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I HATE our roads!

Posted: October 29th, 2009, 10:46 pm
by _-Night-Shade-_
There are barely any smooth roads in Toronto, if you ever find yourself on one it's a rare occurance. I was listening to the radio yesterday and they mentionned Toronto has the WORST street in Canada (road quality wise), it's Steeles if anyone's wondering, and apart from that has 9 of top 20 worst roads in all of Canada. Why am I not surprised, on my frequent routes I find myself staying in a particular lane at a particular time because I've already memorized where the bumps and pot holes are. You know those bumper stickers/decals that say "I'm not drunk, officer, I'm just avoiding pot holes!" F*uck! That's totally me. Why can't I have a lowered car and some rims and drive peacefully? Why doesn't the f*ucking government put some money into the roads? I see YouTube videos of guys in supras and ford escort cosworth's that are almost scraping the ground and are doing like 280km/h somewhere in Sweden and not a single bump in the road! At those speeds (if I could go that fast) my car would probably go airborne after I hit a bump! There's even bumps on the god damn highways, like it's some unfinished construction or some sh*it! Don't they know people can f*uck up their cars going over them at such speeds? God damn it! I know this is a rant but w/e thought I'd post it... fml.

EDIT: Forgot to mention once I didn't see a pot hole on the highway and flew into it SO HARD that I though my wheel was gonna fall off. There was no time for any flex, the whole thing felt like a rock. But luckily the tough little MX-3 didn't even get its alignment off. Man I hate out roads with a passion!

Re: I HATE our roads!

Posted: October 29th, 2009, 10:59 pm
by Daninski
I ended up in a pot hole, took me two days and a GPS to find my way out. I drive my MX6 to Toronna never my MX3 just because of your crappy roads. And they wonder why I refuse to lower my car.

Re: I HATE our roads!

Posted: October 30th, 2009, 7:46 am
by colinsmx3
Ohhh it's not that bad at all! You just gotta know how to drive... You have all seen how low my car is and I have never broke a skirt or cracked the front bumper off anything... or bent a rim! It's mostly due to our winters and the snow plows, once there is a small hole the plow just makes it bigger! :shrug:

Re: I HATE our roads!

Posted: October 30th, 2009, 8:43 am
by _-Night-Shade-_
colinsmx3 wrote:Ohhh it's not that bad at all! You just gotta know how to drive... You have all seen how low my car is and I have never broke a skirt or cracked the front bumper off anything... or bent a rim! It's mostly due to our winters and the snow plows, once there is a small hole the plow just makes it bigger! :shrug:
You're in Ajax, it's not as bad.

Re: I HATE our roads!

Posted: October 30th, 2009, 2:46 pm
by Mad Cow
Ugh I know what you mean, there's a road on my way to school that's nothing but cracks and potholes for a solid 3 blocks. It's actually impossible to avoid them because the whole road is cracked and broken. On black creek you can't even stay in the left lane going south because there's a pothole every 30 seconds. And lakeshore around my area is so grooved that I thought a wheel or 2 were loose the first time I went perpendicular to the usual traffic flow doing a left turn, my car was bobbing around like a boat. I actually got airborne from road work in my parents' car once, I was trying to catch a yellow light. The lights were at the bottom of a small but pretty steep hill, and I couldn't see that the top layer of road was gone right where the hill starts going down, I hit a massive bump at the top of the hill and then the road disappeared from under me. I smashed my knees on the knee bolster, they hurt for a while after. I've been down that road a few times after and it still looks the same a few months later, no work being done at all.

And I've noticed that the highways are always getting fixed, problem is it's always last minute quick fixes that become potholes or cracks within weeks.

I love going down to my cottage because they're resurfacing so many roads in that area, there's a perfectly straight and smooth, brand new blacktop road right behind my cottage. No traffic there either, you can fly down that road going 200 and it'll be so smooth that your car feels like it's not even touching the ground.

Re: I HATE our roads!

Posted: October 30th, 2009, 7:28 pm
by mitmaks
do they charge a lot of taxes? Roads here suck, they charge a lot of taxes, WA has most taxes of all the states as far as I know and we still get crappy roads.

Re: I HATE our roads!

Posted: October 30th, 2009, 8:08 pm
by onlytrueromeo
Are the WA taxes worse than NY? I know NY taxes suck for most everything.

The only real way to fix potholes/cracks in a decaying road is to grind down or completely replace the road and build new over it. If it's that bad, its likely the material is either too old or the base was not installed correctly. Patches are for small maintenance only, such as cracks and intermittent potholes. Anyone who tells you otherwise has not done roadwork...

Write letters to the government? I don't know what else to say...that blows.

These things are pretty sweet. ... r_embedded" onclick=";return false;

Re: I HATE our roads!

Posted: October 30th, 2009, 8:11 pm
by JWMX3
onlytrueromeo wrote:
These things are pretty sweet. ... r_embedded" onclick=";return false;
thats impressive.... sure to put alot of people out of a job too :P

Re: I HATE our roads!

Posted: October 30th, 2009, 8:14 pm
by onlytrueromeo
There are different ones made by different companies - my dad works for the state and got some private videos of some doing a 2 lane road in 1 pass. Ridiculous. Hard to find the videos for them.

As technology improves, it will only get easier.

As for asphalt vs concrete, well, thats a big discussion. Both have many merits, and both can be supplemented with recycled materials which cuts down costs and promotes a healthy environment.

Re: I HATE our roads!

Posted: October 30th, 2009, 8:55 pm
by Mad Cow
onlytrueromeo wrote:The only real way to fix potholes/cracks in a decaying road is to grind down or completely replace the road and build new over it. If it's that bad, its likely the material is either too old or the base was not installed correctly. Patches are for small maintenance only, such as cracks and intermittent potholes. Anyone who tells you otherwise has not done roadwork...
Now if only our municipal government realized that, there are patches here that span the whole width of the road and cover potholes big enough to fit a whole car into. Some roads would look almost striped from and aerial view because the road material changes every few metres from old road to new asphalt.

I've actually driven down smoother gravel roads than some of the roads here.

Re: I HATE our roads!

Posted: October 30th, 2009, 9:07 pm
by Ryan
I know what you all mean... we have roads where it is common knowledge that everyone drives in one lane because the other is impossible to drive on.

Re: I HATE our roads!

Posted: November 2nd, 2009, 5:12 pm
by 93vtecklr
I hit a pothole in downtown red deer so severe that my car jerked to the left, jumped the curb and I slid into garbage bags. Needless to say the car doesn't drive straight anymore. Thankfully no damage to my brand new bumper and lip, and the rim was unscathed don't ask me how.

Re: I HATE our roads!

Posted: November 2nd, 2009, 5:28 pm
by Mad Cow
I drive down this road every single day for school:,220.2 ... 37&layer=c

Just keep going south down it for a bit.