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Europeans! How ya doin?

Posted: June 22nd, 2009, 3:02 pm
by fowljesse
My Girl and I have been planning to travel for a long time now, and I need to know if it's feesible.
We were going to do street performance, and I wanted to know how the economy is. Would people support street performance? If things are as bas s they are here, we may not be able to do it. We also were counting on odd jobs along the way.
We are on an international "CouchSurfing" website, and hopefully, can stay with random people for free. That being the case, we may buy a scooter to get around, if it's cheaper than rail & bus passes (since we can sell it when we're done).
Any input & advice is welcome!

Re: Europeans! How ya doin?

Posted: June 22nd, 2009, 3:48 pm
by WhiteFinish
I have no idea how much of an income you would get. Also depends on the kind of performance ;)

I don't know what countries you're willing to visit?
But, stay in the bigger cities !!

Re: Europeans! How ya doin?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 10:11 am
by hussar203
The idea of travelling is a great one, surf couching is in and quite popular (getting better) in Europe. Travelling around for free can be a bit hit and miss, but people do manage on push bikes and on foot (ODD). A scooter wont have the power or comfort to take you any reasonable distance, dont't forget fuel prices over here are criminal, insurances are quite expensive, what you get in the UK should do in Europe as a whole but there are some countries where your insurance will not cover you. Street performance is fine but there are so many of them, they all end up in the bigger towns and cities. We do give for a decent show but with so many to choose from. The biggest bug in the ointment are customs and border control, you will need to enter on the correct VISA. If you do not have access to sufficeint funds that means you will need to work to fund your trip (which is the whole idea) customs may well turn you away. You will need to have a pretty robust plan in place to avoid dissapointment. I hope you get what you want, maybe you could log on to a few of the other forums, you may get some better ideas of what's ocurring over here. Good Luck, :wink: hussar203." onclick=";return false;

Re: Europeans! How ya doin?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 12:00 pm
by onlytrueromeo
I think you're crazy - but awesome.

I wouldn't attempt this unless you had ample funds, and will use performance as a way to minimize your cost, but do not plan to make any money to be safe. So, put aside money to cover EVERYTHING, then when you get there, work as much as you want/can and try not to spend any of the money you have.

How long do you plan to stay there? 2 Weeks? 2 Months? 6 Months?

Anything under a month and I do not suggest buying a scooter. You will not have the time to sell it, and you will have to get insurance and fill out paperwork. It will just be easier to rent or take trains (cheap). Keep in mind if you use public transportation you may be able to entertain ON the train or bus.

Couchsurfing is neat. Backpacking is also an idea. You won't see the cities as much, but if you're anywhere near mountains, you can travel for quite cheap...hostels are inexpensive if you cannot find a house to crash at!

Re: Europeans! How ya doin?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 2:34 pm
by fowljesse
Thanks, everybody!
I get about $1,000/ month from a company I owned, so we'll have that, and whatever we can save beforehand, and get selling off our stuff (including a pile of MX-3 parts, and probably my stock GS, and Mercedes). I've done pretty well performing on the street (fire juggling/ acrobatics), but don't know about the economy.
I used to buy and sell Vespas, and "tune" them. I had one that would go about 80 with 2 people on it, but for all the reasons mentioned, I'll not go that way. I guess we'll just do the busses, and trains.
We're planning to not have a plan.. just stay as long as we can/ want to.
However, I think this trip will just be a couple of months. We'd like to go all the way around, and hang out in Hawai'i afterward (I used to live there, so it wouldn't be too hard).

Re: Europeans! How ya doin?

Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 3:12 pm
by onlytrueromeo
Just make sure you mail out those slim visors before you leave! :lol:

I'm jealous! I'd love to do something like this but I wouldn't be able to pay my loans lol.

Re: Europeans! How ya doin?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 4:50 am
by muttpower
What time of year were you planning on starting your trip??? Cause in most contries in Europe, that has a great deal to do with the number of street performers and how well they earn...IE, in germany, the best time is end of Nov to Dec during the christmas Markets in the Major Cities...people get really generous then. Another big time is during June-July whenever there's a Volksfest in the area. The economy sucks here, but I'm sure with your $1000 a month, yous guys could easily make it here traveling...hope it works out for ya. Have fun.

Re: Europeans! How ya doin?

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 9:50 pm
by fowljesse
Danka Shon! We don't have it planned out yet, but want to be in Germany in Christmas time, anyway :)

Re: Europeans! How ya doin?

Posted: July 5th, 2009, 9:05 pm
by rekognize
onlytrueromeo wrote:Just make sure you mail out those slim visors before you leave! :lol:
lol yes +1