mustang? bping your engine? IMO i would love to have a bp in mine..cept mines a v6 bohoo

Posted: January 15th, 2006, 3:10 pm
by neverender
Thats retarded... is there someway that doing the swap myself with the aid of book or something, i have limited knowledge of engines, but tons of free time and a strong will to learn.


Could i just do a bunch of stuff to my V4, or would that be a waste of time.

I promise ill learn more about what im getting into, i just need to know where to start.

Posted: January 15th, 2006, 3:15 pm
by Flashpoint2
Have fun finding a GTR. I know Corksport says they can get them, but don't forget, there were very few of these engines made (around 1500 I think), and most of them were used in rally applications.. meaning they've been flogged to high hell. IMO you'd be better off getting the GTX. I looked into getting a GTR a while back, and all I ever got for an answer was "hahahahahhaha *click*"

Although there is one guy on the forums (can't remember who offhand) who's got a GTR MX3 that he's selling, but he's in Texas.

Posted: January 15th, 2006, 3:30 pm
by neverender
K well then, a BPturbo it is... how much do you that will cost to get swapped?

Posted: January 16th, 2006, 2:37 am
Get a GTX motor. It is from the same 323 turbos, but has slightly less HP and a bit less potential for more power. It costs about 900 from Best Japanese Engines in Marietta Georgia and they get them a few times per year. Don't tell them, but the last one they sold to a MOCA member was a GTR motor and not a GTX. They didn't know the difference so my buddy got a GTR for 800.00 (we get a discount since we have bought so many motors from them) Cannot wait untill he gets back from the Army to install the biotch. He should make about 300 wheel horse power.
Justin, another of the MOCA members (MX-3 club of Atlatna) has a GTX motor in his Mx-3 and gets just over 250 wheel horse power from his.
His swap probably cost him about 3-4,000 and he did most of the work himself. You can read about his swap on the MOCA forum here:

There is alot to learn if you want to install it yourself so start a search for BPT, GTX or GTR and read all that you can. Ask questions about what you read if you don't understand and by the time you havethe money you'll be more than ready.

Do not mod the stock motor. It is not really worth it.

Good luck with your MX-3 and welcome to the boards. 8)

Posted: January 16th, 2006, 9:29 am
by Custommx3
This has been posted like 10,000 times. Please search a bit before posting.

Posted: January 16th, 2006, 12:03 pm
by neverender
I have read all i could that this site has to offer, and i found it was difficult to navigate and the information i need wasn't specific enough... isnt this a forum where questions get answered... ive spent hours reading the forums, and took the time to register on the site, how bout a thanks for the support.

Posted: January 16th, 2006, 12:51 pm
by Custommx3
1st of all this is the WRONG forum to post this in.
Did you read the FAQ?


Posted: January 16th, 2006, 1:41 pm
by azazel95
neverender wrote:Could i just do a bunch of stuff to my V4, or would that be a waste of time.
Just wanted to point out the obvious...there is no least that I have seen.

But I also wanted to comment about the searching. Custom, sorry, but sometimes searching this site doesn't work out very well. I have searched for tons of subjects and you do get a lot of BS mixed in with it. And also the title of the post is sometimes (a lot) misleading so you actually don't find anything.

Sorry I defend people who search and then post and get flamed for doing it. The search function works, but not nearly as well as needed to keep away from repeat topics.

Posted: January 16th, 2006, 1:48 pm
by Custommx3
I agree, but asking about putting a BP in a 95 has been posted tons of times. I usually dont say anything, but it was also in the wrong forum, and the title was a bit pointless.

Posted: January 16th, 2006, 3:12 pm
by azazel95
Custommx3 wrote:I agree, but asking about putting a BP in a 95 has been posted tons of times. I usually dont say anything, but it was also in the wrong forum, and the title was a bit pointless.
I also agree about bold and the I part is just that I wanted to confirm I wasn't personally pointing you out custom, just board members in general.

Sorry now this is completely off-topic. But it's just I see a lot of new people join all the time and I'm worried that some posters (really, no names or intentions meant) might scare them off or make them afraid to ask questions. Just doin' meh part fer the forum.

Posted: January 16th, 2006, 10:16 pm
by natural born honda killer
im the one selling my gtr mx-3. look in the for sale section under bye bye gtr mx-3.