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Something to point out

Posted: June 30th, 2011, 3:19 am
by _-Night-Shade-_
So I was searching for some MX-3 related information the other day and a Google search led me to a clubprotege thread as opposed to an thread. Anyways, I noticed a post by an MX-3 owner on there that sums up what I am about to say pretty nicely:
haha man i love clubpro. u guys are so better than . i couldnt even get an answer there . this is defintely home!
And that was back in 2008, I can't imagine how much things have degraded since then. Nowadays we have people that have never had or briefly had MX-3s giving advice to others on here, threads that turn into senseless arguments and d----measuring contests about who knows more or who's lived longer or who did what in wherever the hell they're from or how tough they are and how they'd beat up whoever they're arguing with on here in real life or some other random thing that I don't even see how it could be related in the slightest way to the topic, instead of being helpful. In general there is the type of immature Honda-forum-type behaviour that we always bragged we avoided. This used to be the friendliest forum I knew but nowadays it seems like just about any other forum is better. Some people are even on here because they have a lot of spare time on their hands and, for lack of a better way to describe it, don't have anything better to do with their time, and it is too much effort to try and filter their contamination. I don't even feel like contributing to discussions anymore because it might contradict some egotistic person's opinion and a war will break out. I think I'll just stick to the worklogs and that's it. All the important people keep in touch with me outside of the forum anyway. If anyone needs my help with anything feel free to PM me.

Re: Something to point out

Posted: June 30th, 2011, 7:24 am
by Ryan
It takes two people to argue. Just post the friendly helpful stuff and only check back on the thread if you can handle the temptation.

Re: Something to point out

Posted: June 30th, 2011, 9:50 am
by Daninski
I agree. Things like when you quote another persons response to a post then correct them and point out how wrong they are, that's counter productive. Some thing like, 'I know 15 deg's was mentioned as the timing for the K8 but I thought it was 10 deg' with a possible link to the on line manual. Instead of, 'your an idiot, everyone with half a brain knows the K8 is 10 deg's advance.'
We're all here for different reasons, some need help, some want to help, others are looking for MX3 comradery, some of us :D have developed friendships or any combination of the for mentioned.
Anyway, I'm all for insulting each other as long as it's truly in jest and you have an apology ready if it's taken the wrong way. I'm trying to be nicer to newbies and not just tell them to Search and I'd like to see a couple of people on here bury the hatchet. Just my thoughts.

Re: Something to point out

Posted: June 30th, 2011, 12:43 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
I'm not going to say anything, cause if I do, this will just become more of a flame war that is due to happen regardless. But I want to just say that I agree with Igor's post.

I'm starting to see more and more how much I'm not really accepted around here anymore, for wrong and stupid reasons, but I'm not going into that. I know I'm a bit outdated and it's been out of the car scene for a few years but I'm on my way back, but my knowledge if from when Mx-3's ran good, passed emission test and ran reliably, so take it with a grain of salt if you wish. But I'll probably be here just for this season, and I've got a milestone to hit, than I'll probably widthdraw for good. I'll probably only be back on here if someone PM's me, which is seldome, but my e-mail is around and my website, there's means to contact me if anyone would like to, but I'll be gone and take my almost decade of Mx-3 experience with me.

Re: Something to point out

Posted: June 30th, 2011, 4:58 pm
by Savin
Daninski wrote:Anyway, I'm all for insulting each other...
Dan, you're the oldest kid I know :P (insult and compliment! oh yeah!)

Mike, you're not allowed to leave. I enjoy reading what you write. You're accepted by those that don't hate you! :mrgreen: Granted, some of the stuff you post up I read on facebook first, but none the less, I still come here and re-read it. Regardless, you should still make some worklogs for the 8 and the xterra. I would enjoy seeing what you do to them with long descriptions attached. It beats facebook stalking cars, haha.

Re: Something to point out

Posted: June 30th, 2011, 9:45 pm
by Mnemonic
Well I don't have a mx-3 anymore but I don't see why that would keep me from giving advice and information about what i've learned.

As a moderator it is my job to make sure I keep this site clean, problem is I can't read every single post, I'm sorry it would take me all day. We look to our senior members to set the example for the new guys to follow. They don't always do it, and of course they don't understand that everyone isn't going to like what you do, not everyone agrees with everyone. And then they try to measure each other up... Its retarded, we've always been an underdog in the import scene and this is what we have to deal with internally, guys trying to see who's the biggest? Guys if you wanna talk junk, go the the track and let the car talk for you.

What do you suggest we do to turn the site around?

I'm open for any suggestions, I've already suggest we remove all the riff raff one day... To harsh.

Re: Something to point out

Posted: June 30th, 2011, 11:06 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
It's going beyond trying to keep things clean and leading by example. Those are no problem to do, and I think we all do the best we can. We help those that we can, and we have to give the tough-love to those that don't want to even try to help themselves. But now it's time consuming battles, mixing insults and questioning others credibility and citing information, false or not, and then you need to counter with more research, information and proof. A response can take over an hour, time some of us don't have anymore for pidly things like that, and the problem, if you don't fight back, you lose your credibility with the newer members. There's a lot of senior members on here that are tired of *trying* to help, because can't. Some just don't spend time on here anymore, others just stick to certain areas, some just ignore certain people, being self control or using the UBB's built-in feature and just helping and contributing in their own manner ignoring the BS, and others still try to fight for what's right.

The problem is if your not knowledgable about the information being discussed/argued, it's not a clear-cut case about who's right and who's wrong, and who to believe or not. This is something that even the mods can't easillyfix...

Re: Something to point out

Posted: June 30th, 2011, 11:12 pm
by Ryan
I like to think that 95% of the arguments I'm part of on here are in good humor. I enjoy arguing as long as it doesn't spiral down into insults and other childish tactics...

If you took the time to post something intelligent in here, then you're likely one of the people who can be part of the solution. Just buck up, and keep your responses simple and to the point, filter out the crap, don't even bother responding to the jabs and junk.

And Mnemonic, there's a bot on here selling golf clubs, I'm sure you know already...

Re: Something to point out

Posted: June 30th, 2011, 11:27 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Ryan wrote:I like to think that 95% of the arguments I'm part of on here are in good humor. I enjoy arguing as long as it doesn't spiral down into insults and other childish tactics....
Oh absolutely! But those are not the ones in question.
Ryan wrote:If you took the time to post something intelligent in here, then you're likely one of the people who can be part of the solution. Just buck up, and keep your responses simple and to the point, filter out the crap, don't even bother responding to the jabs and junk.
I think it's easier said that done. I understand constructive critisism to that which is towards those that are providing help, that normal and understantable, we're all human, we're not always 100% accurate, and some have specific experiences that may prove details on otherwise, even if both parties have first hand experiences on the problem, or elaborate more in detail, that's all part of the discussion and part of providing as much information as possible to help someone troubleshoot and fix their problem. The problem comes when your help gets totally dismissed as wrong and invalid and that your not knowledgable.

Re: Something to point out

Posted: June 30th, 2011, 11:33 pm
by Ryan
In real life arguments that actually have something on the line, I cram a LOT of "In my experience" and "I think" in there... I call them "maybe" words, just so there is room for me to be wrong and not look like an a-- :P

If you're not 100% on your details and you know a troll is going to hit the thread, add a few of those, maybe refer to what you're talking about...

What else can we do? I don't like the idea of abandoning a problem.

Re: Something to point out

Posted: June 30th, 2011, 11:38 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Ryan wrote:In real life arguments that actually have something on the line, I cram a LOT of "In my experience" and "I think" in there... I call them "maybe" words, just so there is room for me to be wrong and not look like an a-- :P
Honestly, I should use those more often to cover-my-a-- more often.
Ryan wrote:If you're not 100% on your details and you know a troll is going to hit the thread, add a few of those, maybe refer to what you're talking about...
Even if your are 100% correct and provide sources, it's still not enough, trust me.
Ryan wrote:What else can we do? I don't like the idea of abandoning a problem.
I don't abandon a problem, I abandon an argument.

Re: Something to point out

Posted: July 1st, 2011, 1:51 am
by tehbrookzorz
I don't consider myself one of the big guys on the site.. If I see something from Jschraun, patdiesel, yoda, groharlem, rebel2k4, solo_ryder, fowljesse, mooneggs, Josh, Ryan, wagze, superk, uh... Okay, I could go on along time... I perk up and jump in. That's how I started. Then again, when I have time and I go on, its click "view new posts," open new tabs on everything that looks of interest to me, and go through each tab's thread. I lurk a lot, and my ex hated it. I digress.. I guess I've been around anyway.

There's new guys that know their stuff, and I enjoy reading up on their progress. I don't see myself abandoning the site. I enjoy the banter, I consider a lot of you guys my friends, though we don't really know each other.

Yeah, there have always been s--- disturbers too. There are people on here I've had bad transactions with, and would think twice before helping. That's their own doing. If someone has passion, is new, and needs help, I'll pitch in, if one of you fine folks hasn't beat me to it. Usually you do, and usually I just add my two cents, and some quirky notes. Its a wonder nobody has questioned my sanity.. Officially..

Also, I was just tryin to figure out who I've actually met on here. I think the list is Rece, Dali, and WagZE. Gonna meet more next week. BC rep! :confused2:

Re: Something to point out

Posted: July 1st, 2011, 10:30 pm
by hotsiit
tehbrookzorz wrote: I lurk a lot, :
...What I do, 10years strong and counting :lol:

Re: Something to point out

Posted: July 2nd, 2011, 9:56 am
by Daninski
hotsiit wrote:
tehbrookzorz wrote: I lurk a lot, :
...What I do, 10years strong and counting :lol:
10 years, gee I look at your pics and you haven't aged one bit. :D
Once again, I've been put off by peoples comments at times and I PM'd them to ask WTF. In every instance I ended up making a friend :D ,,,well there was this one guy :evil: ,,anyway.

Re: Something to point out

Posted: July 2nd, 2011, 12:50 pm
by SuperK
I guess SuperK has two things to say:

We all just need to learn the art of "Drop It"

My pet peeve is when someone comes on this site, and asks for advice. Many people offer great advice, and when we expect a "thanks for your input" we get a "haha, Ah bilt semi's befoar and no wut am doin, mah car is smokin cuzz ah burnin too much gas, getin good malege and loosin oil." (because the oil used to be tight, now it's loose)

And the (especially the senior) community looks and scoffs, disgusted by stupidity (because you can help ignorance, that's easy to handle) and immaturity. Say what you say, give your advice, and when we get a stupid response, just say, "OK bub, just trying to help." and end it. I for one, have a righteous vendetta against both stupidity and immaturity. In fact, I'm so against it, I believe that stupid people should be sterilized if they can't pass the "Do you benefit Society" test. That'd solve a lot of welfare problems too... No more single mom with seven kids stealing my tax dollars. Can't afford them? Don't have them. Oh me, oh my. Everyone's a bit socialist, it's true. Broadway musical, guys!

But you know what? This is a forum board. We're not going to teach any 16 year old's "Life Lessons" to help better their future, so let's just drop it. Be friendly and helpful, and when they get immature, derogatory, or just stupid, we all give just a big "Oh well"
Maybe recruit some more moderators, lock up some threads, and send a PM to refrain from being offensive, and let the ban hammer swing if the twirp lashes out continually. I don't know why we never use the ban hammer anymore...

And on the complete opposite side, we also need to learn to be HELPFUL. When someone has an issue, presenting solutions to their issue. Sometimes the "Issue" isn't getting the car working, it's LEARNING how to get it working. For example:
Dude wants to know why his car is smoking. we TS it down to burning coolant. Two different responses can happen:
Replace Head Gasket
Take it to a Shop

We take for granted the person already knows how to do the head gasket replacement, and if the OP is new, probably doesn't want to admit that he doesn't... know how. If we can try to post more complete solutions regularly, it would improve our site immensely. and it doesn't take that much time. Just test the waters:

"You'll need some sockets and a couple hours of time. If you've never done it before, keep your afternoon open to be safe. We'll walk you through the process when you're ready."

And the "when you're ready" portion allows him to respond to a "yes plz," or a "no, i kno wut I am doin." But at least you get answers and results, and the thread has no particular reason to move on. It's time to find another discussion!

I for one, was particularly frustrated when this didn't happen when I needed help with AC. I got two helpful answers and a handful of "If you don't know what you're doing, take it to a professional". Let's all take it for granted that we all know we can take our cars to a shop. That's not why WE ARE AT THE FORUMS.