Where are all the old timers at?
Nd4SpdSe wrote:Lol I remember him, been a while indeed.
No old timers around really. Oscar still owns his, but pretty much everyone has moved on. Daninski has J-Beefs old white Mx-3. I still linger, old habbits are hard to break, lol, and keeping things inline, my brain being an archive for old useful information that would otherwise be forgotten...
The only thing that I would imagine being close to those specs are Mr.Spanky, but he was a stroked K8. I've never seen or known anyone with a stroked KL. Sexy custom hatch color. Don't remember the color of the car.ProspectMx3 wrote:Any idea who is the owner of the MX3 that has been at magnus forever?
Its like a dark viper green. Fully built, Stroked KL, Turbo'd MX3?
Have any picture's?Nd4SpdSe wrote:The only thing that I would imagine being close to those specs are Mr.Spanky, but he was a stroked K8. I've never seen or known anyone with a stroked KL. Sexy custom hatch color. Don't remember the color of the car.ProspectMx3 wrote:Any idea who is the owner of the MX3 that has been at magnus forever?
Its like a dark viper green. Fully built, Stroked KL, Turbo'd MX3?