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Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 12th, 2009, 7:30 pm
by SuperK
Is anyone doing something creative (cheesy) for valentines?

SuperK's got something up his sleeve!

Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 12th, 2009, 8:32 pm
by projectzemx3
ya im gonna save myself a hundred bucks. already dumped her.

Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 12th, 2009, 8:36 pm
by SuperK
this thread is off to a bad start...

Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 12th, 2009, 8:41 pm
by Daninski
Statistically more Guys break off with woman before valentines day than any other time of the year. True. Me I'm taking the Ex to a Sports Bar and treating her (well it's actually dutch) to beer and wings. I bought her a card at the Dollar Store, nice card too. I still can't figure out why she left me. Woman, who's to understand them?

Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 12th, 2009, 8:52 pm
by projectzemx3
note: going out for dinner is easy

cooking dinner for her and hosting a candle lit dinner for just the two of you at your own home is far more romantic. plus its only a stones throw from the bedroom :wink:

Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 12th, 2009, 10:09 pm
by Ryan
Well, for my gf's last significant day (3 year dating anniversary, don't laugh, it is significant for being 17)

My day went like this: The previous day, I spent all day in a corn feild. I went there with 200 bales worth of twine, and tied back stalks, making a maze about 200ft long into the corn. I cut a 5x10 square at the end, and carried a couch and table in. That was very hard to do alone. 80lb couch through mud, small corn aisle, alone. I went home, wrote three letters. I wrote one to put under her car seat, telling her to go pick up the pizza and check for another letter beside "our tree" and one more letter for the entrance to the corn feild. I gathered the candles, laptop, movie, her favourite candy, her favourite drink, and blankets together.

The next morning, on the important day, I woke up at 5:30 and arrive at her house at 6:00 on a borrowed 4 wheeler. Its a nice unit. 900 HO CC, simply said, its got more torque, hp, and a higher top speed than my car (or very nearly). We went off to the gravel pits and parked on top of the highest hill, which is a big deal in the praries. We ate breakfast picnic style, which she packed. We spent the rest of the day tooling around on the quad, swimming, and enjoying the sun. I dropped her off around 3:00, because she was sunburnt and I needed time to get my shyte together.

I went home and grabbed all my prepped stuff. I ordered the pizza for 7, laid out the letters (except the car, I did way earlier) and the blankets, laptop, movie, food. I put the final letter on a pair of rubber boots, which she would need to make it through the mud. I called her at 6:50 and told her to look under the seat of her car. I lit the candles and waited.

We watched some of the movie, and enjoyed the stars, and other things. I dropped her off back at home at midnight.

Its not easy, but it sure isn't something she'll forget... She's a huge sucker for romance and such. It cost me maybe $30 gas and everything included. The work on the other hand, was worth it.

For interest, this is how her day went, very abbreviated:

She woke up at 5:30 to meet me at 6:00. Went to the pits, had breakfast, tooled around till 3:00, which was okay because she was sore. I said something and was acting a bit strange when I left. Now she's really curious and can't wait. She gets all pretty, because I asked her to, and waits. 6:50 phone rings. I tell her to look under the seat of her car and hang up. No hello or anything. She looks, and finds it, and gets the idea. Finds it, gets the pizza, smiles at the "half cheese" written on the box, and makes her way to the tree. Very excited at this point, she probably speeds to the feild. Gets there and might very well be crying at the candles. Finds the last letter and boots. If she wasn't crying before, she is now. Gets there, absolutely beaming, but red eyed. Rest of the evening was a mush of good feelings, love and contentment. Goes home and writes a journal entry, and sleeps.

So... for those of you with access to corn feilds whose owners you know.... this definately works. Cheap too. .

This year? A few roses, a letter, and an invitation to grad/prom

Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 13th, 2009, 12:03 am
by Mnemonic
Dropping the is off to get detailed while at work, picking up suit from alteration shop, running by florist and picking up the girlies orchids (cause roses are just to played out, might as well buy a 4 dollar box of chocolates)

We shall be dining here:" onclick=";return false;

and after I have got us 2 vip tickets to: ... za/Atlanta" onclick=";return false;

Authentic Italian Dinner, and Kooza Cirque du Soleil, I think its a very good valentines day for her... My poor poor wallet... Look guys moths just flew out did you just see that...

But she's worth every cent.

Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 13th, 2009, 12:14 am
by projectzemx3
ya so with the money i saved from not having to participate in this valentines day i bought myself a steel braided clutch line!


Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 13th, 2009, 1:49 am
by Nd4SpdSe
The g/f has been acting weird the last month and a bit, seems not interested, not talkative, one word responces, I just don't know what to do or make of it. I know she's under some stress, but she's literally is pushing me away. I thought about sending her flowers, but I don't know, I just feel like it's a waste. She's blocked me from facebook and I haven't seen her on MSN for the last 4 days, saw her online for about 5 minutes, she said hi, bye and just checking her mail, so I don't respond, cause she's done that to me before, than she complains that I didn't say anything more. *sigh* women

Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 13th, 2009, 5:41 am
by SuperK
Oh man, good and bad feelings all around.

Sorry for your dilemma there Nd4Spd... maybe you should show up in person? Unless there is distance between you.

They always want a chase, you know. But they just don't know when to give it up. Guys get tired of always playing "catch up"

I'd show up and if she pushes me away, I'd hug her goodbye, and whisper in her ear an apology for showing up, and that I wouldn't do it again, if that's what'd make her more comfortable. Turn around, get in the car, and slowly drive away without a second glance.
I am an advocate of not chasing phantoms of what "could have been". Sometimes enough is enough. You show that you care, give her the opportunity to show you she cares back.

Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 13th, 2009, 7:25 am
by Mnemonic
Nd4SpdSe wrote:The g/f has been acting weird the last month and a bit, seems not interested, not talkative, one word responces, I just don't know what to do or make of it. I know she's under some stress, but she's literally is pushing me away. I thought about sending her flowers, but I don't know, I just feel like it's a waste. She's blocked me from facebook and I haven't seen her on MSN for the last 4 days, saw her online for about 5 minutes, she said hi, bye and just checking her mail, so I don't respond, cause she's done that to me before, than she complains that I didn't say anything more. *sigh* women

Come on now, your a year older than me, don't put up with that crap, just go up to her, confront her and ask whats up... If it comes out bad, just end it right then and there, no point in wasting your time with someone if they don't want to be with you. Then again it could be stress, but you deserve some type of explanation about the distance as of late. What you described sounds like something that would go on in high school, we're all past circling yes or no and we're past just ignoring someone when you want to break up with them.

Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 13th, 2009, 10:26 am
by fieromx3
meh just dump her ud be better off without a woman anyway... than u have more time and money for ur car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 13th, 2009, 10:56 am
by colinsmx3
I think these Hallmark holidays are just a cash grabber and if you need a certain day to say I love you or show someone you care... then you have a problem. Ohhh whats this.. COLIN HAS A HEART!! ... oh my.... Yea it's small but it's still there!

I did end up getting her a big box of chocolate when I was away in Tremblant for 5 days and Chocolate body paint to get messy with..... I was gonna give that to her when I got back, but that I just saved so I didn't have to buy anything! Then she insisted on getting me something but I don't want anything!!

Plus we don't want to spend any money we don't have to...

Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 13th, 2009, 11:31 am
by Volones
Tonight I'll finish the drywall sanding, and the bedroom will be totally ready to paint tomorrow. She knows I hate painting and I told her that I'm excited to do it anyway (which is the truth). So, tomorrow morning she will walk into our bedroom and see a small box of chocolates and a card. When we need to take a break from the painting (btw, I hate painting), we will go for a hike (on our land :D :D :D ), and I will "find" a bottle of wine. Beyond that we will be continuing the sage of building our own house together. :)


Re: Anyone doing something different/creative for Valentines?

Posted: February 13th, 2009, 9:53 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Well it's over, we'll see if she wants to talk and come to her sences. I'll send her an e-mail in the next few days, try to get some stuff across her thick skull