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moca guys!...atalnta ppl

Posted: January 24th, 2008, 9:48 pm
by fieromx3
SOB. my other thread dint go thru... anyway the jist blah..

me and my GF are heading down to miami FLA to a nopi event for the 5th or 6th.. were leavin the canuck land the 2nd or 3rd.. and id love to meet some of u moca guys.. ppl like atlantamx3 or patdiesel etc.. just thought id make a meet of it? probly on the 4th.. maybe at a restarant or somethin.. im sure we'd be hungry by the time we get there lol.. i dunno where u ppl usually meet so im plannin way ahead of time for it..

maybe even some of u guys wanna cruise down to FLA for the nopi event?? :P

Re: moca guys!...atalnta ppl

Posted: January 25th, 2008, 12:56 pm
by Mooneggs
what month are you talking about? lol

Re: moca guys!...atalnta ppl

Posted: January 25th, 2008, 1:59 pm
Sounds great- I am down for a early-year meet. :D
We need more info though. What day and month and what time do you expect to be down here? IIRC the 4th of Feb is a Monday since the 3rd is Superbowl Sunday. So that Monday evening about 7-8 would be the earliest that we could meet. Anyway, give us some more info and consider posting something on the MOCA forum so that all of us see it. I have not been very frequest on lately and I don't want to miss you if we can get together somehow." onclick=";return false;

Re: moca guys!...atalnta ppl

Posted: January 25th, 2008, 2:36 pm
by atlantamx3
I am pretty sure NOPI is in September...


but let us know when you are rolling thru!

Re: moca guys!...atalnta ppl

Posted: January 25th, 2008, 3:52 pm
by fieromx3
ah dam april LOL were gunna be at nopi april 5th miami area at moroso motorsports, jupiter.. was thinkin havin the meet either 3rd or 4th.. cant give an EXACT date.. so i guess itd have to be an evein meet as u guys im sure have to work during the day lol.. but it wouldnt be bad to meet up evenin and have supper and what not..

Re: moca guys!...atalnta ppl

Posted: January 25th, 2008, 4:00 pm
by fieromx3
ok i registerd on the moca forums... but i have to go to work for a few hours so ill post it when i get back!

Re: moca guys!...atalnta ppl

Posted: January 29th, 2008, 7:11 pm
by fieromx3
man i registerd days ago but my username on there still hasnt been activated

Re: moca guys!...atalnta ppl

Posted: January 29th, 2008, 8:09 pm
by jaydog5678
Perry has to activate it for you. C'mon Perry.. :)

Re: moca guys!...atalnta ppl

Posted: January 29th, 2008, 11:27 pm
by Mnemonic
it takes him a few days lol... Why we are still doing the activation instead of just having it send and email with a link they have to click on in order for it to activate the account is beyond me, Spammers or not if you gave the majority of actual "moca" peeps the ability to band/delete/band users it wouldn't be a problem.

Re: moca guys!...atlanta ppl

Posted: January 30th, 2008, 10:25 pm
by atlantamx3
Sorry bout that, but did you send me an email asking to be activated? There are instructions on the MOCAforum exactly what to do to be activated. Unless you do that, you will be deleted when i clean out the spammers. I just deleted a bunch of spammers a few days ago so I am sure you were deleted as well.

Let me check...

Okay You got lucky and registered after the big Deletion festival.

You have been activated-- please make a post so I dont accidentally delete you.