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Posted: June 26th, 2008, 1:36 pm
by m7x3r
Hi this is just to let everyone know that I have attempted to purchase a cold air intake with its filter from the user Projekmx3 and I have paid him 50 dollars USD and it's been 2 months now he had not mailed or responded to anything. He totally ignored me and my concerns while he is been enjoying MY MONEY that I sent him through paypal in exchange for the intake. I just would like to say that this is not a professional way of doing business at all and Karma will come around tables will turn... paypal was only able to recover 2.78 from the 50 dollars... GOD is my witness... so to those that ever hear or see the name projekmx3 or" onclick=";return false; never ever ever attempt any business deals with them because they are not trust worthy...

Re: ProjekMX3

Posted: June 29th, 2008, 11:46 am
by ReMXed-95
im pretty sure you can use paypal to get your money back. i dont know how to do it but im pretty sure theres a way.
but thanks for the heads up

Re: ProjekMX3

Posted: June 29th, 2008, 2:05 pm
by Xearo
paypal can only take as much as what is in the account. a friend of mine got scammed on a product for product + cash trade. the guy cleaned out his paypal and never sent the product, so he got my buddy's stuff and cash. so your only really left with legal action.