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The Shame List

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 6:49 pm
by tmac4t4
Now, i completley agree with the new street racing laws enforced, i mean there are some real idiot people that speed around our city streets, BUT that being said, i think everybody and their grandmother has at one point or another felt the urge to put somebody to shame, whether it be for cutting you off, flippin you the bird, riding ur a-- like a hemeroid, or simply instigated a race because they thaught they were when i say "put to shame" i dont mean you pulled over broke their legs and stuffed em in the trunk of their own car, i just mean a lil "race" occured where you completley put the other person in their place by blowin the doors off em. Since i purchased my mx3 about a month ago i have noticed how other drivers react when they see my car, they either love it, or think "oh great more street racin jap scrap"..ive especially noticed guys with their big v8 pickup trucks like to pick on little cars like mine, i had a brand new tundra v8 riding my a-- for about 3km from the time i pulled outa my driveway till we managed to get side by side at a red light, my lane had to merge after the intersection, light turned green and we were door to door till i hit 4000rpm then i blew his doors right off, again today a guy in a big v8 f150 instigated a race at a red light and i blew the doors off him as well...dont get me wrong im always watchin my speed, but sometimes people just HAVE to be put to shame.

I would like to dedicate this thread to all those people who have yet to learn how to pick their battles! :2thumbsup:

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 6:55 pm
by Stablo87
Your stupid, this site does not condone street racing. The mods are going to yell at you.

A couple of my friends have gotten hurt doing just the same, thank god their not dead but some aren't so lucky.
Read the rules.

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 6:59 pm
by Ryan
Is it still racing if you never surpass the speed limit? There is no law against acceleration, is there?

I love just blasting off the line (well, as much as my little SOHC does) even by myself. She sounds so purdy up past 4K :love:

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 7:01 pm
by tmac4t4
im sorry i didnt mean to offend. my idea of street racing consists of weaving and high rates of speed, not quickly accelerating to the speed limit :shrug:

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 7:32 pm
by Stablo87
Ryan wrote:Is it still racing if you never surpass the speed limit? There is no law against acceleration, is there?

I love just blasting off the line (well, as much as my little SOHC does) even by myself. She sounds so purdy up past 4K :love:

I never said anything about it being law, or did I. All I'm saying is what i know, people I know have gotten hurt, and more will probably get hurt, but if i can say or do something that will make a diff i will.

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 7:41 pm
by tmac4t4
stablo are you saying youve never had a guy ride your a-- for so long that when he finaly tried to pass you u didnt wana speed up just a lil?

i just want to clear up that im not condoning street racing, i actually get very annoyed when people, like the 2 pickup truck owners or even 16 year old kids in their hondas act the way they do, which is why i feel the need to "shame" them,

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 7:47 pm
by Stablo87
Yeah but my mom has a saying "Better one dumba--, than 2"

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 9:46 pm
by Daninski
I slow down to half the speed limit,they usually pass at that point.

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 10:59 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
tmac4t4 wrote:stablo are you saying youve never had a guy ride your a-- for so long that when he finaly tried to pass you u didnt wana speed up just a lil?
Depends...if I'm driving slowly or kinda right on the nose of the speed limit (especially on this one 80km/h road that shouldn't be 80, and no one really does 80), that ya, but I'm if doing 20 over and you're still on my a--, i'll wait until they get right beside me and punch it.

In town, ya, if some kiddies want to race, depends. Some kid once reved at me to race on Lundy's lane, which is 50 and packed with cars. I just looked at him, shook my head and looked away. He couldn't do anything cause he was behind 2 cars anyway, what an idiot. Usually I'll just get up to a few clicks pass the limit and back off, prove my point.

There was one time, some kid in a Civic wanted to race on the highway. There was a clear section do I gave her and got going faster than I should of and had almost a dozen lengths on him. I didn't like now fast i was going so i figured he got the message and i backed off, he flew by than flashed his 4-ways, what an idiot, some people just don't get a clue.

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 11:00 pm
by nerd racing
I drive out in the country most of my drive so when stupid people tailgate me I just go the speed limit and when I get to a stop sign (they are all in 55 mph zones) I wait about 20 seconds, and then I put the hammer down and take off as fast as I can up to 55 just to show them I can go a lot faster, I just choose not too.

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 11:03 pm
by Ryan
I like to think other drivers don't affect me... When someone rides my a--, I slide over to the right so they can see the oncoming.... Pass if they want. Otherwise, you're paying my deductable, but I loose my car! :evil:

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 11:59 pm
by se7en
I like to ram into them, and shake my fist wildly, and throw stuff out my windows at people that ride my bumper....

no wait...maybe that was a dream....I really do hate tailgaters though. I am not a nice guy, and if I catch them at a light, I would get out of my car, and start walking up to their window......(I am not a small man either...) maybe they will get the point when I smash it into their stupid ugly gimpy faces....

hmm, can you tell I had a long day?

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 20th, 2008, 12:41 am
by MX3-Life
lol, When someone rides my a-- i just open my sunroof and give them the good old :2thumbsup:

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 20th, 2008, 1:18 am
by se7en
Ah, that seems like a more sane

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 20th, 2008, 4:35 am
by OutlaW
there are a number of races in the streetracing world.
Here in Portugal, we have these : --

first , and the most popular - Vasco da Gama bridge ...
It's the biggest bridge in Europe, with a 11 mile, 3 lane straight
It's been said that when the night comes, there is no one there. WRONG
I used to race there, and there are cars, in a race you pass about 5 to 6 cars on the bridge.
That is 5 or 6 family's that can have their loved one's killed by some stupid kid ... so off course i dont agree with this kind of streeracing.

next , the stoplight dragracing ...
Again, you are the one that risk the life of other people on the road - dont do it

next, the race made at night between a group of people ...
Again, you are the one that risk the life of other people on the road - dont do it

the last example ... You talk to a friend, someone that u know to have a decent driving skill. You get together at night and roll off to a nearby Factory zone.
No one goes to this road, since it goes only to the factory and factory's are closed at night ( at least here in Portugal )
You get your car next to his, @ a given time you and your friend give it all ur car's have , and floor it ... you race along the straight, reach the curve , brake, downshift , look in the mirrors , if it's safe you take the curve at highspeed ( or not, depending on your car ... hehehe ) . you reach another straight and by the end of it u brake both your cars .
Who did you risk ?
No one except you and your friend .
Remember that your friend could have pulled off even at the talk , not to mention when u get the cars side-by-side, when u reach the curve...

This is not perfect, but life isnt perfect.
U can live a 99% secure life, and get run over by a drunk redlighter ...
Allways try to not risk anyone else, that is the rule :)