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[fail] Half a can of propane checking for vacuum issues.

Posted: November 10th, 2010, 5:17 am
by spete701
So I'm looking for vacuum issues, using a propane torch fitted (duct taped) to some vacuum tube, and I move my tube around the engine where I want to check for a leak.

Problem is, that the idle is so freaking random I simply can't tell if I've found a leak. I've used throttle body cleaner. - This is not really working out.

I can run the car - and it's a slightly different idle every time. I replaced the accordion tube from the TB to the MAF/VAF thingy that looks like a little jet engine.

I must be doing this wrong - I smell propane, and it's compressed gas, so it's COLD. I know that propane is coming out of that bottle!

Re: [fail] Half a can of propane checking for vacuum issues.

Posted: November 10th, 2010, 9:44 am
by umcamara
I've had issues with propane too. I've found even running it straight into the throttlebody didn't increase my idle. I found throttlebody cleaner worked much better, and did increase the idle when sprayed into the throttlebody.

Also, disconnect the elecrical harness from the IAC (Idle Air Control) Valve. This will prevent the ECU from adjusting the idle on its own, and give you more consistant readings.

Re: [fail] Half a can of propane checking for vacuum issues.

Posted: November 10th, 2010, 10:51 am
by Ryan
try ether! that s--- works.

Re: [fail] Half a can of propane checking for vacuum issues.

Posted: November 10th, 2010, 7:56 pm
by mitmaks
Ryan wrote:try ether! that s--- works.
aka engine starting fluid. Watch out for sparks, hot parts!

Re: [fail] Half a can of propane checking for vacuum issues.

Posted: November 15th, 2010, 2:37 am
by spete701
Maybe I have a vacuum leak - but where would it be? End where can I can my hands on a bottle of ether!

I can step on the gas some - and nothing much happens, yet if I tap the gas repeatedly and quickly - I take off like a rocket! I need to open up a topic regarding this.

Re: [fail] Half a can of propane checking for vacuum issues.

Posted: November 16th, 2010, 2:30 am
by spete701
I was at the parts store looking for ether - or engine starting fluid.

They asked what I wanted to use it for.

They guy went into a long winded conversation of why that was a terrible idea...
ether burns white... explosive... dangerous... blah blah blah. No ether.

Re: [fail] Half a can of propane checking for vacuum issues.

Posted: November 16th, 2010, 2:31 am
by spete701
I was at the parts store looking for ether - or engine starting fluid.

They asked what I wanted to use it for.

They guy went into a long winded conversation of why that was a terrible idea...
ether burns white... explosive... dangerous... blah blah blah. No ether.

Re: [fail] Half a can of propane checking for vacuum issues.

Posted: November 16th, 2010, 8:38 am
by Ryan
Tell him to go F himself or he'll permanently lose a customer and will receive non-referrals.

They can't just not sell you something because its dangerous. You can buy gasoline, can't you? what about acetone? nothing blows itself up better than compressed hydrogen.... lets not even get into knives and guns.

yes, its dangerous. You shouldn't be soaking the thing, in fact, I'd use it extremely sparingly, because he is right, but thats no reason not to sell it to you.

Re: [fail] Half a can of propane checking for vacuum issues.

Posted: November 16th, 2010, 11:37 am
by umcamara
Ryan wrote:Tell him to go F himself or he'll permanently lose a customer and will receive non-referrals.

They can't just not sell you something because its dangerous. You can buy gasoline, can't you? what about acetone? nothing blows itself up better than compressed hydrogen.... lets not even get into knives and guns.

yes, its dangerous. You shouldn't be soaking the thing, in fact, I'd use it extremely sparingly, because he is right, but thats no reason not to sell it to you.
Maybe I'm reading his post wrong, but I assumed he meant they would sell it to him if he really wanted, but they convinced him that he didn't really want it.

You can buy starting fluid pretty much anywhere...

Re: [fail] Half a can of propane checking for vacuum issues.

Posted: November 16th, 2010, 12:53 pm
by Ryan
Never thought of it that way.

I guess my redneck mentality doesn't allow me remove an option just because its a little dangerous :P