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Need help, My friend is worried.

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 11:30 am
by Mad_Medeiros
ok, hes got a problem.. he recently stored his car about... 2 months ago, just before he stored it.. he did an oil change to 5W30, now that the car has been sitting he does start it, but very rarely...

the other day, we were checking out out... and we noticed something bad, the top of the oil cap was white/milky, and the pcv valve was clogged with this crap.

so we start the car run it for a good half hour take it for a drive... it runs perfect, doesn't overheat nada, we do notice however, its constantly making white smoke.. I don't know wether it was cold, or not but my mx-3 doesn't smoke at all, not even white smoke.. its very faint white smoke (not much at all) and very thin, anyways we shut the car off... popped off the pcv valve.. no more white crap, we check the oil (looks clean/gold)
and we notice theres not as much of this crap on the oil cap,

so whats goin on! my friend thinks his head gasket is toast... but I don't know I had one go on my old cavalier and it ran like crap!! his car is runnin perfectly fine!

btw this is a 93 gs aswell... do you guys think the white milky stuff came from the car barely being started or what? is his engine toast?

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 11:43 am
by Mad_Medeiros
ok now where totally confused.. since that day we ran the car for at least 2 hours... so we checked the oil today, and now all the white s--- is gone, the pcv valve is cleared.. where stuck, maybe its cus it was sitting to long?

everything looks clean now, and the white smoke.. well it WAS -8C so... haha where stuck help.

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 12:12 pm
by XxantwawnxX
If he started the car while it was stored. but he did not let it run for a long maybe 5 mins. and he kept doing this, i think the crank case would get dirty because it takes a certain amount of running time /and or speed to have the crankcase ventalation system work correctly(pvc) either that are sumhow ur head gasket went bad while it was stitting. Maybe someone was secretly driveing the car ?? : P

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 12:16 pm
by XxantwawnxX
Does you pvc valve click when u shake? Or do u feel the valve move when u shake it. hmm maybe he just blew his head gasket before he stored it.

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 1:09 pm
by mitmaks
did you check coolant level? is white smoke still present when u drive it?

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 2:03 pm
by Pedro_mx3
that happens allot in the UK in winter, normally its condensation (water) mixing with the oil on the oil cap, if the head gasket had gone the oil would still be milky, my old citreon used to get it allot when it had been sitting for a while, there obviously isnt oil all the way up to the oil cap so cold damp air can get in IMHO.

oh and the white smoke is probably steam, is it cold where u are?

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 9:31 am
by Nallboy
:werd: That white stuff is from water mixing with oil. Just like Pedro said, it's most likely from the condensation now that it's colder. You probably just burned it all out (white smoke). If all's running well, I wouldn't really worry about it.

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 5:06 pm
by Mad_Medeiros
pcv valve is fine, clicks fine its not sticking.

I check the oil on the dipstick, it looks clean/gold, coolant is all there and greenish and clean

we checked the car out the other day and now theres no white stuff.

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 7:44 pm
by RizzeRocket
whats to worry about then ??
and if he doesnt have time to run the car often tell him i take it for a spin once in a while :twisted:

Posted: February 11th, 2005, 11:37 pm
by Mad_Medeiros
its just wierd, I was always told white/milky oil = bad bad bad

I had a cavalier with a 2.2 OHV... sucker blew head gaskets like nothing and did the same thing with milky oil..