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Anyone know this Flower Mound, TX kid?

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 12:47 pm
by blackened
Mods if this needs to move so be it. Sorry in advance. ... af555.html" onclick=";return false;

Yeah, first post here...sorry it's under these terms. In fact, I signed up just to post this. Maybe save a life - idunno.

I figured maybe he was an active member here or somewhere?

Anywho I too (sorta like this kid) remember when I thought this stuff only happened to other ppl. Now this just makes me sad (and careful.)

I don't think he was racing, just going WAY too fast. This was right outside my building last night.

There's an s-curve (w/ about a 10' drop) about 200 yrds before where the skid marks started. From what I can tell, the kid followed the S to the left first and as the road started to drop down (still curving left) the rear came around CCW. He over-corrected for the right curve and the rear came around CW, hopped the curb and hit a tree on the driver side at about a 45 deg angle.

The solid lines that run through where the guys are standing...right-most line is the RF tire. Next line to the left is the LF tire. ... eck/01.jpg" onclick=";return false;

There was glass imbedded in the tree. At this point the car split. ... eck/02.jpg" onclick=";return false;

Front half went to the right of the above tree. There's a CD and a windshield wiper stuck in this little tree. ... eck/12.jpg" onclick=";return false;

To the right of the first big tree is where I guess the kid ended up too. ... eck/11.jpg" onclick=";return false;

The back half (and contents) went to the left of the tree. ... eck/13.jpg" onclick=";return false;

Not sure how the kid went one way and this went the other but this one speaks volumes doesn't it? ... eck/08.jpg

Back-half of the car came to rest here... ... eck/14.jpg" onclick=";return false;

and here... ... eck/15.jpg" onclick=";return false;

There are some grieving parents in Flower Mound today. If you knew him I'm sorry for your loss.

Re: Anyone know this Flower Mound, TX kid?

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 1:28 pm
by Custommx3
My condolances to his family.

Re: Anyone know this Flower Mound, TX kid?

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 3:17 pm
by Selecta
Wow that is pretty messed up....really sad.

Re: Anyone know this Flower Mound, TX kid?

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 4:32 pm
by blackened
I went back out there with the intention of grabbing a few pics of the memorial some of his friends must have set up. I was going to cap off this thread and my attempt at a message. But I walked around the corner into a crowd of about 20 ppl that had gathered. It's cold and drizzly here - kinda fitting for their obvious mood. They are mostly high school kids, just standing around with their heads down. They really can't quit staring at the blood. Others are sifting through pieces of the car and the personal effects that got tossed in the collision. Some are crying. Some are consoling others with "understanding" faces.

Not really knowing what to do since I turned the corner and was noticed, I just stood there leaning up against the wall staring at the blood with them. I know they were wondering who I was and so I kinda wanted to say something - especially to the young men - maybe to the effect of, "this brief thrill the kid was looking for wasn't worth the rest of his life:, or "use this as an expample", or "this is what can happen". I just kept my mouth shut. Still, I hope the lesson isn't lost on them - like it was lost on me when I lost a high-school friend (I still drove like an idiot).

RIP whoever you are kid.

BTW, sorry no pics.

Re: Anyone know this Flower Mound, TX kid?

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 7:56 pm
by umcamara
Well said. :(

Re: Anyone know this Flower Mound, TX kid?

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 10:09 pm
by atlantamx3

Those who are squeamish-- dont click on pic #11.

Pretty sad.

Any idea what color the car was?


Re: Anyone know this Flower Mound, TX kid?

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 10:25 pm
by ElectricEnergy

It really makes you realize how one little mistake can end you. This makes me want to be a lot more careful on the road.... You don't even think about what could happen until after you've done it.

Those images didn't really effect me much until I got to number 11... All of a sudden it sinks in that this kid actually died. His life is over because of one lapse in judgment.