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Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 10:15 am
by Daninski
Ok, I'm with Bell Canada and they're killing me every month with their bill. They're more than my Electricity or my Gas bill, I can't take it anymore so. I have a cell phone with free long distance any where in Canada with a few options for $32 a month (KOODO). My Lan (Bell) phone is $54 a month. Is there any reason to keep a Lan line if I have a cell? Opinions please. I haven't looked into Skype yet but comments on that would be welcome as well.

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 12:14 pm
by pox
Im not in Canada, but my wife and I each have a cell phone and we do not have a home phone. I dont see the need for one.

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 12:31 pm
by SuperK
I have never owned a Land Line phone. Never will. A good compliment would be a VOIP system. they're not the most reliable but they're there if you need to make a long phone call.

Unlmited calling plans in the US are very affordable so I went that route. I would suggest checking out the prepaid sector of the wireless industry. screw phone subsidies, keep your discounts on your monthly rate... and buy a phone from or locally on craigslist/kijiji when you want a different phone.

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 12:39 pm
by Ryan
We just cancelled our land line.

$50/month we can spend on food instead.

Don't call long distance often enough, and if you need to, there's things like Google's phone client (cheaper than any phone) or skype (free) for family, and for business.... most have toll-free numbers.

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 1:46 pm
by wytbishop
We also recently cancelled our land line as we just weren't using it. Haven't noticed its lack in over 4 months.

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 2:31 pm
by Evo_Spec
when i moved out i never had a land line installed and it worked perfectly for me, i find land lines are really the only way i get f---ing telemarketers call

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 5:09 pm
by RS_OBD'oh_2
I work for a large phone company and find that many people are opting out of the LL. Cell's are a viable option for most people. If you are not getting a really good bundle out of your LL/HSIA/TV, then you might want to scrap it.

I have my LL still and would probably never get rid of it. But it works for us as we are home most of the time (the discount isn't all that bad either).

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 5:29 pm
by johnmx3ze
We dont have a lan line, me and my gf both have an iphone, but we do have a Magic Jack number, 20$/year and first year is free! we use magic jack for long distance only!

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 6:32 pm
by Daninski
Thanks for the responses. I saw a talk show on TV (waiting at a friends house) and they mentioned the whole Land line deal. I checked my bill and almost defecated my pants. 54 frikin dollars and ya telemarketers some time 2-3 times a day. I'm thinking a total make over. I need unlimited internet and TV. Anyone in Canada have any suggestions. Right now I only see Bell :evil: and Cogeco :evil: in our area unless I go internet with someone like Teksavey. I can piggy back a friend for my TV if you know what I mean.

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 6:58 pm
by SuperK
knock on your neighbors door and set up a deal where you can install wireless in his house, put a big antenna on the router, and split the internet bill with him :)

I got a big directional antenna that would broadcast for a half mile (granted you had a booster to increase the power needed to distribute the signal) for 50 bucks when I was in apartments... it was good for scoping out those who were OK with... sharing hteir unprotected wireless signals :)

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 7:22 pm
by RS_OBD'oh_2
I've heard TELUS is growing fairly well in Ont. Might just be a matter of a few months b4 they are in your area. Hard to say really, but that might be a good kick in the rear that the local players need. But $54 is a good $20 overpriced, if not more.

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 8:06 pm
by Daninski
SuperK wrote:knock on your neighbors door and set up a deal where you can install wireless in his house, put a big antenna on the router, and split the internet bill with him :)

I got a big directional antenna that would broadcast for a half mile (granted you had a booster to increase the power needed to distribute the signal) for 50 bucks when I was in apartments... it was good for scoping out those who were OK with... sharing hteir unprotected wireless signals :)
My neighbors are even older than me and not the type of people you'd approach with this kind of offer.

Internet providers now are installing their equipment with encryption so everyone on my street is protected now. :(

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 8:12 pm
by SuperK
older than YOU??!?! I think I met them, is this your neighbor?


Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 8:22 pm
by Daninski
SuperK wrote:older than YOU??!?! I think I met them, is this your neighbor?


No you azz that was me catching 40zzzzs. I gotta stop hitting the tanning salon.

Re: Need Opinions, Lan Line vs Cell Phone

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 9:06 pm
by SuperK
back on serious note, a budget fiber data package will be better than a non-fiber data. you'll get a consistent connection at their rated speeds, as opposed to, for example, cable/dsl data streams, which "peak" at certain speeds. even 2-6mbps connections are highly sufficient or normal use. while big fancy numbers are always nice, most people won't notice that much of a difference between speeds.

I can't help you on the TV side, I don't subscribe to TV services. between hulu and netflix, I stay content with my video options... plus tv is EXPENSIVE! I just created an order for someone up for a 100/month cable bill... I just can't do it... there's so many things I'd rather buy with that 100 bucks... l ike mx-3 parts!