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CarPCs - information

Posted: January 12th, 2010, 1:42 pm
by Custommx3
A few of us we're discussing carPC in another topic.. so I'm going to move that info here to stay on topic.

Here's the post:

Bootvis bootime is 5.24 seconds (out of the car, some USB devices were not connected as they were in the car)

Here's a youtube vid of it on the bench.

Here are my specs of my system:

MSI GF615M-P33 Motherboard
Amd Triple Core 2.2Ghz 400e 45w CPU
Super Talent DDR3-1333 2GB/128x8 CL9 Memory
Super Talent sata2 SSD 16G
Bu303 GPS
XM direct w/ serial interface (the USB version has the same chipset and conflicts w/ the car2PC interface)
car2PC adapter
m4-ATX power supply
OBDPROS OBDII+can USB interface
XP Pro - slimmed w/ Nline (
Riderunner Interface w/ Custom Skin
Dashcommand v2 w/Custom GTR style gauges Someone else w/ similar gauges
Iguidance GPS sw
Lilliput TS monitor

Screenshots as requested. If you get an error, refresh the page.

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 7:17 am
by marcdh
Damn sweet setup.

Do you attribute the super fast boot to mainly the sata2 SSD?

I am so impressed. I'm only running an mini ITX 1ghz, 512mb, centrafuse, moulded in 8" lilliput touchscreen. Would the SSD make much difference or is it down to your motherboard/bios and power setup as well?

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 10:57 am
by Custommx3
I'lm going to start this first... Below is a suggestion. If you modify your settings in your PC incorrectly or it has issue already, doing some of the things below can render you PC unusable. Be warned.. do this at your own risk!

Now that thats out of the way....
marcdh wrote:Damn sweet setup.
Do you attribute the super fast boot to mainly the sata2 SSD?

I am so impressed. I'm only running an mini ITX 1ghz, 512mb, centrafuse, moulded in 8" lilliput touchscreen. Would the SSD make much difference or is it down to your motherboard/bios and power setup as well?

Well, I had almost the same setup as you prior to this build. I was running an m10000 w/ riderunner and 1gb ram. When using my virtual gauges w/ Dashcommand, I saw how truly underpowered that CPU was for my application. If I used them, my MP3's would skip while using the gauges. Again, it worked perfectly other than that. I had an m9000 before that, and bought the m10000 for a carPC for my wifes car. We decided to get another car for her so I put it in mine as a small upgrade.

The reason I chose the hardware I did was because I was trying to upgrade and use as many of my existing parts as possible. I also want to be as frugal as possible. The PS I was using was an OPUS 150w. The 12V rail on was rated @ 5A. So the maximum CPU I could use had to be below 60w (12Vx5A=60w) Finding a workhose with low power consumption is hard to find. I found the AMD AM3 400e X3 CPUs we're only 45w, which seemed like a viable solution. The mobo I used was inexpensive too. I think It was <$60. It was a little bigger than my mini-itx, the micro ATX is still fairly small. The SSD I had already in my laptop. I just purchased a small HD to replace it with (Ebay:referb 20Gb $13.34 shipped!). The ram was the fastest I could get and was recommended and tested by MSI. Having always had great performance and value out of Super Talent hardware in the past, I went with that. So, I get it all together and it runs awesome!

The newer boards require a 24pin ATX connector instead of a 20 and also required the +4 P4 connector for the CPU. The Opus only has a 20pin connector and no P4 connector. I purchased some adapters in the hopes it would work. Well, it did work.. but if I plugged any other devices into the board, such as USB, the draw was too much for the power supply and it shut down. I knew then, I had to buy another. If I had known this prior to the build, it may have went a different direction, possibly a core2duo. I did consider the Atom 330 dual core boards, but i figured down the road I would have wished I had purchased something for a little more money with more processing power. I am very happy I went with this setup. It was very inexpensive.

Here's what it cost me to upgrade:
CPU was $85.00 shipped (Ebay)
CPU cooler was $16.99 shipped.
Mobo and ram were $91.79 shipped
The power supply was $96.31 shipped.
That's a total of $290.09, which is VERY fast. Tweaking it the same way as my old setup, it's lightning fast!

If you decided to upgrade, as long as you had a power supply thats sufficient, you could upgrade for less that $275 if you purchased a 16GB SSD for ~ $75.
Here's the one I have

Well, as far as the sheer speed of boot times I think is more as a calaboration than specific parts.
SataII is tons faster compared to IDE, and SSD drives are even faster.
Triple cores processing on bootup helps.
I'm sure the DDR3-1333 boats some performance gains.
Also, the version of XP Im using I've been tweaking it for my specific application for 6-7 years. Having a spare board for testing has helped too. I dont think there is anything I could have done to make it any faster as I have applied every tweak known to man.
If you're not familiar with nLite ( I'd suggest you look into it. Remove any services you dont need completley, and all apps that you'll never use. Its nice to have an automated install disk too.

Here are a few tweaks I can think of that may speed up your boot times:
Nlite the OS!
Disable all unneeded services Goto this site for an explination of each
Disable any unused hardware in the bios.
Go into the IDE controllers in the Device manager, go into the primary and secondary IDE controllers, goto advanced, and set the unused devices to none.
Remove unused fonts
Disable your networking devices and make a batch file to enable them when you need them
Disable networking services and use a batch file to enable them when you need them
Of couse.. disable startup items in msconfig
If I have atleast 1Gb of ram, I dont use a swap file for my carPC.

Get TuneXP and:
  • Accelerate DLL unloading
    Disable paging Executive
    Faster Shutdown
    File Allocation size tweak
    Increase NTFS performance (you should be using NTFS btw)
    Disable Zip folders
In your system properties, goto advanced, and settings.. disable all your visual effects.
Set it the desktop background the color you want it to be
get TweakUI.. goto logon, expand to settings, and select all the boxes, press "Copy Now"
In add/remove programs remove all the crap you dont need, including windows features
Dont use antivirus as why do you need it in the car? Why do you need 90% of the stuff that runs in startup?
Use CCleaner to clean the registry and delete junk files.
Defrag it
Bootvis it!
Ccleaner again...
(Do this several times)

Here is a link that I have found that tells how to do some of the things I have said above. ... indows-xp/" onclick=";return false;

I'm sure you have done alot of this as your obviosully computer literate as you have a carPC :). Others may find it beneficial

If I can think of anything else I will posted below.

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 12:20 pm
by ninjajim4
so with such a fast boot time, are you foregoing hibernate altogether? i know that would probably help a lot of bugs of mine. problem is Centrafuse load time is also pretty hefty. i also noticed when i stripped xp down, CF started to act a little goofy. maybe time to start considering RR... i just really like the looks of the CF interface

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 12:24 pm
by marcdh
Wow quite the monumental reply! Thanks so much.

I shall go through those steps with my current setup and decide whether it is good enough. It runs megasquirt fine which is good, but centrafuse is seriously laggy and boot time is appalling. I've done a few of those steps, but there's lots of gold in that list. That's a great value build you've assembled, it will make a good template if I upgrade. First I need to buy a 2/4 channel amp though. On a quest for a compact amp that can be tucked away, Vibe Litebox is the best I've found yet.

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 1:17 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
Ok, I'm not that computer literate, I don't have a clue what must of what you're talking is about, and I don't even use Windows in my PC anymore.
Even so, I may be able to help a little.

When I was running XP in my laptop, I had, of course, all the normal problems associated with it, until I bought a book: "Hacking Windows XP" by Steve Sinchak. To make a long story short, applying the tips from that book cut my boot time to less than half the initial time, and made my Windows run much more stable. If you can find the book, I highly recommend it.

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 2:14 pm
by ninjajim4
marcdh wrote:there's lots of gold in that list.

shocked to see you did it all on such a modest budget too. i had no idea SSD drives were so reasonably priced these days.

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 2:43 pm
by Custommx3
I thought about using hibernation, but w/ 2GB of ram, the hibernatiopn file itself would be 2gb. Even w/ an SSD, I assume it would take 3-5x longer to boot.
My old setup I used 256mb of ram and it was quick, but it ended up being faster if I just added more ram and booted normally.

I was using EWF (enhanced write filtering) on my old setup w/ 2 partitions, but it got to be a pain sometimes, especially with updates and no keyboard :)

I started my 1st build 9 years ago, so Ive tested just about everyting I could think of. I even used XP embeded with an IDE to CF adapter and a 4gb IBM microdrive.

incase your curious.. this is a microdrive.

The reason I use riderunner, is cause im an old school Mediacar user. Mediacar was the original Roadrunner, which is now riderunner. I'm so used to how to use it and configure it that Ive stuck with it. Besides, Ive done so much customization to my RR skin, that I couldn't go back and do that all over again :).

Inodoro Pereyra,

I can almost guarantee I've done all thaose tweaks :). I couldnt tell you how many hours Ive put into this project ovr the past 9 years. It's evolved quite a bit though. Thanks for the book.

The reason I started this was when I purchased my MX-3, I upgraded the stereo to a REALLY nice pioneer radio. I had a large collection of MP3's back in the day and there we're companies just starting to add mp3 capability to headunits. Pioneer came out and said they will not support mp3's as alot of them are illegal. I wasnt about to sell my radio I just bought so I was going to make a PC and use it through my radio through aux in. Using a 4x20 LCD to display files, ect. Some of you may remember the old linux mpegbox, what the original mp3car was back in the day.

Basically the best way to get rid of your slow down is to disable hardware, good drivers, emilminate "the bloat" in windows.

Smaller footprint = faster boot times.

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 10:32 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
Custommx3 wrote:
Inodoro Pereyra,

I can almost guarantee I've done all thaose tweaks :). I couldnt tell you how many hours Ive put into this project ovr the past 9 years. It's evolved quite a bit though. Thanks for the book.
In 9 years, it wouldn't surprise me... :shock:
You're a patient man...

Personally, I could stand XP for 3 years, and that was it. Now I'm free... :P

Anyways, you're welcome. Glad I could help.

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 11:15 pm
by Custommx3
Well, unfortunatley the interface and devices require drivers I can only get in windows ;)

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 13th, 2010, 11:22 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
You sure?
I'm using Solidworks (for windows) in Ubuntu, and it works beautifully.
Most windows drivers and apps work in Ubuntu even better than in windows...

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 14th, 2010, 12:10 am
by fowljesse
Hoping this is on topic enough and even possible;
I would like to swap my cluster to a display my MegaSquirt guages, and a GPS powered MPH display. I know Bupkis of how to do this, but it would be epic. It would be touch screen, or interfacible somehow.
Any ideas? It would be dedicated to only this, as I'd use my stereo for music. I'd like to know the cheapest way to accomplish this. How cool would it be to be able to switch it over temporarily use it as a backing-up monitor?
Of course this is coming from a guy who can barely use my desktop, and laptop.

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 14th, 2010, 10:58 am
by Custommx3
fowljesse wrote:Hoping this is on topic enough and even possible;
I would like to swap my cluster to a display my MegaSquirt guages, and a GPS powered MPH display. I know Bupkis of how to do this, but it would be epic. It would be touch screen, or interfacible somehow.
Any ideas? It would be dedicated to only this, as I'd use my stereo for music. I'd like to know the cheapest way to accomplish this. How cool would it be to be able to switch it over temporarily use it as a backing-up monitor?
Of course this is coming from a guy who can barely use my desktop, and laptop.
Well you can have MPH gauges based on a simple GPS application and a USB device. Can a MSnS display things such as fuel levels and dummy lights? what about temps?

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 14th, 2010, 12:11 pm
by marcdh
I have a 1/4 of that :freak:

Check out Megatunix. Much cooler, customisable guages. It's open source too, so the potential to do whatever you want is there.
Megatunix Youtube video

And how to create a 5th gear mpg guage:
MPG code

Re: CarPCs - information

Posted: January 14th, 2010, 2:43 pm
by Custommx3
Very cool setup.. reminds me of my old MX-3's carpc.

Yea, but can it physically show fuel levels? If not you could replace just your MPH gauge and your RPM from MSNS, and your speed from GPS. and leave your other gauges in tact.