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Mazda Premacy - Driving without door

Posted: June 18th, 2008, 9:09 am
by Steve_SK
:D Yesterday I was browsing my old DVD backups and found one video which I took some time ago, two years probably. My friend had his driver's door repaired (someone crashed into it) but he didn't want to leave the car at the bodyshop, so we decided to remove the door and drive the car back home. It was something like 25 km's, there's one red 323 BJ-series on the road (you can see it in video)... friend is driving and talking, I am holding the camera. It was a great fun, I wanted to share this with you. :)

Premacy without door

Re: Mazda Premacy - Driving without door

Posted: June 20th, 2008, 1:09 am
by Ukrman
haha looked like fun

Re: Mazda Premacy - Driving without door

Posted: June 20th, 2008, 2:48 pm
by Steve_SK
it really was :) sound of cars on the road ... "wheeem" "wheeem" :D

Re: Mazda Premacy - Driving without door

Posted: July 3rd, 2008, 6:42 pm
by Tropical Emerald 1993