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Tranny slipping plz help

Posted: March 26th, 2008, 1:43 pm
by evilpat
like it says my tranny(auto) is starting to slip is there anything i can do to make it stop silpping with out buying a new/used tranny??


Re: Tranny slipping plz help

Posted: March 26th, 2008, 8:45 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
When was the last time it was serviced with new fluid? Old fluid will do that. Our old 626, the fluid was never changed when we owned it (9 years) and the tranny started to slip. Over weeks it started to get worse until I could barely do 100, she would slip around 110km/h. I tried the Lucas additive, that just made it worse. I gambled and tried new fluid, after i found out it was never changed, and it slipped once pulling out of the shop and was fixed. If your not getting a flashing HOLD light (which typically means the trans it going to die), it's possible it would be as simple as that.

Re: Tranny slipping plz help

Posted: April 2nd, 2008, 2:38 pm
by Atomic Cow
I was having trouble holding speed at 15mph on a dynomometer. This made no sense to me as the car was running fine but discovered if I took it up a really really steep grade I couldn't get the car to go past 10 mph. It could be I was just low on fluid...which is entirely possible. My system does seem to leak a little. I put the Lucas brand transmission fluid into the system and it seems to have taken care of the problem. But regular fluid might have done the same thing. If your system is actually failing it won't take care of it forever.

(If you happen to have a 93 MX3 1.6 automatic I need to find out how long the transmission dipstick is supposed to be. I don't trust my replacement stick I picked up at a junkyard.)

Re: Tranny slipping plz help

Posted: May 6th, 2008, 12:14 pm
by evilpat
kk thanks but i think im just going to do a 5-speed swap so that means ill be selling my auto stuff