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Pranks you pulled on non-mazda owners

Posted: July 15th, 2009, 8:03 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
Ok, the title is pretty much self explanatory.
I like to have fun, and find non mazda owners to be an endless wealth of victims for all kinds of pranks.
For example, one of the managers at my job had a civic hatchback. One of my most celebrated pranks at the time was to take 4 spray can nozzles (we have a lot of them in a jar, just in case a can of paint needs one), scotch taped them to a piece of paper and wrote "Civic performance injectors-for sale" on it.
He wasn't so happy about it... :lol:

So...what's your story?

Re: Pranks you pulled on non-mazda owners

Posted: July 15th, 2009, 8:35 pm
by mitmaks
I dont mess with people's stuff, that's asking to get your a-- kicked. However when my boss got his brand new 07 harley, someone dumped bunch of oil underneath it and put some on bottom of his bike.

Re: Pranks you pulled on non-mazda owners

Posted: July 15th, 2009, 9:19 pm
by Stonefly
We got bored in metal shop one day and switched my teachers wires to the bright controls with his mist setting on his wiper blades... That was in his POS chevy s10... gotta love it when people leave their keys in the car... he thought it was funny then gave me detention

Re: Pranks you pulled on non-mazda owners

Posted: July 15th, 2009, 9:25 pm
by Ryan
I will soon swap my GF's horn and blinker wires.

Re: Pranks you pulled on non-mazda owners

Posted: July 15th, 2009, 9:59 pm
by JWMX3
Ryan wrote:I will soon swap my GF's horn and blinker wires.
hahahahaha :lol:

this one time I took a jerry can of reg unleaded and dumped it all over a civic , fired up the axe spray/lighter blow torch and lit that mother. it was hilarious to say the least

Re: Pranks you pulled on non-mazda owners

Posted: July 15th, 2009, 11:30 pm
by tmac4t4
whenever im racing something that isnt a mazda, where they are in a lane that MUST merge.. what i like to do is let them think theyv got me, that their gona be able to just keep it floored and sail into the next lane..let em get a half/car length ahead then screem past em forcin em to slam on the brakes and smarten the $%^ up...but thats just me :shrug: