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MX-West Ownership

Posted: July 22nd, 2009, 11:52 pm
by wyldside
Hi Everyone,

As a few of you may know, Kevin Gee has recently passed the remaining control of MX-West on to me. But unfortunately, due to me being a one man show, this has not been an easy nor successful task on my behalf. On that note, I would like to extend a big thank-you to Jesse Krsa of Alberta as well Monte Lamarche & Tyler Hamm of BC for picking up the slack in many areas.

Now the main reason for this topic is appoint a new administration of MX-West, in order to keep the club alive. The club needs a new fire behind it, and I believe it is time for someone else to take the reins. I have been with the club since 2002 with trips to Vancouver and soon after started the Alberta division of the club. I have built and designed the website from the ground up, but with a busy life schedule I was unable to keep it up to date as much as I would like. Whomever takes over as President will receive guidance and assistance with transitioning information as well as moving the domain registration and hosting to a new web developer. Consideration as to how the club expenses will be paid will also need to be taken into account. I have stopped collecting membership fees and have funded things like domain registration and partial hosting out of my own pocket as I felt members were not getting their money's worth.

Now I will leave it up to everyone to provide votes for who they believe should take over the job. My thoughts are that the club should have one main President and then a Vice-President of each geographical region. Ex: VP Calgary Division, VP Okanagan region, VP Washington, etc. But of course that is completely up to the new President. My Presidential recommendations would be for someone who has great popular support as well as being able to take action to achieve results. The individuals that I will place in this poll are by no means bound to becoming president. But I feel these are senior members and should get first consideration. This is to see who the members would like to have as their new club president.

Please answer the poll below...
You are allowed 2 votes and if you see fit, feel free to vote for yourself (if you are on poll).

Re: MX-West Ownership

Posted: July 23rd, 2009, 1:12 am
by Evo_Spec
i'm assuming everyone on the list is willing? =P

Re: MX-West Ownership

Posted: July 23rd, 2009, 6:01 am
by 93vtecklr
How do I join the club? Could we possibly get a bunch of cars together for the super run this year? It's the august long weekend.

EDIT: I just read your website. Could you pm me and let me know where to meet one of you in person, I used to own Jen's mx haha so I kinda know her. If you guys have regular meets in Cowtown or wherever I'd be down to check it out. I'm currently a member of two other automotive enthusiast clubs (Antique Willys Association < my willys>, Lowered Expectations <my datsun>) and love to get to know others who share the same passion for the ol mx.

Re: MX-West Ownership

Posted: July 23rd, 2009, 8:54 am
by wyldside
I know some of the people on the list would be willing, but others not so much. Like I said, this is just a visual aid to seeing who club members would prefer.

The MX-West site is" onclick=";return false;,

as for membership, hang tight on that. We are discussing something about that.

Re: MX-West Ownership

Posted: July 23rd, 2009, 10:18 pm
by BuGS
Yeah, with me heading down to Utah for School being prez would be hard... and being american! :D But I am still disappointed I didn't go to Kelowna... I should have...

But I voted!

Re: MX-West Ownership

Posted: July 23rd, 2009, 10:39 pm
by solo_ryder
Gotta be one or both of the guys from the puddle. They have shown interest and I think that those two are real mx3 enthusiasts

Re: MX-West Ownership

Posted: July 24th, 2009, 3:41 am
by BuGS
Did they both have RHD mx3s at the meet???

Re: MX-West Ownership

Posted: July 24th, 2009, 4:42 am
by Evo_Spec
no, just tyler


Re: MX-West Ownership

Posted: July 24th, 2009, 6:54 pm
by Josh
yah i havent really contributed like i had hoped i would. But things are a changing and I think it is a great idea to have one Prez with several VP's. With my own persional things coming to a close I should be able to help out alot more. I am actually really excited looking twoards next year, and would love to get some things going through OR and WA and up in BC, as soon as i get my pass port. hopefully my car will be up and running very soon, i have accumulated most of my parts now,
I just have to put it all together :welder:

Re: MX-West Ownership

Posted: August 31st, 2009, 9:59 pm
by wyldside
Wow, so far these votes are closer than I had anticipated.

Re: MX-West Ownership

Posted: November 16th, 2009, 8:47 pm
by wyldside
Well it looks like Tyler Hamm has won the vote of people. So, if everyone is happy with this (including Tyler), I can proceed with transitioning everything over. The runner up votes would be the likely candidates to run as VP for the respective region. Tyler can run a follow-up poll if need be to see who should run various regions (Vancouver / West Coast, Kelowna/Central BC, Edmonton, Calgary, Washington, etc)

Re: MX-West Ownership

Posted: January 18th, 2010, 3:29 am
by wyldside
Just a quick update on this...

I'm trying to get things transitioned over but I've been unsuccessful at getting a hold of Tyler. I would like to have much of everything figured out before Spring. Hopefully this doesn't delay things too much. We'll keep you posted...

Re: MX-West Ownership

Posted: February 17th, 2010, 12:47 pm
by wyldside
Just giving everyone an update on this. Tyler Hamm is the new President of MX-West. We are currently working on transitioning things over. Once this is close to completion, Tyler will then appoint a Vice President for each specific region to manage local members and events. Thank-you everyone for taking part in this poll.
