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Were you @ the Astrodome after hurricane katrina?

Posted: November 17th, 2009, 4:12 pm
by fowljesse
I was just thinking about this, and wondered if any of you happened to be there. I spent about 13 hours a day volunteering there from the day they started accepting poeple, until everyone had somewhere else to go. I'm looking to share stories.

Re: Were you @ the Astrodome after hurricane katrina?

Posted: November 18th, 2009, 9:48 am
by colinsmx3
You seriouse? Not to poke fun but this was 4 yrs ago....

Re: Were you @ the Astrodome after hurricane katrina?

Posted: November 18th, 2009, 4:43 pm
by JWMX3
colinsmx3 wrote:You seriouse? Not to poke fun but this was 4 yrs ago....
so what? and people are still suffering from it

people talk about 9/11 still too

Re: Were you @ the Astrodome after hurricane katrina?

Posted: December 21st, 2009, 3:57 am
by fowljesse
Yes, quite. There was so much that went on there, that it would be good to look back, find out how people did afterward, and confirm some things I heard from the people about how it all went down in N.O. the day the Levees broke. I was chosen to talk to the media by The Red Cross, and other groups about what was happening there during my time, because my self appointed job was to know exactly what each group was doing, and relay information to reduce redundancy, and keep it as efficient as possible. I had to turn down CNN, BBC, and other major media for briefings because I was too busy, so I know some things, and heard some things that the government wouldn't confirm. I am hoping to talk to some others who know.

Re: Were you @ the Astrodome after hurricane katrina?

Posted: December 24th, 2009, 9:42 pm
by tripleMX-3chicMS
i was in MS during Katrina.... no power or water for 21 days. I thought that was terrible untill i drove around and saw all the damage.

Re: Were you @ the Astrodome after hurricane katrina?

Posted: December 28th, 2009, 2:15 am
by 93vtecklr
I think of all the natural disasters in the history of north america, there was none more mis-handled than that of the hurricane in new orleans that fateful day. My heart always has and will continue to go out to the casualties and their families. I could never imagine feeling such hardship.