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Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 27th, 2008, 11:40 am
by maryus
i managed to get a 93' k8 ecu , with the good code ...

i removed the eprom with that code ending in 2061 , then in place i put the socket and then i installed the chip .. Went to put it in the car , but wont work , dies right away , like when your vaf is disconnected.

What could be ? :D

there where only 2 EPROMS with 14 pins ! please dont tell me i took out the wrong one ...

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 27th, 2008, 11:59 am
by maryus

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 27th, 2008, 11:59 am
by maryus
i did a reset of the ecu , but without gas , it will not start , then it sound weird the engine , and after 10 sec i have a lot of smoke blue in the back , or aniway a smoke showing the mix is not good .

Another thing , i dont have DIAG mode animore , and when the engine starts the fan comes on and stays like that .

Either i replaced the wrong eprom , either i put the wrong probinator chip (probally he sent me the straight neck chip) and i need one for the curved neck.

But i just need this to be confirmed : Is the EPROM with the 2061 code at the end , the right EP to replace ? thx

now to be honest ... i am thinking ... THE PROB chip cant work with the other EPROMS , so in conclusion i think i was supposed to remove the other EPROM and leave the 2061 eprom there .... just my opinion , anyway its done now ... i can throw it to the garbage ... damn im so stupid !!!

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 27th, 2008, 12:02 pm
by Daninski
Go to Ryans site, Probinator and check your install with his pic's.

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 27th, 2008, 12:41 pm
by shameem

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 27th, 2008, 3:27 pm
by maryus
i saw it , i changed it , but i think its not properly installed , cause with the chip or without , it does the same. Thx

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 27th, 2008, 3:59 pm
by Whisper
The one with a sticker with a number is the one you have to replace, so I think you replaced the right one. It's unlikely, but possible that you put the new chip in backwards, try flipping it around. Make sure all your connections are soldered well.

It's also possible that your ECU doesn't support the EPROM. Different ECUs have different numbers on the chip. Some will work, some won't. But I think your number should work. I would double-check with Ryan. Curved neck or straight neck shouldn't matter, since it only affects the VRIS position, and shouldn't cause what you're describing.

You did get the chip from Ryan, yeh? You sent him the number and the specs and he sent you the chip?

Did you try putting in your old chip and see how that works?

Also, the fan will stay on if you don't have the right number of thermosensors.

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 27th, 2008, 7:27 pm
by Daninski
shameem that's the ECU you can't do. It's a 92. He needs 93+ and he has to make sure it's the proper one. I'll try to post pics to show the chipable ECU but that one in your pic is wrong, not chipable.
EDIT: here's the link so as you can see your ECU if it looks like this or the last four digits start with 16 it cannot be chipped." onclick=";return false;

Here's a pic of a chipable ECU. Image

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 27th, 2008, 7:37 pm
by Whisper
Yeah, I think 16XX aren't chippable, but 2XXX are.

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 28th, 2008, 12:39 am
by maryus
Guys , i have a 2XXX , from a 93 MX3 .

I checked with Ryan , he sent me 2 wrong chips .. they are not for k8 ... i will check the connections to the pins and then wait for the right chip ...

i am freaking out cause i searched this ECU for 1 month , and i paid 120 for it :D :D :D , so imagine it not working hahah , sometimes we screw ourself] :)

thx for the inputs

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 28th, 2008, 8:42 am
by Daninski
I'll check my info, a past senior member said that chipping the above mention ECU wouldn't work??? I'll repost if a correction is needed and apologize to shameen if i was wr,,wr,,,,wrong. Hard to say that word. :)

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 28th, 2008, 10:27 am
by Nd4SpdSe
Ya, your right, the early K8 ECU's aren't chippable. You can tell cause that top layer circuit board is full size. The late-92 OBDI K8 ECU's and UP are. They have a smaller top circuit board. Although that's not official information, I have yet to be proven wrong ;)

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 28th, 2008, 12:13 pm
by Daninski
So I was RIGHT :) :) nice to be right. I don't like giving wrong advise.

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 28th, 2008, 1:46 pm
by shameem
maryus wrote: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?
maryus wrote: there where only 2 EPROMS with 14 pins ! please dont tell me i took out the wrong one ..." onclick=";return false;
Alot of people swap in the KLZE motors into the mx-3. Something to remember is, not all k8 ecus can be chipped. Only certain ones can. What I need to know is the eprom number inside your ecu. In the picture here is where the chip is at.

First take off the 4 phillips screws on top. Then there are like 4 or 5 more holding part of the ecu in. Take out those, and then flip up the board and look for the eprom with a sticker I circled it in red in the picture below. I need those numbers. the last 4 digits mainly. If it starts with a 16** it CANNOT be chipped. Example would be in the picture that one cannot be chipped. If it starts with like a 2*** it CAN be chipped.

Re: Which EPROM to change on the k8 ECU ?

Posted: July 28th, 2008, 2:39 pm
by Daninski
Yes I gave that link too. I've heard and read time after time that the 92 ECU isn't chipable, Period. I'm bowing out as we've given the info and I know there's a lot more info with just a little research. The only other thing is if he installed the chip upside down that will cause the car not to start. If thats the case simply reinstall the chip. Ryan must be on the dope to of sent the wrong chip. lol