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Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 21st, 2008, 12:19 am
by bgracing
Hello Everyone,

First off, I would sincerely like to apologize for the delays. Yes it has been an extremely long time, however we are working to get the kits out. Here is the reasoning for the delays.

Payments were late, and when we get parts made for kits, we usually are under NET 30 terms with our suppliers, so when it takes months for payments to come in, we are forced to use all available money to pay for these kits. The parts are what needed to be paid first. We lost a lot of money on this group buy, and made absolutely nothing off of it. Suppliers do not deserve to have to wait for their money because people are not paying when they are suppose to. So when money that was set aside for shipping was used for paying for the parts, we were unable to ship the kits. By shipping all these separate kits out, we lost our discount on shipping that was arranged, and that hurt us as well. We were waiting for money to come in to ship the kits, however, that was about the time the break in happened. I will not get into specifics, however at that point we pretty much hit rock bottom. We were as close to claiming bankruptcy as you could get.

We both are working full time now and have been trying to get the money to ship the remaining kits as well as the shocks. I believe the remaining number of kits is 3, and 10 sets of stuts. We are hoping to have the kits shipped out very soon so that all of this can be finished with.

We are not trying to start a huge argument, nor are we posting to start the mud slinging, we are just posting so that we can get the information out there, so that people know we are trying to get the remaining kits and struts out and that we are still around and not just disappearing. We are slowly getting back on our feet and trying to correct all wrongs that have been made. Yes it will take time, but that is what we are working on.

We will continue to keep Jarid Informed on the status of the remaining kits, we have his email and he has ours. We are going to get them out as quickly as possible. Just so everyone else has the email as well, here it is:

Email :" onclick=";return false;

Please use this email for information purposes only, any ignorant or rude emails will be ignored and deleted. That is not needed as we are trying to get the kits out. Yes it has been a long time, and we apologize for that. Does that mean anything to all of you, likely not, but it is the truth. It is impossible to ship anything let alone get kits welded when you have no money.

I will keep Jarid informed, as well as answer any emails that come in as everyone now has our email. We do appreciate the patients and again, the kits will be going out as soon as possible.

Chris and Kyle Wesley

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 21st, 2008, 2:11 pm
by cjthor
Thanks for the clarification. Please let us know what kits are still needed to go out. I know of my kit, 93_4banger, and a set of arms for magiccowinuse. Which other? Also the kits are already welded and ready to go correct?

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 21st, 2008, 10:36 pm
by mfg
bgracing wrote: So when money that was set aside for shipping was used for paying for the parts, we were unable to ship the kits.
That would be understandable, IF you had actually paid for the parts. We shipped your parts over a year ago now, and have not seen any money.

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 22nd, 2008, 11:34 am
by cjthor
I think that some kits were made twice. Due to the door piece being welded on at the incorrect angle and the upper part of the door not sealing correctly. I know of at least two kits that had to be remade specifically. It almost sounds like we are getting blamed for the downfall of Xtreme doors. I hope this is not the case. The money problems for Xtreme started way before our group buy was started.

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 22nd, 2008, 6:45 pm
by rece
I also have yet to receive any aspect of the kit

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 23rd, 2008, 2:56 pm
by Spotted
I have not yet received a kit either..

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 23rd, 2008, 10:20 pm
by cjthor
that means there are four kits still owed.
Also a set of arms(magiccowinuse)
and all the struts.

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 24th, 2008, 12:16 am
by 93_4Banger
i still have not received any part of the lambo door group buy!!!!

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 25th, 2008, 12:17 am
by magiccowinuse
yes, i am missing arms and shocks still.

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 25th, 2008, 10:46 pm
by bgracing

Ok, I will respond to everyone:

Jarid - The kits are done and are ready to go, simply waiting to get the money that is needed to ship them out as well as the struts. Also, you are not being blamed for the downfall of Xtreme-Doors. Their were a lot of things that happened and not any one incident caused it. So please do not feel that way, that is not what we were trying to get acrossed. The money problems did not start before the group buy, but during the duration of it, things happened.

MFG - Not sure who you are but you have continually posted on this forum about us saying you were never paid for parts. Why not use your real name. Pretty hard for me to figure out who to get money to if someone just keeps posting as if they are an MFG Representative. Furthermore, we had several suppliers for parts, and as far as the MX3 parts are concerned, your parts may not have even been used for these kits. I cannot be certain until I know who you are. As for your comment, like I said, we have many suppliers and I know for a FACT that one supplier did not make all of our parts, so my comment stands. This post is for the customers of the group buy. You have an issue about an outstanding account, you have my email, as it was posted above. And surprisingly, I have not received an email yet. So please, email me so we can begin to work things out and get everything taken care of.

Members waiting for kits as well as shocks - please send me your addresses to my email so that I have correct and current addresses. And Jarid, we never included your kit in the count that still had to go out that is why we said 3. You will be getting a new kit as well, but will need the kit you have returned first. But we will confirm how that is going to happen via email.

Magiccowinuse - You will be getting the revised arms as well as your struts. Did the original arms get returned to you?

I will continue to keep everyone up to date and post every chance I get , and again, if you have any questions or anything, my email is" onclick=";return false; .

Kyle and Chris Wesley

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 26th, 2008, 12:22 pm
by mfg
1) I have seen the MX-3 kits, and a couple of the parts were made by me.
2) If you can't figure out which supplier I am, you must owe money to more than a few. (I thought you said you used the money to pay suppliers?)

I apologize to this board for posting when I do not belong to this group buy. I just had to post when I saw that first statement about using the money to pay suppliers, not true.
It seems after a long time of not replying to anyone, Xtreme is once again trying to correct their mistakes. I, for one, hope everything gets taken care of this time. Good luck to everyone involved.
I am done posting in this thread, I will try to contact Chris and Kyle privately once again.

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 26th, 2008, 4:34 pm
by magiccowinuse
Last time i checked they were sent to overgoods (i dont know why they were sent there instead of back to me) I can try and get them out if they are still there. I can also send you a tracking number if needed.

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 27th, 2008, 2:54 am
by ovendenk
i too am still missing my kit and shocks. bgracing, could you please confirm the names of all the people you sent kits to? will send email with address as to where you can ship my kit to.

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 27th, 2008, 4:26 am
by SmoothMX3
Before I say what I have to say, I'd like to note that I do know I'm not apart of this group buy. Though I am a member of this forum and am kinda scared future events such as these.

In the near future, Is this what I should expect from any group buy?
Anything I purchase I'd always like to see group buys so it will lower the cost for us, but seeing all this scamming stuff going on... It kinda pushes me away and scares me. Alot of the forums I've been on, I havn;t seen anything like this. It sounds more like to me, this guy just doesn't know how to run his buisness, nor' does he know how to manage his money. Sorry if i'm in the wrong, but it kinda concerns me.

Re: Lambo Door Group Buy Update

Posted: March 27th, 2008, 6:18 pm
by cjthor
SmoothMX3 wrote:Before I say what I have to say, I'd like to note that I do know I'm not apart of this group buy. Though I am a member of this forum and am kinda scared future events such as these.

In the near future, Is this what I should expect from any group buy?
Anything I purchase I'd always like to see group buys so it will lower the cost for us, but seeing all this scamming stuff going on... It kinda pushes me away and scares me. Alot of the forums I've been on, I havn;t seen anything like this. It sounds more like to me, this guy just doesn't know how to run his buisness, nor' does he know how to manage his money. Sorry if i'm in the wrong, but it kinda concerns me.
All I can say is get into a group buy at your own risk. Do as much research as possible on the company that is doing the group buy. I took this one over after the initial person backed out. I have headed three group buys......and this is the only one I had problems with. I have been involved in probably five or six group buys and have had problems twice.