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Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 10:27 am
by Mx3Kid16
I began fixing the front fenders that were crunched in

It looks like somebody attacked my car with a paintball gun, there were so many dents.

Now that these are fixed...

I decided to debadge it so took those off and sanded off the glue..

After the whole car was sanded I began the tedius taping off.... bleh

I thought this was a pretty cool Picture and it shows are home made paintbooth

And now the primer is going on!

Any suggestions on how the paint job should be? Havn't put it on yet need some ideas Im using black and dark silver paint..

Re: Mx3Kid's Mx3 Project

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 10:32 am
by Mx3Kid16
I do have a carbon fiber hood but decided to paint over, i didnt think it would match to well with the paint job going on.

I also removed my antenna, it was shot and the wiring was fried so I just completly removed it.

Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 12:57 pm
by solo_ryder
Looking good so far, post up pics when it is done

Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 1:07 pm
by Daninski
Just as a point of interest are you using two part primer? If not you could end up with it crinkoling when you apply your paint. Paints now require 2 part primer but there are a few brands that may still be laquer primer compatable. Check with the supplier before applying. Looks good so far, will you considering renting out your paint both. lol Addtionally if your applying isocynate harded paint be sure to suit up with tyvek coveralls and use a good prefilter over your organic vapour cartridge mask. A full face mask is prefered as isocynates can be absorbed throught the eyes as well. Ventilate well afterweards so the vapours don't enter your house. Sorry for sounding anul but I teach respiratory protection and I'm just a little cautious when it come to cancer causing products and isocynates are carcinagenic big time. Cheers.

Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 8:53 pm
by Mx3Kid16
Thanks for all your input daninski and trust me i will take full precautions before spraying the actual paint but the primer doesn't have too much over spray and i was just doing it in spots. I have a fresh air mask hooked up to a filter pressured by a mini air compresser.

to answer the question about primer. We do not use actuall primer to cover the whole car but only as filler for scratches and light dents. We will buy a cheap can of paint and spray the whole car with actual paint to get a good idea of how it will look and than we block out that paint than spray it with the $300 a can good stuff:D I just did that and I will put up a picture shortly! I appreciate all input from you guys


Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 9:07 pm
by Mx3Kid16
Okay remember, this isn't the final coat this is just cheap car paint (still done with an air powered spray gun) But look how it turned it out!

ill put up pictures of us blocking it also.




Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 9:24 pm
by fowljesse
Looking good!
I was thinking about doing black with silver hood, and from the bottom of the winows up to reflect heat.

Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 10:56 pm
by Mx3Kid16
Your cars paintjob is as limitless as your dreams dude.. i decided on a dark mettalic offset silver strip going all the way back, it will be going down where my steering wheel is, i dont know how to explain it. Im excited to get on the road with! ill keep more pictures up as i go! :D

Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 11:09 pm
by johnmx3ze
nice work dude keep it up...

Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 7:46 am
by Mx3Kid16

Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 11:04 am
by fowljesse
If you happen to want one, I have an extra GS rear spoiler, and will soon have an extra GS hatch with the window wiper. It's handy in this rain!

Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 11:05 am
by fowljesse
fowljesse wrote:If you happen to want one, I have an extra GS rear spoiler, and will soon have an extra GS hatch with the window wiper. It's handy in this rain!
I'd trade it all for some time in your paint booth :wink:

Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 11:50 am
by wytbishop
PLEASE let Jesse use your paint booth!!!!

Your car's going to look great man. Black is the best color an MX-3 can be. Get yourself a wrap around spoiler from a Canadian and it'll be pure sex. Good for you for doing it right.

Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 12:54 pm
by Mx3Kid16
It's not a very great "paint booth" haha all this time is very stretched out.. especially the painting because we dont have an effeciant way to keep it dust free so we wash the car with sponges and let it dry each time before we paint so it takes awhile. No spoiler! im keeping this thing from looking like a mexican from southern california got ahold of it.. its going to be a complete white boy whip haha

Re: Mx3Kid's 93' Mx3 Project (Pics inside)

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 1:16 pm
by Savin
Nice car! Great work on the body.
What's wrong with the stock spoilers? Some of us whitey jingles(seriously, don't ask) like that Canader wingy. :D
I bought a whole car just for the wing, lmao!