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KLZE Install

Posted: October 11th, 2008, 3:23 am
by Daninski
I've read about so many problems with people doing ZE installs and I wanted to comment. It's important to take pics and do your home work. A ZE install is really easy if you begin with the proper mind set. Take pictures, ensure you transfer all your K8 vac parts over and double check that the engine your installing is configured like the engine you removed. Anyone who says you can do it in a day is full of sh*t. Expect it to take as long as it takes and don't rush things. I was a novice when I did my ZE swap but I did my home work and made sure the engine going in was configuered like the engine that came out. My car runs great and it's my daily driver now. It's not rocket science, always check with the on line manual for torque values and re-read every thing twice. Make your install look like the factory did it. Happy Engine swapping. :)

Re: KLZE Install

Posted: October 11th, 2008, 4:56 am
by atomic froster
good advise.... ive been reading these forums for about 4-5 months now and i just last week ordered a klze and im having it installed at a performance shop here locally, they've never done this swap and i told them everthing ive learnt from these forums and they seemed really interested and even wrote down the adress to find it. i told them i just want it done right and hopefully it will run smooth and be fun/ daily driver for a few years, happy swapping to other future klze'ers out there !

Re: KLZE Install

Posted: October 11th, 2008, 9:57 am
by Daninski
I wasn't sure after I posted this if I was going to delete it as I felt it might be taken out of context or someone may feel I was putting people down because they had problems after the install. It took me a week to get mine to run properly because I mixed up my O2 monitor plug with my fuel rail plug :oops: I didn't/forgot to take pics before I started so I had no reference. Anyway, thanks for you comment. :)

Re: KLZE Install

Posted: October 11th, 2008, 10:19 am
by kevace1
It's true Daninski,

I'm no master mechanic..but being the fact that anyone is in this forum i'm pretty sure has some kind of engine knowledge. Everything is pretty much the same.. i did it and it took me about 4 full days, about nine hours each day, that long because I had my daughter hanging around as her curiosity takes her everywhere so I had to be extra careful. The only thing really recomended after the swap is to remap the computer. It is important that ecu is well programmed to fire each spark plug and fuel injector for optimal performace. Everything else is automatic. This swap is definitely advisable for all those who have the K8 GS model.

Re: KLZE Install

Posted: October 11th, 2008, 11:29 am
by Daninski
Ya ECU chipping is the way to go (Probinator). I have a 96 so all I had to do was swap in a KL02 vaf and it runs nice.