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Two Solo BARK L5s $200

Posted: April 21st, 2009, 1:26 am
by Thassodar
So I was at a UFC fight watchin' party on Saturday and was braggin bout my stereo when the guy pulls THESE out of his garage covered with spider webs:

(Images are blurry due to being pretty buzzed/drunk by that time, and low light on a cell phone camera)



Commence drool. They were...staring at me the rest of the night.


Four years old, not even Solo Baric, no sir they're Solo BARK. Old skool. I'm pretty damn sure they're genuine cause there was Kicker right under the center label design thing under the words Solo Bark. Said he'd let me hook em' up to my amp and listen to them when I get a chance (it was pretty late at the time). Says they're broken in and everything. The box is the recommended sealed box size. From the looks of them they look like they've been in his garage for awhile, so there may be some cone deterioration. But Kicker makes some pretty sturdy subs, so I'm not too worried. Box looks like just the right size to fit in the trunk, although it is kinda ugly.

He'll sell em to me for $200.

Should I do it?

Re: Two Solo BARK L5s $200

Posted: April 21st, 2009, 2:54 am
by neuspeedescort
200 for two older L5's isnt a bad deal. i don't know how they retain there value like L7's but 200 for a pair of squares i would do. just look at kickers site for specs and get them humping!