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Nd4SpdSe's Post-Mx3 Updates

Posted: April 8th, 2015, 9:09 am
by Nd4SpdSe
Well I know some of the old-timers come by and post up update about how things are going and where they are in their post-mx3 life. Since I lurk on here usually while at work when I have nothing to do (old habbits are hard to break), but since I'm even more bored today, and the boards are getting quite slow, I'd figure I'll post up a little something and give the newer people on here a history on me.

A little recap for those that don't know...Several years ago, life took a dump over the course of less than a year; I blew the motor in my Mx-3 and I lost my sister in a car accident. I took a new job to come home (was working in the US), bought the Xterra and several months later, the economy crashed, I lost my job and subsequently lost my girlfriend of the time. I spent the next year struggling, working odd jobs, and eventually deciding to join the Canadian Forces. This month it's been 5 years that I've been in and been 3 and a half years since I'm been posted and living in Quebec City; originally from Niagara, Ontario, and last month me and my girlfriend celebrated our 2 years anniversary and are moving in together July 1st (cause that's how it works in this crazy province).

She's quite talented and get me involved in her activities, including the zombie walk, which I put my own twist on it ;)
Me : Minecraft Zombie
Girlfriend: Left
Girlfriend's Sister: Right
Girlfriend's Sister's Boyfriend : Far Left

Although the army isn't at all what I was expecting or wanted (in a negative way), it pays the bills. I was working to get back into the civilian world and dealt with a company for a year, until they delayed (for the 3rd time) back in January, so I'm no longer waiting on them and have been applying elsewhere. No rush, but hoping sooner rathen then later, but waiting for the right career and not just any job.

As for the vehicles, there's the Rx-8, the replacement to the Mx3. 4 and a half years of ownershop and sitting at 80'000kms on her (purchased at 48'000), still never seen winter and in great shape. Mods remain minimal at just a BHR midpipe, GM LS3 ignition coils and new tires as of last year, replacing the Dunlop Direzza Z1 Star Specs on stock size to going to the Falken Azeniz RT-615K on 245/40. She remains stockish not by desire, but more just not the priority. I do upgrades as I do repairs, and she really hasn't needed much, and it's the truck that needs the TLC. Having more than one project ain't easy to finance I'll admit.

The truck though have gotten a lot of love. Going on 7 years of ownership, she's at just over 210'000 (purchased at 73'000) hard worked kilometers. A real suspension lift 3 years ago as well as headers. She finally got the brush guard installed (modified for a 2 inch body lift plus reinforced to be functional), a new steel rear bumper (the original one was pretty beat up and rusting and just finally pissed me off) last year, as well as engine, transmission and transfer case skid plates, missing only an upgraded fuel tank skid plate to complete the ensemble. Winch was remove last year since it had siezed up and no longer usable, eventually to get replaced. A new Volant intake with a custom adapter to use with my snorkel, which is from a diesel Pathfinder (Terrano II), a first on an Xterra, and painted to match. Also last year an electrical problem caused the truck to run at 18v and blew out most of my exterior lights and my remote starter/alarm, so they've all gone LED (except the signal lights for the moment) and 4300k HID headlights. And to finish off the year, all the rust and dents was removed and painted. A new set of Frontier Desert Runner rims (powdercoated black) will have my 32" MTR's put on in the next few weeks when I remove the winter tires.



And yes, cause I don't have enough projects, here's another one. I picked up a friend's 2001 Frontier late last year. Part parts truck (although not as much as I thought, there's minute differences, it would of have to of been a 2002-04), the main thing is that it going to be turned into an off-road/expedition trailer. This is the first time I've actually built something of this scale from scratch, and will be learning how to weld on it. Really putting what I know together and learning new things; pushing my own boundaries. It's much more then just a truck bed on a frame, it's way more complicated then that; a lifting top, retaining the fuel tank and a water tank, it's own charging system, and will relay information and be controlled from the Xterra via Wi-Fi through an Arduino.

If you want to know more, all the details are posted on Expedition Portal: ... ailer-quot
And all my phots of the progress are posted on a Facebook page




And those who may know and recognise it, that garage is the same, my grandmother's garage, where I worked on my Mx-3, and where she eventually met her demise. Unfortunately my grandmother substained a spinal injury at Christmas and can no longer walk, and the house will have to be sold to afford for her to be put into a nice home, so that's the last work I'll be able to do there....

Re: Nd4SpdSe's Post-Mx3 Updates

Posted: April 11th, 2015, 9:02 am
by Daninski
Very informative update, sorry to hear the bad news about you grandmother. If you stay in the military much longer your going to start to think about that pension and hence the term 'pension prisoner'. I'm out now and that monthly check is nice. Maybe I work or maybe I won't, kinda puts the ball in your court. Anyway, good luck.

PS I think your GF would look real good in a MX-3,,,maybe a white one :wink:

Re: Nd4SpdSe's Post-Mx3 Updates

Posted: April 13th, 2015, 2:56 am
by projectB10
Excellent post "need four". That update left me searching for a LIKE button big time.

Wishing you all the best ..... the next 1st of July looks like being a very good news day.

Re: Nd4SpdSe's Post-Mx3 Updates

Posted: April 13th, 2015, 10:57 am
by Nd4SpdSe
Thanks guys!
Daninski wrote: If you stay in the military much longer your going to start to think about that pension and hence the term 'pension prisoner'. I'm out now and that monthly check is nice.
Ohh, there is a term for it! It's almost an obsession. You talk about leaving and that's all they talk about is the pay and the pension, that's all they're in for. I don't think the pay is that great, unless you like a job where you don't really work hard and you just like to workout and enjoy running, then it's perfect. But if you want a job with real responsibilities, real challenges, this is not the place. It feels like one big "make work" project to me. Also considering it's now 25 years rather then 20, that means I still have 20 years in this mess, and I can't do it....even if my mind can, my body won't, no way. I had a buddy just leave after 5 years, and they do keep part of the pension, and they do give you some as well. Even the part that they would give me after 5 years is pretty substational for my time in. I would invest it back unlike most that I talk to take the 50% hit in taxes and grab the cash. I've had RRSP's since I was 18, I'm not overly concerned, and we'll see if I can find another government job to transfer it over. I did apply for a position at the CSIS. But I'm not like them; I have an education, and I have tons of experience prior to the army, and this is just adding to it, so I'll find something that I want with the pay I want eventually, just in the tech sector, they like to low-ball the salaries.

I'm not going to lie, there's a little part of me that things of buying her, but it's just an idea, hard to validate another vehicle. If I need a commuter that's good on fuel (and fun to drive would be a bonus), I will be looking more seriously into that. Also, the girlfriend doesn't drive stick. She's also got a 2008 Avenger. I give it an OK as a car. The 2.7 makes 189hp and does a good job at moving the vehicle, and it's pretty functional, but I hate it, it's in good shape but it gives me more reasons to hate on domestics and how they're built...

Re: Nd4SpdSe's Post-Mx3 Updates

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 7:00 pm
by mymx.3
Hey.............great write up. are very lucky to have know so much and you have helped alot of people. I am sure you will continue.

Thank you for your knowledge.

I am very happy for you and Edith.


Re: Nd4SpdSe's Post-Mx3 Updates

Posted: April 22nd, 2015, 1:44 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Heh, the forums aren't very active anymore, and I think I'm more of a troll than anything, but I'm still around. I help when I can, when there's posts..heh.

Almost 13 years and 11'000 posts later. I'll probably be here until the site goes off-line. I'll probably print out all of my posts as a keep sake, heh.

And on some related news, I have a job interview Thursday! I will remain skeptical until after we discuss pay..I love job posted with the pay "to be discussed" :S

Re: Nd4SpdSe's Post-Mx3 Updates

Posted: April 22nd, 2015, 4:51 pm
by mitmaks
Excellent post. Nice to see what "old timers" are up to nowadays.
Myself I still have my mx-3 and I drive it around once I get home from trip (Im truck driver now)
I've been to Quebec myself, didn't like it, seems too overcrowded lol
Take care of those mx-3s guys, they'll be classic one day.

Re: Nd4SpdSe's Post-Mx3 Updates

Posted: July 15th, 2015, 2:32 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Ya, all jammed packed with lots of space in between.

Got the trailer rolling a few weeks back and did my first camping trip with it. Don't mine the tires, I'm running the Frontier's set, because I've been waiting since April for new tires since the tires shop tore a bead on one, so the trailer got the other 3. MT/R Kevlars backordered until September...



Still lots of work to be done, but it's nice to get some use, mileage on it and testing it.