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Posted: December 7th, 2008, 7:47 am
by mazdags94
its not about not wanting to help someone, it's more about the priciple. Give someone a fish and you'll feed them for a day..... Teach them how to fish, and they will eat for a lifetime. Several people, that I've seen, have asked these questions and because of that, the moderators developed a FAQ page. You pass it on the way down to THIS section.

Again, it's no offense to the person asking these questions, but KL-ZE swaps have been done often and everything you need to know how to do it is in here. It's like going to a public library and asking a librarian to tell them about "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and getting frustrated when she points him to the book....

For the record.... I am not an a--hole :wink:


Posted: December 7th, 2008, 1:16 pm
by fowljesse
Wow, Fierofox, you disappoint me :(
I WAS helping him. Do you really want 50 post saying "What are the head codes?" etc..
PLUS, when we look stuff up, we usually find answers to future problems, and get ideas we wouldn't have thought of. It's much more effective. And, the people who are here to help don't have to look through 100 new posts about stuff that's been answered 100 times, to help someone who can't find an answer.
I have NEVER personally attacked someone who has a different opinion about how to help, or anything else, including very personal opinions. That is what makes an A-hole.
NOTHING I said was untrue, misleading, or personal.

If everyone asked a question without searching, those of us who have the minimal amount of required motivation to do a search would have to sift through 100,000 posts to find answers to questions.
If you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or whatever.. take a second before you insult people who can help you in the future.


Posted: December 7th, 2008, 4:24 pm
by ramsen25
thanks fierofox appreciate that come guys just drop this whole thing it was my fault for posting and not reading the faq lets all just be friend lol


Posted: December 7th, 2008, 4:39 pm
by Daninski
Point is it's your money and no one cares as much about getting value for your dollar than you. It's to your benifit to do your homework and not trust some mechanic who himself may have no knowledge about these swaps. It's very very frustrating and disappointing to get the engine in your car and then it won't run right. Provide him with pics of your vac lines before you pull your engine so he will have a reference after and give him the schematic as well. I went to the Dearlership and arranged to get 20% off everything and after spending hundreds of dollars there I'm sure I saved a bundle besides you can't go wrong with OEM. Anyway, good luck.

PS Fiero,,takes one to know one. :lol:


Posted: December 10th, 2008, 7:41 am
by RX8SE3P
I don't trust mechanics. 90% chance that there will be a couple issues afterwords.

I know a guy who got a ZE put in his probe. I asked him if it felt more powerful, he didn't even need to open his mouth for me to know that the DE was probably only 10% less powerful at worst and that the mechanic probably didn't do the best job.