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Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 12:18 pm
by Franko
I asked the same question on I asked on here about my wheels.

I mentioned something about how much power the car is making and then some idiot calls me out on it.

Just have a read over this ... ?t=1791336

Somebody calls it 'rice'. Jesus, all I have is a bumper on it. Most people on the internet are retards.


Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 1:43 pm
by Thassodar
Those guys are complete tools. At least when people are dicks on the MX-3 forum they have a reason for it (use search, don't bash MX-3s, etc.).

Half those guys had probably never seen a MX-3 before you posted your pics.

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 3:01 pm
by solo_ryder
Heh, what a read.

This can all be explained though. People that own mainstream cars do not understand or can comprehend owning or modifying a vehicle that they would never give a second glance, that's because its not "common" enough or has enough exposure to be worth while in their books. So therefore they immediately tag it as "stupid", "retarded", "ugly" and "a waste of time/money" and throw that opinion into their limited cache memory, which of course is there closed minded brain.

Mix that with the fact that you are on a massive forum such as nasioc, where everyone that has half of an aggressive personatily will fight verbally over a electronic forum for a "badass" rep. Then you get what you see on that page.

Now you have to ask yourself, are these people happy with themselves? Are there personal lifes in shambles? Are they in denail? Probably so in some cases. But what it boils down to is a bunch of close minded, mainstream loving forum whores that LOVE to jump onto the "popular" bandwagon. Classic example.

At the end of the thread all I could think of was why they say mx3s with exhaust sound bad? Maybe they haven't heard a klze with bolt ons yet :p

Franko, you built the car for yourself. Noone should think otherwise even for there own cars, if they do then thay are just as bad as the close minded fools thay I mentioned above.

/end rant

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 3:13 pm
by s1zzl3
wow and how i wish my car was as badass as yours
i agree with solo_ryder
i say let them say crap but when it comes down to it 2400lbs + 350Hp = Perfection

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 3:25 pm
by onlytrueromeo
LOL @ subie fanboys, Subies are great for sure, but most all are ugly as hell.

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 4:33 pm
by Mnemonic
it happens all the time to be honest...

What i've learned coming from a car like the mx-3 to my is300 is manly a lot of guys on the more mainstream car forums don't really no s---, they've never had to do custom, they can just go buy everything right off the shelf and bolt it on and instantly make a lot of power... Whats even more sad is its ALL about brand name! For example:

Man build his own CAI looks nice and clean, doesn't go to cheap on material and cost around 125 (filter being the most expensive part) well he gets labeled as rice, even though it made the EXACT same amount of power as the One that cost 400ish...

It really makes me frustrated to see crap like this when it comes to an "unknown car" but if your going to post numbers you always need to have the dyno file close by to throw up, because someone (usually a dumb person) is going to call bs on you.

About the Rice comment, the entire thing now is to keep it as stock as possible (lips and sides are ok) or go jdm, most dumb guys don't relise your using a mazdaspeed bumper and that according to these rules that seem to float out among the pricks your within reason...

Now I will agree with the guys who are saying you should update your rims... I 100% totally agree with that, spokes are old and boring and seen on generally 85% of horrible looking cars. Your 5 stars don't look to bad, but a set of knock offs like rotas or hell even ebay drags, would probably do the car a little justice with an update in looks.

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 4:40 pm
by 93vtecklr
OMG BATMAN! It's the same thing everywhere dude. Think about it, you see a car ripping through traffic cutting people off and they look unintelligent. You see a guy in the library picking his nose, he may be a scholar but he still looks unintelligent. You talk to somebody and they cuss every three words, they sound unintelligent. My greatest pride in being part of this community is that people hold intelligence in high regard. On these forums, there is a great deal of respect, and that respect is upheld through the admins, mods, and members. I thank you all for that, and it's not one but all of us that makes this site what it is. Pride + Respect = Perfection.

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 4:53 pm
by Flyer
The bigger the community, the more likely there are in point: almost any Civic forum

That also brings up another problem: Figuring out who are the people that actually know what they are doing and some kid who "heard it from a friend of a friend". NAISOC does have some very knowledgable people, but you usually get some ricer kid running his mouth...hand...whatever...

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 5:15 pm
by hotsiit
Yep, that's Nasioc for you...I have been a member their for only 5 years, and I think i have 1 post :lol: ...I mainly read. Some of the stuff was funny " mx3/6's sound horrible with exhaust" :laugh: , "they were cool to hook up in the 90's" :roll: :lol: ...Franko your mx3 is clean.
Mnemonic wrote:it happens all the time to be honest..a lot of guys on the more mainstream car forums don't really no s---, they've never had to do custom, they can just go buy everything right off the shelf and bolt it on and instantly make a lot of power... Whats even more sad is its ALL about brand name!
---man speaks the truth :!: ---

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 5:20 pm
by onlytrueromeo
I'm proud to know my car in and out and have to have replaced almost every single piece of it. I'll be eve prouder when my mx3 looks 1000x better than any subie and outperforms 95% of cars on the road (eventually want 350-400whp mx3).

In the end, who cares what people think. Most people cannot tell me car is 17 years old.

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 7:18 pm
by ionic1000
I used to be one of the unintelligent masses who had the 93 civic with every bolt on I could afford! All I can say now is I have seen the light and if you don't believe just look to the first reference of my feelings in my signature line!

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 7:55 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
The suby owners seem to have an attitude against others, like they're king sh-t.

They don't like the sound of the exhaust of our V6's?! C'mon, that's a great sound! We should make fun of the sound of their boxer i4.

I've got a friend with an '04 Kia Rio Tuner. ... _large.jpg
For those that don't know, but it was a Canadian Model only. It has a Subaru-Like scoop and wing, which they really don't like and they laugh at it. But my buddy's car isn't stock. From the factory it uses a Mazda B6, and he's got it turbo'd, so they REALLY don't like it when he beats them, lol.

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 8:35 pm
by Ryan
Its like Lime, with his full custom BPT w/ KIA valvecover :) At least I think its lime.

They call your car crap untill it beats their 2005's.... they are simply closing their eyes. people see and hear and say what they want to beleive. Especially online.

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 9:08 pm
by Flyer
If it does come to a track, it's lose-lose for them...

If they win, whoop-de-doo, you beat a MX-3
If they lose, WTF, they lost to a MX-3

Re: Some guy calls me out on a subaru forum...

Posted: June 26th, 2009, 4:27 pm
by boosted_bullet
both sets are real nice franko. even if they are a lil out dated..