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Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 27th, 2008, 9:01 pm
by SmoothMX3
I'm bored... So let's play a game!
I hint... You guess. Pictures will be posted in an hour or 2.

First Hint: It's white...

Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 27th, 2008, 9:05 pm
by SmoothMX3
Second Hint: It has a slight odor, Yet it's not that bad, being what it is.

Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 27th, 2008, 9:10 pm
by SmoothMX3
Third Hint: The Kids absolutly LOVE it. But now they are wayyy more hyper since I got it.

Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 27th, 2008, 9:15 pm
by umcamara
A stinky dog or other stinky animal...

Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 27th, 2008, 9:45 pm
by SmoothMX3
uncamara... dude you suck. your no fun!
Pics in a bit...

P.S. You just had to spoil the fun, didnt you? ... haha

Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 27th, 2008, 11:35 pm
by SmoothMX3
We adopted the Dog today!
It's a Husky Mix Collie. We've been holding out on getting a Dog for the kids because they are so hyper, we don't the dog to take it the wrong way and attack one of them. My son was bit in the face when he was younger, by my grandmothers dog. My son came behind the dog and nudged him, the dog got scared and attacked my son. Soo... We've been really scared to get them a dog, but they've always wanted one really really bad. Today my wife went looking for a dog and she found one. The people told us, the dog is great with kids and is a very sweety dog. Undoubtly everything they told us is true. So far, the dog is great with the kids. They will play with her and she gets to jumpin, but knows the limits. Jumps and bit, gives a good laugh then backs off a tad bit. very nice dog.
Anyways, here's the new member of our Family!

Note the eyes... One eye is brown, One eye is blue. It looks so much cooler irl.



Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 27th, 2008, 11:46 pm
by sk8erdude802
I was going to say a two day old dead white guy but then I thought about how sick your kids would be and how even more sick you would have to be to have raised them like that. Just goes to show you...watching too much CSI will make you jump to foul play before you...consider it to be a dog???


Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 28th, 2008, 12:17 am
by SmoothMX3
Me and the wife are right there with ya bro... We watch CSI everyday!
law and order criminal intent as well!

Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 28th, 2008, 12:46 am
by OldMan
Congrats on the new family member. She looks sweet. Kids and dogs were meant for each other. Just teach them how to be kind and loving to the dog and all should go well.

Teach her some obedience, set the limits of what you will allow with you and your kids.

I have always had German Shepards (Police Dogs) and never had any problems with them hurting my kids when they where little. I always allowed the dogs to wrestle and play rougher with me, but they knew that the wife and kids had to be played with more gently.

Again, Congrats on the new family member. :D


Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 28th, 2008, 2:27 am
by fowljesse
She's cute, and you have plenty of yard to run around in. My girlfriend and I want a dog, but have no yard, so we play with the neighbor's new dog. He's 80 something, and doesn't play with him. The dog pulls me around, and I'm an acrobat. My girlfriend can only handle him for a few minutes. He's learning, though.
No, the dog isn't 80 something :lol:

Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 28th, 2008, 7:05 am
by Kirk95gs
Cute dog! my g/f and I bought a house in Nov. Then got a pup in Feb. Good luck with the new addition!

Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 28th, 2008, 9:40 am
by sk8erdude802
SmoothMX3 wrote:Me and the wife are right there with ya bro... We watch CSI everyday!
law and order criminal intent as well!
Sounds like Holleys and my night everyday!
Speaking of family pets I got her a turtle for xmas!


Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: March 28th, 2008, 3:33 pm
by SmoothMX3
Just to let you guys know... We had an awsome time with the Dog lastnight. It's an awsome feeling when your Daughter comes up to you and says "Da Da, The Doggy Loves Me" ...
I tried telling the Kids to leave the Dog alone many of times to let her get used to the house and all, But I understand... They can't keep their hands off of their new 'Toy'.
We decided to name the Dog "Halo". For 2 reasons...
1) Me and my son love the game Halo.
2) The Dog is white, like an angel. Angel's have Halo's... Kinda like lookin at the dog as an angel.

The Dog pottied in the house 2 times so far, But that was our fault. When didn't know Halo was already potty trained, But undoubtly she is. Everytime she wants to go outside to use the bathroom, she wimpers or growls.

Thanks for all the comments guys...

Re: Me, The Wife and Kids got something new today!!

Posted: April 17th, 2008, 5:33 pm
by PushnFords
Nice looking dog! A friend had a pure breed white Husky with blue eyes...named it Chassis. Dog would run full speed then lay over on her shoulder and slide in fresh cut grass. Pretty soon she'd be bright green!
