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Who knows anything about lung cancer?

Posted: March 31st, 2009, 4:49 pm
by fowljesse
Recently, a radiologist found 4 masses in my lung. All they could tell me was that it is either scar tissue from an infection, or tumors, and the tumors could be cancerous.

I had a friend who was 2 years older than I am, in good health, that was sick for about a month. We made him finally go to a doctor, and he died of cancer in about 9 months. About 1 month ago, a good friend who was about 45 wasn't feeling well, as he was getting ready for work, and he laid down, and died of a heart attack, so I'm kind of paranoid.
I have an appointment tomorrow to see what my insurance will cover as far as further diagnosis.
I want to know if anyone here has seen this process of dignosis/ etc... and would have insight into what I can make the doctors do.
I lived with my grandmother, when she was not feeling well, and it was like pulling teeth, forcing the doctors to do their job, and finally find cancer in her, and treat her. They kept blowing her off as a cranky old lady that didn't know what she was talking about. I believe that she would still be alive, if they'd listened to her. I don't care if they think I'm a hypochondriac. I just want to be sure they do everything they can to prove what it is in my lung.

Re: Who knows anything about lung cancer?

Posted: March 31st, 2009, 5:12 pm
by boosted_bullet
:shock: wow man...i hope its not.

but my mom has lung cancer,emphzima (however you spell it)and asma.
i think she was diagnosed 3 years ago. besides a nebulizer i dont think shes
taken any treatment for it. shes smoked for decades (and amazingly still does).
my moms almost 50 and hasnt been defeated by cancer!
hope this story helps in someway...

Re: Who knows anything about lung cancer?

Posted: March 31st, 2009, 5:39 pm
by onlytrueromeo
My moms been in medicine for 30 years. I can ask her for some advice if you like. Let me know if you want anything specific, or just what to expect.

1st question: Are you a smoker or very close to people who smoke on a regular basis?
2nd: Have you been exposed to chemicals?
3: Have you ever had a job where you might breath in questionable particles for an extended time?

They could very easly be benign.

Re: Who knows anything about lung cancer?

Posted: March 31st, 2009, 11:00 pm
by fowljesse
Thanks, guys. It is good to know that your Mom is still smokin' (not that I think that's the best idea :wink: ).

I have only smoked socially, meaning I'll have a couple drags a month (Literally) when out with friends. I can only take up to 3 drags. I smoked other things rarely, but even less than cigarettes. I have worked with chemicals once in a while, but carefully. I used to blow glass, including usingmetal smoke to color it, but the place was well ventilated.
I had a job delivering nuclear medicine, and there was a spill in the lab. That day, when I did my scan, my geiger counter clicked alot more around my thyriod. I was fired shortly after, and since then my T1, and T7 (<I think) uptake in my Thyroid is off (high, I think).
Here are the radiologist's findings:
There is a calcified nodular density, left upper lung field, most likely related to old granuloma, or hamartoma. there is borderline hyperinflation of the lungs. cardiac silhouette is normal size. No acute infiltrates are noted.
No acute findings identified.

Re: Who knows anything about lung cancer?

Posted: March 31st, 2009, 11:10 pm
by wagZE
damn man, scary stuff I know I got injured a year or so ago & the x-rays found a lower lung nodule I have been too spooked to get another look. Especially cuz I smoked chron for 10+ years & cigs for 3.. Anyways hope its not nothin serious man. Scary stuff.

Re: Who knows anything about lung cancer?

Posted: April 1st, 2009, 5:52 am
by marcdh
Well both those conditions I believe are benign, as most lumps are, so that's a good sign! It's always best to get seen ASAP as time is crucial and decisive in these situations. You've had some crazy jobs, any day at work that involved a geiger counter wouldn't be for me! Good health to you sir.

Re: Who knows anything about lung cancer?

Posted: April 2nd, 2009, 9:22 pm
by fowljesse
I suggest you check it out, Wag!
I got a primary care doctor, and she's looking into it...
I'm going back in a week.
The Granuloma is benign, but the Hamartoma could be malignant.
Thanks for the good wishes!

Re: Who knows anything about lung cancer?

Posted: April 2nd, 2009, 10:13 pm
by Daninski
Your thyroid absorbs iodine. Radio active iodine is one radioactive material that nuclear power stations can release. Usually the treatment to protect a thyroid from absorbing the radioactive iodine is to take iodine, flood your system so the thyroid is saturated and can't absorb any of the radioactive stuff. Do you know what the stuff was in the lab? Remember, the shiney parts are mine. :D You know I'm with you Bro.

Re: Who knows anything about lung cancer?

Posted: April 3rd, 2009, 1:17 am
by fowljesse
I don't know what exactly was in the lab.. All I know is that I'd pick up level 4 radioactive material at the airport, and they'd mix it with something, and usually put it in syringes, and I'd take them to the Hospitals in lead. Each one was wrapped inabout 1.5" of lead. That was about 19 years ago.
I got my Thyroid checked, and will get the results in a few days.