The left side of the hood with all the road grime and oil that was flung by the accessory drive belts.

Right side of the hood isn't so bad, but you can still see that there's a bunch of dirt, water spots, oil, etc. covering it.

The engine is the worst, of course. With all the oil that was seeping out of the valve cover (which got changed about a year ago) made a huge mess everywhere on itself, the head, and the whole side of the engine between the timing belt cover.

Intake side was much more dirty in comparison with the oil that leaked over here. Got all over the transmission, block, cross member, everything. Doesn't help that the thermostat housing seal has, and always will until I get a new one, leaked down the transmission helping get more dirt onto the engine.

Not too much wiping was needed for the hood, but two soaks in some APC and a hose really do justice.

Driver's side was a much easier clean.

The passenger side of the engine turned out exceptional in comparison to what it was. Certainly not factory, but much better. Took care of the frame on that side as well.

Chose not to remove the battery or the intake to get at the transmission, mostly because it was a bit chilly out today and I didn't want to take the time to reset the deck to the sound settings I like (there's actually a lot to go through).

A comparison of the dirtier side of the hood.

And the comparison of the engine bay. The center section is cut out to show the difference.