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Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 16th, 2009, 7:39 am
by colinsmx3
it's bullcrap if you ask me! He said he will set up an account but they closed him... A buissness comes out and makes a light for a 15 yr old car that NO ONE would do before, and they post on the only MX-3 forum in NA that has a tone of ppl and they shut him down again! Seems like aslong as "SOMEONE" gets there money first then they can say it's not a scam?? Makes no sence to me.

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 16th, 2009, 8:24 am
by rekognize
lol yeah,

Since when did [GI] threads require "Jeff's seal of approval"? :lol:

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 16th, 2009, 12:58 pm
by Dali
its the rule.....this site is not free to run, not very many members donate money period. plus if you were to buy a set and get ripped off then everyone would be pissed about the site letting someone to join and run a scam. there are steps to go threw as a vendor to cover them selves and the members of this site. personally i am glad, i have been scammed quite a few times on sites. i would like to see them get all the contact info, pics of more than just one set of these headlights, addresses and any other info before the buy even gets started. that way if something goes wrong we know who and where to get product or money back from. i got stung on one of the biggest group buy screw ups on this site with oscar on the turbo kits, he took no responsability for it, he set stuff up, he took all the money and all the guys lost hes selling carbon fiber stuff again.

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 16th, 2009, 2:55 pm
by cjthor
Dali wrote:its the rule.....this site is not free to run, not very many members donate money period. plus if you were to buy a set and get ripped off then everyone would be pissed about the site letting someone to join and run a scam. there are steps to go threw as a vendor to cover them selves and the members of this site. personally i am glad, i have been scammed quite a few times on sites. i would like to see them get all the contact info, pics of more than just one set of these headlights, addresses and any other info before the buy even gets started. that way if something goes wrong we know who and where to get product or money back from.
You would think this is obvious. Nobody wants to get scammed and sometimes people rush into these buys too quickly. I know all to well how a group buy can turn to crap. Nobody on this board has ever worked with this company and before they started posting on this board a few days back they were very difficult to contact from their very own website....some of us that emailed them from their site still to this day havent received replies. Bottom line is that there are rules to protect members from scams and if you dont like following the rules you are more than welcome to leave.

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 16th, 2009, 3:13 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Well I don't believe the GI threads require an approval, just to sell. You do need to Guage Interest to make sure you have people who are interested.

Are people still bitter over Oscar? Oscar did as much as he could, but he was literally the middle man. It was arranged and R&D'd by Babybluemx3 from Quebec, the work was done in a shop in the USA, and Oscar lives in Toronto. Oscar took the responsibility of being the reseller and to take and organise the cash to get it done. You really don't know that Oscar lost out huge too, more than you guys did, but you guys are too bitter to understand the scope on what happened, and now he's out not only just a many thousands of dollars, but also he reputation. If there's something you still need from Oscar, let him know. I know he's a busy guy and can take a bit to get in touch with, but he's always there to make sure things go around as best as possible. The reason why Oscar took all the heat is not because he's the guy you sent the money to, but he was the ONLY guy you guys could directly contact. Maybe it would of soften the blow if he posted more often on the details of the progress, but really, would anyone had the heart to post every other day that there's no progress. Jarred did, and I give him props to that, but I couldn't, and it wouldn't of changed the end result. Legally, it tough to deal with a company that's screwing you over in another country...look at Jarred, still no resolve on the lambo doors.

Honestly, if you had your own buisness, and you wanted to make a product, but you needed to make say 10 of it to make it happen, and you being the middle man that has no ties to the manufacturer except for talking to and arranging the product to be made, so you take the money from your 10 customers and send it to the company, than that company screws YOU over...what do you think your customers will think or do? How do recoup the loses if the company doesn't give back any money or products?

As you can see, for Oscar's carbon fiber products, not only did I back him AND put my money where my mouth is, but he delivered. Ya it took a bit, but things do go always as planned, but no problem besides for time, and he's delivered and delivering the products. But it helped alot that that he was dealing with a manufacturer that had turned out great products, and that he had dealt with for many years and other products, but also it's local that he can go there himself to get stuff done, organised, pick up and inspect the products and get any problems resolved eye-to-eye, that's why it turned out.

It sucks that people screw other people over, but the blame needs to be put to those responsible...don't shoot the messenger, so to speak.

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 16th, 2009, 4:28 pm
by Custommx3
Well, here's the deal. Even though it was a GI thread, the price was already set and names were already being taken. This site has been up for almost 10 years. We've had LOTS of people come here, try and sell "new parts" that fail. We've had "Group buys" that fail. We've had lots of people scammed. We've had people come here and try and get free advertising by posting products on this forum.

That being said, here's the deal. This site cost $$ to run. LOTS of hard work has gone into this site and does on a daily basis to keep it up and running. Who do you think pays for this? Do you actually think this site gets enough in donations and advertising to cover even HALF of the bill to host this ste. NEGATIVE. We have rules in place tat hve been developed over the years from experience to help prevent users from scams, and keep people from making money off of a site that takes money to run.
What would you do if you worked hard on something, and someone else used it to make money and you had to foot the bill every month? You would set up rules. We have rules, and Jeff, I, and the mods will enforce them. Bickering about something that does not involve you is pointless. If someone doesnt like the way the site is run, then PM Jeff and I about it. Noone asked anyone to be here. You're here, using this site for FREE, taking advantage of the resources made available by us and others, to better help you. Be Appreciative, not negative. I'm not going to single anyone out, but I'll say this. If you have an issue with it, then you take it up with myself or Jeff.

As far as the headlights go...obviously they have a finished product. I wouldnt call it a scam by any means. His thread was locked as stated TEMPORARILY so Jeff was to be informed, and spyder was made aware of the rules. It was closed no less than 12 hrs.

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 16th, 2009, 5:11 pm
Working 60-70 hour weeks, I have not had as much time to spend on this site as I would like to.

With that said, the [GI] thread for these projectors was brought to my attention by one of the respected members on this site. He also cc'ed Barry and another Forum Moderator on here in the message.

The message was about how he thought the thread might get out of control, if it wasn't dealt with appropriately and rules put in place/enforced.

My response also had concerns, and a couple of points I would like to see done before the [GI] becomes a [GB]: wrote:I have concerns about this as well.

His grammar is not the best or most professional.

I would like to find out where this guy lives, where his shop is located, where his warehouse is.

I would like a reputable member of this site to visit one of the above locations, and see first hand some stock of these items, and verify the quality.

Photos or scans of some sort of paperwork, from the original distributor (which I assume is in Japan or China somewhere would be handy to help us verify that these are real, and the seller in question can and will actually get these items for our members.

Standard Group Buy policies will obviously apply, but we need more info.

Everytime one of these group buys comes up, I get concerned.

By the way, I have not been contacted directly by anyone about this product otherwise.

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 16th, 2009, 9:56 pm
by Dali
Are people still bitter over Oscar? f---ing right im still pissed, not at oscar but at being ripped off, i put almost 4000.00cdn into this kit, i got some of it and the rest i didnt i had to replace which set me back another 1300.00. and i will tell you if i ever end up down in abes town i will kick the crap out of him.

Oscar did as much as he could, but he was literally the middle man. It was arranged and R&D'd by Babybluemx3 from Quebec, the work was done in a shop in the USA, and Oscar lives in Toronto. Oscar took the responsibility of being the reseller and to take and organise the cash to get it done. You really don't know that Oscar lost out huge too, more than you guys did, but you guys are too bitter to understand the scope on what happened, and now he's out not only just a many thousands of dollars, but also he reputation.
thats right "Oscar took the responsibility of being the reseller and to take and organise the cash to get it done." he tried and failed and not of his choosing and thats not what pissed most of us off. he was no where to be found multiple times.....he took the money from us. how could i try to get money from the other guys when we didnt buy the stuff from them, trust me i tried. i had the police involed from abe's town, i had the internet fraud on this and they all pointed their finger at oscar, he set up the sale, he took the money. period. i felt it would have been wrong in my book to take oscar to court for being riped off by some one else. i also know he took a huge hit and that was wrong but the thing is he is running a business, business loose money from all sorts of things. i dont know oscar, he seems like a pretty nice guy and i'm not mad at him, happy that he tried to do something for us and i thanked him multiple times. i'm pissed at the way this turned out, i had the paper work in my hand to take him to court but like i said....that was not right to me but im still out money, i've completed the set up and im not looking for a refund from him, i will take it up with abe when i go on a trip one of these days.

If there's something you still need from Oscar, let him know. I know he's a busy guy and can take a bit to get in touch with, but he's always there to make sure things go around as best as possible.
once again, he would not be around for weeks at a time, i emailed him, sent him about 30pm's. i emaild the 2 companies in the states, i harrased the abe's friends and familly down there as well. as for oscar i even tried to buy a stock fiberglass hood off him after this had happed, he was not willing to budge on the price so i never did order one.

The reason why Oscar took all the heat is not because he's the guy you sent the money to, but he was the ONLY guy you guys could directly contact. Maybe it would of soften the blow if he posted more often on the details of the progress, but really, would anyone had the heart to post every other day that there's no progress. Jarred did, and I give him props to that, but I couldn't, and it wouldn't of changed the end result. Legally, it tough to deal with a company that's screwing you over in another country...look at Jarred, still no resolve on the lambo doors.
the reason oscar took all the heat is because he was the one we dealt with, he set the stuff up, he took our money. that is the reason we could not go after the other guys....we bought it from oscar. and a minute out of the day once a week to say sorry guys nothing new is not a big deal, sure it pissed me off but not as bad when i we would not hear anything for weeks. i said, you seem like a good guy, thanks for trying. i used this as a example of what can go wrong with a group buy with new product. not taking a stab at either of you but i dont think nd4spdse has seen how this turbo bulk buy went.

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 17th, 2009, 2:40 am
by tehbrookzorz
I'm concerned by the lack of product knowledge displayed by the person offering the potential group buy.

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 17th, 2009, 12:28 pm
by wytbishop
As Jeff says. There needs to be some verification that the stock actually exists and that this person will deliver as he claims. They have apparently made similar products for other applications. Ray, if you're reading, you should think about posting some of the information from other forum group buys you may have done in the past.

Let's see some proof.

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 18th, 2009, 9:06 am
by SuperK
I love it EVERY time we ask for proof or validation, or an explanation, there is no response from the seller. He just kinda... disappears.
Like spidy did when we asked for him to set up a group buy.

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 18th, 2009, 9:14 am
by colinsmx3
Well you can buy them for double on ebay now so you know it's not a scam off ebay since you can get your money back if it's an empty box. ... 240%3A1318" onclick=";return false;

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 18th, 2009, 2:23 pm
by Dark_Rider2k3
colinsmx3 wrote:Well you can buy them for double on ebay now so you know it's not a scam off ebay since you can get your money back if it's an empty box. ... 240%3A1318" onclick=";return false;

Holy crap those are nice :shock: . If I had the $$'s i'd get in on this GB but I'm buying some other things for my car that are taking precedence..

but again holy crap :shock:

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 19th, 2009, 7:01 pm
by Newfie_dan
they are nice but are damn near $600 cdn to get into canada, not worth it in my opinion. I like them but not for the price of a scrap mx3 lol.

Re: Were the Spyder projectors a scam?

Posted: January 28th, 2009, 4:05 pm
by nlsolja123
they are on ebay now for around 190 and 30-50 for shipping there are 3 sets but you have to look closely