Is this Old Engine Chart Accurate~???

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Is this Old Engine Chart Accurate~???

Post by valentiner »

I found a chart of the KL engines, it was made pretty early, so I was interested to know if you think it is essentially accurate. Particularly, the power listings for the 2nd KLEZ and the 3rd KLDE, and the missing ECU information.
Also, there is no p/n for the 2nd KLEZ and the 3rd KLDE "Air Meters." Oh, and do the Head Codes look right? ... /klze.html
Since I have an MX-3, I am inclined to go with either the 2nd KLZE or the 3rd KLDE for the curved neck IM's, if I can get the vendors to cough up the real Head Code figures on their engines. The genuine KLZE's are getting hard to locate. Also, is it easy to see if the pistons are dished or flat by looking in a spark plug hole, or sticking in a straw or something? Thank you.
'93 MX-3 GS SE w/236k miles, now 260k.
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