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Negative for boosted_bullet

Posted: May 30th, 2009, 2:13 am
by kast2L
At first we had an agreement for me to buy the bumper off him, sent payment to him. Over a week and he still didn't ship it, said oh UPS said it was this, said it was that, I didn't have all the money, etc etc seemed like a cool dude but I told him I could just send him whatever it is extra he says don't worry about it so as I said over a week I was like forget it just paypal me the money back, of course doesn't have it and said he would have it in 2 weeks on the 29th so its the 30th right now and he has logged on and I still see no payment sent back to me. Others might view me as not being patient but if I was going to wait a week for it I could have just ordered a full body kit if that was the case. Will be filing a claim.