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Alerm System

Posted: March 12th, 2002, 7:08 am
by greatunicon
Do u guy know, how to install a Keyless entry system to a 93 Mx-3 GS????, and it already have a CIFFORD Alerm,<P>is that difficlt to do ?? or how much to cost to install it from store.?? :)

Re: Alerm System

Posted: March 12th, 2002, 11:55 am
by Sonicxtacy02
well if you have two options, either buy a stand alone system and have two sets of remotes, or impliment them into your existing system. If you choose the second route i would advise you to take it to the shop as the wiring and programming could get tricky. Install from the shop it shouldnt cost more than 80 labor

Re: Alerm System

Posted: March 12th, 2002, 2:02 pm
by Sonicxtacy02
if the alarm already has the connections than installing the actuators is easy. If you already have power locks, you only need one actuator. You can be them from <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> for cheap, and they arent that difficult to install. Now as far as the relay's, they are a little tricky to understand, but if i can do it there's no reason you cant :).<P>Keyless is probably the most helpful addition i put in my car, no more frozen lock problems!