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Am I All Alone???

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 5:14 am
by muttpower
Just wondering if there are any other MX3 owners here in Germany, or mainland europe for that matter, on this site??? It would be nice to know that I'm not alone here :crying:

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 5:21 am
by muttpower
Well Alrighty then, how about all of Europe, to include England???? :freak:

I think I need to move to Canada....seems to have a majority of MX3 owners in the world. :love2:

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 6:46 am
by Mikitu
You are not alone :wink:
I'm from Portugal.

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 6:56 am
by JustAdam
I feel the same way, and I live near one of the largest cities in the world - and I NEVER see any MX-3's!

But, I am not moving to Canada - its too cold for me here and I can imagine how much worse it is up there - lol

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 2:13 pm
by Evo_Spec
it's not that cold in my igloo =P

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 3:37 pm
by wytbishop
The sled dogs are taking a nap right now. They love the summer cuz they don't have to pull the MX-3 around for me.

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: May 28th, 2009, 4:06 pm
by Mooneggs
have you also tried looking for other mx-3 communities? I know there is one in the NL and the UK, there must be one in Germany...

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: May 29th, 2009, 2:01 am
by _-Night-Shade-_
HAHAHA I love all the stereotypes about Canada :lol: Yes we all have igloos! Lmao.
The climate here in Toronto is actually warmer than San Francisco, so that'll give you an idea.

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: May 29th, 2009, 7:16 am
by muttpower
I wouldn't mind the weather in Canada. I lived in Ft. Drum, New York for a few years and actually liked the weather. The only downside is the salting of the roads during winter causes a big rust problem. As far as -60 F temps during the winter, I can deal with that.
But as far as germany mx3 communities, i've searched and haven't found any. I've seen a few mx3's here, but most were beat up daily drivers. Not exactly enthusiasts. I'm dealing with one owner over here who got his 93 GS model for $500. I'm offering him a Sh*tload of parts for free for him to tune his with. Yep, that's how desperate I've become. Besides that, I'm moving in a bit, and the movers won't ship alot of the spare parts that I have. But he came to me with a myraid of questions, which I answered. I even refered him to this website, as well as CorkSport, MazdaManiac, and others...I'm so lonely it's pathetic!!! Maybe I should sell my MX3 and buy a Civic...NOT!!!!!!!!!! :freak:

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: May 29th, 2009, 8:47 am
by onlytrueromeo
^You in the army?

I'm living in Potsdam, only a small jump from Fort Drum. I sold my old mx3 to one of the guys over there in the fall! I've only seen 1 or 2 other mx3's between Potsdam and Watertown though :(

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: May 29th, 2009, 6:39 pm
by Mooneggs
this is what I was trying to find before..." onclick=";return false;

Also:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: June 1st, 2009, 9:34 am
by muttpower
Thanks for the site links...rite under my nose and I didn't see just sucks that I can't read german. In other words, I'm a US Soldier stationed in Germany...Doh, wasn't supposed to say that!!! You know, with force protection and all...wouldn't want some wanna be terrorist tracking my sh*t on the net.
Anyway, the UK mx3 site seems alright, but looks like it's still in it's infancy. Still thinking of moving to Canada when I retire though. Either that or asking Bill Gates to buy me a small country??? Like maybe Puerto Rico...

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: June 1st, 2009, 9:39 am
by marcdh
Yea uk-mx3ers are lazy! There's some good projects there in the forum, but not enough updates. I use this site more these days.

Re: Am I All Alone???

Posted: June 1st, 2009, 10:20 pm
by mazda___mx3
quit hatin on the canadians that still do live in igloos.