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Look what happens when your mechanic sucks

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 12:15 pm
by im2bad4ya

Ball joint came loose from the spindle, (my mechanic put a new axle in about 2 weeks ago). Luckily (where I got the name for the car, so many close calls, always come out unscathed) i didn't hit anyone and my car escaped unharmed. Happend as I was coming down a circular ramp turning left (going from the overpass leading to the underpass). Happened as i got to the bottom of the ramp, about 25/30 MPH. Just so happens my car rested 100 yards from an auto mechanic shop, so they checked it out and gave me the diagnosis. Everything is cool except I now need a newER axle because the boot ripped, but for practical purposes, the car is still drivable. (BTW, the scrape on the turn signal was from a previous fender bender, unrelated to this incident)

Re: Look what happens when your mechanic sucks

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 12:21 pm
by mitmaks
How did ball joint come out of spindle?

Re: Look what happens when your mechanic sucks

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 1:17 pm
by Ryan
Someone forgot the pinch bolt.

Or didn't tighten it.

I see this a surprising amount on the side of the highway. Losing ball joints or tie rod ends, tire doing an abnormal 90ยบ.

Glad you and the car are okay.

Now you get to soak them for whatever broke :D Check your strut top, see if it is damaged. The rubber isolator may be totally shot now. Your strut may be bent as well.

(Side story, had a friend who went to a shop and they forgot the bottom hose clamp on the rad.... they bought him a new motor)

Re: Look what happens when your mechanic sucks

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 3:22 pm
by im2bad4ya
yeah, pinch bolt wasn't all the way tight. They guy who looked at it said "Just curious, why is all your suspension brand new? was there issues with the old setup?" I explained that it wasn't a problem, more of an upgrade, replacing old tired stuff with new stuff. He says, "Well, I don't know who your mechanic is, and I'm not saying anything personal, but he probably just put the stuff together, perhaps forgot to tighten it, didn't do as a good a job." I think I would have damaged more if was going faster and skided along the highway, but from the point it came apart to the point I stopped, was probably a couple of feet, not enough to drag things along or snap the brake line or anything crazy.

Re: Look what happens when your mechanic sucks

Posted: November 20th, 2011, 4:01 pm
by Daninski
There is a licensing standards for mechanics, try to find out who that is in your area and report this to them. He may gt a fine or at least get a warning. Start at your local DOT. Keep us updated on this.