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Super K knows my fortune!

Posted: December 6th, 2009, 1:44 pm
by lowflyinmx3
I think we all on have benefited and learned from Super K's infinite wisdom. Well last night I was happy to find that Super K is trying to make his words known worldwide.....


Thanks Super K for your wonderful words of wisdom!

Re: Super K knows my fortune!

Posted: December 6th, 2009, 1:56 pm
by Ryan


Re: Super K knows my fortune!

Posted: December 6th, 2009, 2:59 pm
by Ukrman
:lol: awesome

Re: Super K knows my fortune!

Posted: December 6th, 2009, 6:32 pm
by Mooneggs
LOL :lol:

I wonder if they are proverbs/fortunes about mx-3's

Re: Super K knows my fortune!

Posted: December 6th, 2009, 6:59 pm
by lowflyinmx3
Actually I just opened and read the fortune and this is what it said....

" Some fortune cookies contain no fortune."

Hmmm. I'm kind of stumped on this one. :confused2:

Re: Super K knows my fortune!

Posted: December 6th, 2009, 7:31 pm
by Savin
^^That's exactly the kind of fortune I'd expect to pop up in one of those if it were made by SuperK, lmao! :lol:

Re: Super K knows my fortune!

Posted: December 6th, 2009, 8:13 pm
by solo_ryder
Ah yes, I had one of these last week. To bad I didnt snap a pic