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SOLVED! Help a MegaSquirt idiot!

Posted: February 10th, 2009, 8:11 pm
by fowljesse
The car idles great, but tries to die with any throttle, and my screen looks like this:



That can't be good


I went to the enrichment wizard, and this came up, but I couldn't do anything:


I'm sure for anyone who knows how to use MS, this is stupid easy, but I'm lost :(
I'm computarded, but trying.
Thanks for looking.
I've got a friend who's good with computers who will help me on Monday, but doesn't know anything about cars.

Re: Help a MegaSquirt idiot!

Posted: February 10th, 2009, 8:13 pm
by onlytrueromeo
Either its not reading your injectors right, or your running max rich...

but I know nothing about MS, just my guess at the single dial!

Re: Help a MegaSquirt idiot!

Posted: February 11th, 2009, 5:04 am
by marcdh
Have you callibrated your TPS? The bit where you get reading for closed and get reading for WOT.

Re: Help a MegaSquirt idiot!

Posted: February 12th, 2009, 12:42 am
by fowljesse
Thanks guys.
I sort of had a bout of panic, and despeartely wrote that....
My MSnS came with everything I need, but being computarded, I had no idea what to do with it. The seller wrote me back, and walked me through it.
I had the wrong controller code version, and couldn't do any tuning, and it may have been reading stuff wrong because of it. I think I got the right code version now, and will try again tomorrow, but may freak out, and post something like this again :wink:

Re: Help a MegaSquirt idiot!

Posted: February 12th, 2009, 12:50 am
by se7en
good luck Jesse! it's actually not too hard to figure out once it's programmed right :)

Re: Help a MegaSquirt idiot!

Posted: February 12th, 2009, 1:17 am
by fowljesse
Thanks, man :)
It's funny, I've spent years tuning cars (before ECU's) by sight, sound, feel, even smell, and could get more power than other builders, but when it comes to computers..... :shrug:

I booked some time with a buddy who is an engineer at Intel in case I have any more "homework" as far as programming is concerned. It's his fault, anyway, since he's done all my computer stuff for me for 15 years :lol:
I build him stuff, and do gruntwork in trade.